This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

VP Debate

We watched the Vice Presidential debate last night. It was . . . interesting.

We were so engrossed and distracted -- by the political antics of Biden -- that Charles left a boiling pot of water on the stove, until the water evaporated, and the metal began to melt!! (Sorry, Mom! It was a nice pot!) 

Those circles are melted metal. 
  I was so distracted by Biden's weird political-performance, that I totally messed up the scarf I was working on . . . nuts! Thanks a lot, Joe! 
 That pretty much sums up how I felt about the debate . . . it was messy. Very messy.

 However, I thought Ryan did a fantastic job. (Of course I thought that -- I'm voting for Romney!) It was the first time I had really seen him in action. Very nicely done. It was amazing how he handled himself -- calmly and rationally -- while Joe was thrashing around next to him, making rude (and bizarre) faces/noises. You can always count on Joe for a show, that is for sure. It was a strange dynamic between the two of them, but it made it fascinating to watch. 

It will be interesting . . . these next few weeks. 

It may be that I am just a grown-up now, and I care about politics in America . . . but it seems to me there is a lot at stake this time. Perhaps more than ever before. I wonder what will happen come November 7th? I honestly get a little sick in my gut when I think about it. I am not sure why? It is also strange to me that it is so divided down the middle . . . is it really 50% Democrat, 50% Republican? (Give or take a few very important percentages.) Why are we so closely divided as a Nation? It is concerning, to be sure. 

But, come November 7th, we will either have 4 more years of what we have already had -- or we will make history, and have the first Mormon President of the United States. That is huge. It gives me butterflies just considering it. I will be honest . . . I think a Mormon in the White House would be amazing. And those who may fear some strange Mormon take-over, need not worry. We love America, we are very patriotic, we uphold the Constitution, and we believe -- most strongly -- in the freedom of religion, for everyone

I keep hearing that Mitt Romney is "uniquely qualified" for the task at hand. Maybe, maybe not. But I, for one, would like to test that idea, and see what a successful man of business (and a Mormon) can do in the White House, in a time of great economic and moral turmoil. 

Will America give him that chance? We shall see . . . 

Make sure and tune into the Presidential debate next week. It should be a good one! Looking forward to it! However, I think we should skip trying to multi-task -- doing projects and watching politics -- and just focus our attention on one thing at a time. Just look at what happens when you focus on politics instead of projects . . . you get a big mess! The proof is in my mangled scarf, melted metal, and the current economy! 


  1. Bummer about your scarf and pot. First of all, I'm so impressed YOU are knitting. I had no idea that you had that hidden talent. Way to go! I'd love to see some of your final products. Maybe you could knit me a head band for winter (hint, hint!) : )

    I was also impressed w/ the way Ryan held his composure and remained calm while Biden kept interrupting and laughing. This will be an interesting year for voters. I feel the same way as you described about America and the next 4 years. Go Romney!!!!!!



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