This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

Posting From my iPhone

It's been awhile. I have so much to blog about... so much to share and say. I have been without Internet for quite some time, even now I am plunking away awkwardly on my phone. I just want to make sure everyone knows I am well. We are doing well and thoroughly enjoying our new home. It has been a crazy few months with so much activity, excitement, and strange emotions. More than anything I am just so grateful, so very grateful. Oh my, I have so much to share, but I will wait until I can really type and think. I have just a few thoughts tonight that I wanted to share...

"Darkness is cheap, and Scrooge liked it." -Charles Dickens 

I am reading A Christmas Carol, and that thought really stood out to me, and sunk deep into my soul. Darkness is cheap, my friends; do not embrace it. Do not Scroogify your heart with the cheap darkness that will destroy you. Always seek for the light, the Light of Christ. The Light comes with a price -- even a high price -- but it is oh, so, worth it in the end. Do not fall for the cheap tricks of the Adversary, he is the master of making good seem evil, and evil seem good. Cheap, I tell you, cheap. Allow the Light of Christ to fill your soul and you will know what is true and what is right. If you want light in your life, go directly to the Source. His Light -- God's Light -- is available to you always. When your heart is troubled and confused, reach upward towards Heaven for help. 

Three words keep coming to my mind lately: Follow the Prophet.

He knows the way. 

Peace, my friends. Peace, be still.


  1. I so agree with your words in the crazy times that we live in. And hold to the rod!

  2. HI Mari. I've been a reader of your blog since just shortly after Charles' passing. I recently back-read your blogs to learn a bit more of your family's story. So many of your posts have really touched me and made me think, evaluate and make some changes…
    I also learned a little fact I wanted to share with you. (I like making connections between people) On the post where you took photos of yourself dressed similarly to your female ancestors you listed Julia Ellis Hills as an ancestor. She is also my 3rd great grandma, so I can claim you as a cousin! Which of her 16 children are you descended through? I come through Joel Hills Johnson, her oldest child, who wrote hymn #5, High on the Mountain Top. I think some of your musical skill might come through this family. When I went to Nauvoo years ago I got a cd of information about my ancestors and I found out that Julia Hills Johnson had also written music which was used in a Sunday School hymnbook.
    I also wanted to thank you for sharing about indexing daily. I started indexing a few years ago but didn't do much and stopped. After reading your post I updated my software and have done 3 batches since yesterday. I think my timing was off. I no longer have a 1 year old, he's now almost 5 and I have more hands free time.
    Like I shared in a comment a year or so ago, I also had pulmonary embolisms about 3 years ago. It was hard to read about Charles' suffering, but it made me even more thankful that I am still here to raise my 9 children. I don't know why my life was spared, but it was such a wake up call for me to really focus on what's truly important. Like you say, you never know when it will be your last day or your last breath. I want to be sure to not waste my precious mortal time.
    I look forward to more of your writing. Thank you for sharing your heart and testimony. Have a great day!


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