This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

iPhone Update

I don't know what it is? I just can't seem to blog as much as I would like. Back in the day, I used to blog almost daily to record the happenings of life. I made it a habit to write things down, and I am so glad I did, because I recorded some really great memories that would have otherwise been forgotten. (Is anyone else losing their memory as they get older? Seriously, it is getting bad!) I really, really, love to record life though, so here is an attempt to catch up a little with some random things. Of course, this barely scratches the surface of daily life, but it is better than nothing! 

Here is Sammi getting ready for Trek. The kids got to decorate their buckets. Sammi went to town on it...

I went with Sam to get her registered for school. It was a fun time. She also tried out for the Simply Jazz choir, and she made it. She has been very excited about that. We love Jazz around our house. We listen to it daily. I think Sammi's voice is made for it, I look forward to the concerts! 

 A random dinner of cabbage rolls. (There was sauce on it too.)
This is how I prepared for Trek by charging all my batteries. I did not want to run out of batteries halfway! 

I learned how to use Final Cut Pro to create the Trek video... it was pretty fun, and sometimes rather stressful to figure out.  I spent a lot of time in a dark room, with the computer, right after Trek was over. I am glad it is finished.
 Sammi gathered clovers and turned them into hearts.
 A smokey sunset. The fires have been really bad this summer. It is finally clearing out, but it was smokey for so long.
William loves to build LEGOS. He comes up with the coolest creations without using a manual. I love it when he creates using his imagination.
I made crepes. They are "fake" crepes. I used uncooked tortillas (they are usually next to the cheese at the store), fried them in a pan, stuffed them with pudding, and drizzled Nutella & berries. Nutella has worked its way into our home. I had never really had it before -- maybe once -- and now I seem to get it way too often. It is way more yummy than I recall; dangerously yummy.

Oh look... more dessert! It is that time of year when I just feel like baking, and creating. This, my friends, is Pear Crisp. It was the best thing ever. I had tried apple crisp before, but never pears. I had a friend drop off a bunch of pears, and I was unsure of what I should do with them. I then had the brilliant idea to try making them into a crisp. The whole family was just shocked by how incredibly fabulous it was. I am not sure I will ever use apples again! I am afraid I do not have the recipe because I just threw a bunch of stuff together to make the crisp. But I did mix the pears in maple syrup (a very small amount of lite syrup, to avoid a total sugar-crash!), and then put the crisp on top, and I think that made all the difference. It tasted like Autumn goodness.

I do post on Facebook sometimes, and I wrote this on there already:

I found this written in William's folder. I asked him what it meant. He said he was supposed to write down one of his daily goals. The day he wrote it, he had the wind knocked-out of him at recess, and so "breathing air" was the goal he felt was most important. It made me smile, because I, too, have felt like I have had the wind knocked-out of me in every way possible. Sometimes the best thing to do is stop and remember to breathe air. Breathing air is truly a gift that should not be taken for granted.

Henry is my buddy during the day. He wanted me to take a picture of his boat.

It is time for pumpkins... hooray!

My boys participate in Scouting. Daniel almost has his Eagle, and William is at the beginning of the journey. 
The Scouting program can be quite overwhelming to keep up with sometimes. I am grateful for the men and women who have helped my boys on their way. It is such a great program to teach the boys how to be respectful men.
 I like to build blocks with Henry. It can be pretty therapeutic.

This year Daniel is playing the tuba and the trumpet. So far in his band career he has played the french horn, euphonium, and the trumpet. He wants to be versatile, and be able to play all of the brass instruments. It's funny, even though the tuba is the largest instrument, it is the least hard to listen to when he is practicing, because it is just such a low sound. He plays the tuba for concert band (that's what they needed, so he volunteered), and the trumpet for Jazz band. He does a great job.
Daniel started teaching William how to play the trumpet. He was getting out a pretty good sound for a first try. He wants to play the trumpet in 5th grade.
I made a deal with my children, that once the school activities start, they can pretty much do whatever they want (sports, music, etc.), as long as they do not overwhelm themselves, the family resources, or interfere with quality family time. Part of the deal was that they had to wait until 5th grade (when school sports and music begins) before doing any extra curricular activities.

My children have not participated in any extra activities such as: dancing, sports, music lessons, or any of those things outside of what is provided by the schools. Whatever abilities they might have, comes from individual desire, practicing, and being exposed to the arts/sports at home, school, and I would also add, at church. I believe the Primary program does a fantastic job at planting the seeds for the love of music. The Young Men and Young Women programs expose them to a variety of different activities.

Also, our home is a home of music, and so that is what they have been exposed to. We have never really watched sports in our home, not even when Charles was around, he was not a fan. I enjoy playing sports, but not watching them. Anyway... moving on...

So far, my children have all chosen to focus on music over sports. (Sam and Dan both played basketball in elementary school.) I am totally good with the choice of music, because sports abilities can fade with age; but music is something that stays in the soul forever.

Of course, I still have 2 more children who have not reached 5th grade yet, and William and Henry might just prefer to throw a football, or dribble a basketball, or join the chess club, or stay home and knit... who knows? I will support them in whatever they choose.

I just want them to choose things that make them happy. Why focus on talents that make you miserable?
 The sweet friend who brought me pears, brought me a bunch of strawberries... so yummy!
 My home is sprinkled with the smells of the season.
I took Sammi out to see the Meteor shower one night. I love taking Sammi out for some one-on-one girl time. She needs it, and so do I. I am so grateful for her in my life. She is such a positive uplifting soul, and I have needed her sunshine to help brighten my days. She has been a ball of sunshine since she was a baby. 
This is my hair right after Trek. I wore the braids for 3 days, it felt so good to take them out and shower!
Yes, I am still running. And Sammi comes with me sometimes, though we also alternate with some good old-fashioned TaeBo videos. With all the baking going on, it is probably time to up the milage! I mentioned that my children have chosen music over sports, and so they have to get their exercise in at home, or on the trails. It is just part of life. Exercise makes you feel good, not exercising makes you feel blah. I know from experience.

 We got this shirt after watching 7 Brides for 7 Brothers.
I can never remember what I put on Facebook... I don't think I put this here? Anyway, during Trek, my parents, and my niece Katie, came to watch my younger children. It was such a blessing to have them come. I was not worried for one second while I was away from them. We also had a chance to spend some time together. We were able to get to the temple which was really lovely. I love my family, they are so good to me.
School started a few weeks ago. The children are loving it. We had a great summer, full of lots of activity, but I, for one, am ready for this time of year.
 Hooray for Fall!


  1. When we get there in early November, we should go shopping for the new iPhone 7... left handed Dad


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