This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

Living in the Love

It is hard to just be in the moment. Why is that? Why is it so hard to fully appreciate what is happening right now? It feels like there is almost a pull towards the future, to new adventures, and something different than what is in front of me. I am generally a peaceful person. I can focus well enough on a task. But one thing that has often escaped me, is the ability to live fully in the moment, without thinking of the next moment. I am working on soaking in life as it comes. I will always be working on it, because I doubt I will suddenly wake-up one day, with the ability to live in Zen mode. 

But I will never stop trying! 

I do love the moments of my life. I have a good life. Sure, there are some things I would change, but there are a lot of things I would not change. One thing I would not change is how much love I have in my life. I am so blessed to have such a loving family, and friends. The people in my life are precious to me. When it comes down to it, it is that love that is everything to me, and everything else is just details. 

So, maybe therein lies the secret? 

Maybe if I focus more on the love, I will be able to live in the moment more. 


Love is powerful stuff. 

Here are some pictures from the love-moments we have had lately. 

Ahhh... coming home after church. Is there anything better than the moment you come home from church? I love that moment! 
 Henry built this man. He was super excited about it. I love to see what the kiddos create.
Daniel participated in a solo festival. He sang in front of a judge (the high school choir teacher), and then was told how he could improve. He chose to sing the song "Danny Boy." He also dedicated the song to his father, so he sang it as if Charles was singing to him, his Danny Boy. It was very moving. There were many tears shed by the other people in the room. He did awesome, and the only thing the teacher recommended for him to work on, was enunciation in his lower range. (He is a tenor.) The judge said he owned 99% of the song. And he did. Music has been Daniel's way to express his emotions, and so it flows through him in a special way. I am so grateful he has such a powerful outlet for his feelings. 

The high school teacher said something that struck me as profound. He was talking to another student, a very tall boy, who was standing in a hunched-over stance. The teacher said to him, "Fill your space!" He had the boy stand up straight, with his shoulders back, and he told him to be ALL of his height. I just loved the imagery I was seeing. The boy who was once hiding, suddenly looked very confident and sure. And as he tried singing again, his voice changed, because his posture changed. He went from hiding in his space, to filling it, and the difference was huge! 

How true is that for all of us? 

I could write a whole blog post on filling your space. 

Whatever your space is... fill it! Own it. Do not hide! 
For FHE we kept it short and sweet with music. We sang the song "Feed the Birds," and had a discussion about what it means to see the needs of others, and help them when we can. I used to sing this song to Sammi when she was a little baby. Now she can play it on the piano. Love it! 

I have been trying to get to the temple more often. I am so grateful to have a temple so close. While I was there, I was sitting in the Celestial Room, and I said a silent prayer that I might see a familiar face. Just moments after the prayer, my Stake President walked through the doors, and came up to chat with me. I love my Stake President. I told him he was an answer to my prayer. I love the miracles that happen in the temple. 
There were a few days where it was really foggy. I decided to go out for a drive in the fog, to look for the light. I headed towards the direction of the sun, and as I kept driving, I found a break in the darkness! There were places in the thick fog, where the sun would burn brightly, with blue skies overhead. It was the most beautiful thing. Oh, the parables I could write about fog. Did you know there is a thing called Widow's Fog? (Widow's brain fog.) I could write a whole post on that too! 

Sometimes sleep is the only option. I just think children are so cute when they are sleeping. 
Daniel had a junior high Jazz band concert. It was combined with the high school. It was a pretty awesome concert. I was able to go by myself, while Sammi stayed with the boys. It was nice to sit back and relax and enjoy the music! The high school Jazz band was phenomenal! I was really blown away with how good they were! And they played Jazz... my favorite.
We watched the movie Wonder. It is such a fantastic movie. We watched it as a family, and I think every family should watch it, and talk about it. SO GOOD!!
This song. The Fight Song. It was my song a few years ago, as I was preparing for the marathon. I still like it, but I feel like I need a different life theme song now. Hmmmm...
Part of my daily routine is driving the kids to and from schools. Here is Henry waiting with me before he can line-up.
 It was my birthday! I turned 38. Sammi stayed home and made me breakfast, and we got to hang-out.
I had sweet friends bring me lovely things like flowers, cake, and pizza. I also hit the jackpot when it comes to Visiting Teachers. My Visiting Teacher's husband is a professional grade baker, and so I am one lucky girl!
I have a garden in my house from Birthday flowers! I love flowers. I know they die eventually, but I love them while I have them! (There is that living in the moment thing again.)
Sammi has been working on building the set for their upcoming musical. She has been spending her afternoons and Saturdays at the school.
My heart projector was shining on my van. It seemed appropriate, because I really do love my van, and I am so grateful for it. I spend a lot of time in it!
My children can get all the groceries in our house in one trip! I love having them around. Yes, I do all the shopping, but at least I have help when it is time to unload!
I have been dating my children. I took Sammi to see The Greatest Showman. She loved it so much. She leaned over on my shoulder and cried at the end, because it was such a moving show. Any time there is a daddy-daughter scene in a show, she is brought to tears. And rightly so. Sammi sure loves her daddy. 

 I also took William out on a date. I took him for Sushi, and shakes.
 We went to the West Side Drive-in for shakes. I had never been there before. It was a fun place.
 Next time, I want to try this...
Yummy! It is so fun to take the kids out one-on-one. It gives me a chance to connect with them, and they have my undivided attention. William was so cute, he did not want our date to end, so he asked if we could just drive around town for awhile. And so, we did.
 The West Side Drive-In.
I taught a Sunday School lesson about the importance of Eduction, and lifelong learning. During the lesson, I had two students come to the chalkboard to draw. I had them stand there and draw whatever came to their minds, while I asked questions, and the class answered. (I pretty much always let my students teach the class by having them answer questions, and then we discuss.)

It was so funny to see what the final product of our discussion looked like. It may not make sense by looking at it, but if you asked the students who drew the pictures what it meant, it was all very profound and beautiful. Another thing it shows is just how sporadic our discussions are. But I do this on purpose, because teenagers can get bored easily, so I like to keep it interesting for them, and for me, too! If they take away ONE thing of value from the lesson, I would call it a success. I always wrap-up the lessons with my testimony. I sure love my class!
Check out this picture one of my students was drawing during class. He is amazing!

We went for a Sunday night walk with the Harlins. The weather has been so mild and pleasant, it was nice to get out and just walk and talk.
 The sunset was glorious.

It started as an overcast night, and then at the very end, it turned into something beautiful.
 Good friends.
 Good times!
Happy love-filled moments.



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