This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

Sunrise, Sunset

This year will likely be a high-voltage emotional rollercoaster. This is Sammi's Senior year. There will be a lot of new and exciting adventures, as she prepares to embark on whatever comes after high school for her. We have been mulling over some ideas regarding her future plans, and I am sure, as the time draws closer, she will know what she should do. 

Sammi is leaning very strongly towards going on a mission, in which case she might work for a year to earn the money, go on a mission, and then start college. Can you believe how expensive college is nowadays? Just looking at the expenses is very gut-wrenching. It is times like these I really wish Charles were around to have the, "what should we do?" discussions. 

I will do my best to help my children, as they jump into the world of adulthood. I remind my children (and myself) that there is no set way that life has to go after high school. Each child will take a different path, and each individual journey will be different. I will lead them, guide them, walk beside them... but they need to choose their own way. 

Heaven help me to handle it all! 

As the summer winds down, I can feel my anticipation winding up. There is much to do, to prepare for this coming school year for all of the kiddos. I will have two in high school, and two in elementary school. My oldest are very involved in the music programs, and so there will be lots of concerts and musical events to attend. Marching Band begins the moment Daniel gets home from Scout Camp. 

Let the music begin! 

I saw the back-to-school stuff out at the store, and I felt both excited and anxious. I have loved this summer, and the slow-paced days, without too much obligation. But I have to remember that back-to-school time is pretty awesome too. I love it when school is in, Fall is here, and there is the excitement from all the activities of life. We are approaching the holiday season (pumpkins are allowed as decor in September), and I just love Autumn, and pretty much all the fun that lasts until December. So really good things are coming! 

I guess I can let go of summer, for the fabulousness of fall. 

But still, I always feel a little melancholy right before a new school year starts. My babies are all growing up so fast. Each time a new school year starts, I am reminded of how soon some of them will be flying away from home, out into the big world. I am sure there will be a million things I will forget to teach them, but I hope they know the most important things: God loves them, and so do I! I also hope they know that loving others is key to a happy life. If they go out into the world, with the gospel planted in their hearts, that will be the best thing I could have ever given them. 

Now onto pictures from our simple summer days. It may seem like our activities are repetitive from previous blogs, because that is summer for ya, and I love it! 

Watermelon. What a beautiful summer sport. Here is Henry seeing how far he can spit the seeds. 

 I take the kids out in the heat to sweat, and then back home to cool off.
 Good times.
 I took a slow-mo video on my phone of Henry spitting seeds, it was hilarious.
We have been watching old episodes of Full House. The first season was super funny, we all were laughing so hard. I had forgotten how funny and cute the show was. As a kid, I never realized (or cared much) that Danny Tanner was a widower. Now when the violin music plays, during an emotional speech about handling loss, we all end up in tears. But it is also really great, because they handle it really well on the show, and the sadness is overshadowed by love and laughter... just like in our house. Oh, and Sammi has a crush on Uncle Jesse. ;)
We had a summer storm one night, and we had to go chase it. We drove quickly up the hill, to catch some thunder and lightning.
There was even a little rain! It was sort of refreshing, but the temperature didn't drop very much. It has been hovering around 100 for awhile now.
 We stayed on the hill for about an hour, watching the weather and sunset change.

 The sunset was very intense!

 As the sun went down, a rainbow went up!
 The sky was breathtaking! I LOVE storm chasing!
I went to the Orthodontist for more Invisalign trays. I have worn them for years now. My teeth started crowding when I was pregnant years ago, and I had already worn braces when I was a teenager. Apparently teeth have nerve memory, and will shift without a retainer. Anyway, I have only had to wear them at night, and I have been very happy with the results. My Orthodontists is a perfectionists, and wants me to keep going until we correct certain teeth. It is no big deal, except it can be slightly painful when the teeth move. It has been worth it though, my crowding was getting pretty awful. I will have to wear a retainer at night for life. Fun!
 We have been immersing ourselves in books... ;)
 There has been lots of building going on.
 Henry being a Happy Camper.
We are still painting. It is really so therapeutic. There are some times when I am out running, and I will be kind of struggling, and then I imagine myself painting, and I feel better. It is a messy business, but it is FUN!
 Sammi is really so detail-oriented.
I am slowly improving... I don't know how much I can improve without some real lessons. Maybe one day.

These are the two favorites I have done... Tangled and Princess and the Frog. 
 Our walls are filling up!
We had our Sunday School class come over to practice a musical number for church. And there was ice cream too. Because ice cream is yummy.
 I made a little bug family for Henry. They live in our front yard.
 We also chase sunsets.
 Sunrises and sunsets, are some of the most beautiful times of day.

 I love it when the fire in the sky sinks behind the horizon.

One thing I love about Boise, is the cross on the hill. I love that there is a symbol of Jesus, for all to see. We do not use the cross as a symbol in the Mormon religion, because we focus on the reality that Jesus lives. Click HERE for more. But, I know and LOVE that it is a symbol of faith and belief for other religions, and I love that it adorns our hillside as a constant reminder. Even though I do not use it as a symbol for my personal worship, I love that other religions do use it, and I think it is beautiful. I hope it never leaves the hillside!
 The cross lights up at night.
 William likes to paint every-now-and-then.
 Henry had a party with his animals.
I let the kids have some seeds to plant in our garden boxes. I am clueless in the gardening world, but I let them have a go at it. They planted seeds, and so far, the only thing growing are what look like pumpkins? At least I HOPE they are pumpkins! That would make me SO happy!
 Sammi being Sammi.

 The river is refreshing on a hot day.

 The kids just jump right in.
 We are really so lucky to have the river so close.

 Henry wanted to balance rocks on his head.

 We stop after walking/running and get in. It is very refreshing for the feet, though sandy in the shoes when we walk home.
 William is funny, and he does not love to have his picture taken. I have to remind him it is for the sake of history.

Here is Sammi reaching for the sun...

This reminds me of a thought I had during Relief Society a few weeks ago. During the lesson, we were talking about the woman who had an issue of blood, who was healed by Jesus, by reaching out and touching His clothes. She knew if she could just reach out and touch His clothes, she would be healed.

And she was.

I thought on this for awhile. There are many who reach out in faith, hoping to be instantly healed from a plague of weakness, sickness, or grief. But healing does not always happen in one instant. The thought occurred to me that we need to, "Reach for His Robe," on a daily basis. The reaching in faith towards Jesus, needs to occur each and everyday -- perhaps every moment -- when the trial is all-consuming. As we reach for Jesus, we may not have our trial removed, but we can have peace amidst the trial. As we stretch forth our hearts and faith to Him, The Master Healer, there is peace. And peace is the greatest form of healing, no matter the trial.

 I feel close to God when I witness the beauty of nature.

Another "sunrise and sunset" of life is the difference in age between Sammi and Henry. Sammi is on her last year of schooling (senior), and Henry is on his first year of full-time schooling (first grade). The difference between them can sometimes make life interesting, as I try to teach Sammi how to drive a real car, while Henry is still playing with toy cars. It makes motherhood exciting, to say the least. But I would not change it, for anything. 
 I wish I knew how God paints the sky. Perhaps Bob Ross helps Him sometimes. :)

Sammi is preparing for Young Women's camp. She has been working on posters and other things to get ready.


 I love my little Henry.
I am just going to remind myself to be flexible this school year... life happens one day at a time, and I am going to take life in, one day at a time.

I was talking to Sammi about trying out for parts in the school musicals this year. She is hopeful, but also worried about not getting a part. (She really wants one.) I said to Sammi, "Don't be disappointed, before it hasn't happened yet."

We can prepare as best we can for life and events, let go of the worry, and then deal with things when they actually happen. Every moment finding reasons to worry, is a moment of lost peace. Trust me, I know. I could write a book about worrying.

Maybe I will.

May your sunrises and sunsets be blessed. :)



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