This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

Courage to Climb

Life is an interesting journey. Sometimes it can feel like the journey is an uphill struggle, and other times there are moments where life provides beautiful vistas and views that fill the soul with absolute wonder and awe.

Sometimes the beautiful views require a steep climb and the courage to continue forward, despite the intense struggle.

Whether life is going uphill, downhill -- or perhaps it just feels like it is falling flat -- the way to find peace and strength is to thank Heavenly Father for all of it. The entire mountain of life is an incredible gift and blessing! The experiences we have in this life are for our growth and our good, and even when the experiences are not-so-good, they can still be good for us. If we allow God to walk with us on the path that He created, we can have great joy and happiness in this life... no matter the intensity of the climb!

Recently, we have enjoyed hiking around in the foothills. We have gone up and explored the many different paths that are available to travel. Some trails are quite easy and pleasant, and others are more challenging and intense. Sometimes we are able to run freely on flat or rolling hill trails, and other times we can barely walk up the steepness of the dirt and rocky path, without slipping backwards.

We have found one really steep area that I particularly enjoy. It is an intense straight-up path that feels awesome to conquer. I first found out about it on an outing with Sammi. We went on an adventure together, and we found ourselves in some really beautiful areas, that we had never been to before. We found beautiful views that could only be enjoyed after the climb. Since our first discovery of the trail system, we have gone back many times to find new areas to explore and enjoy! It has been wonderful!

Here we are after conquering the climb, enjoying the view! Woo-Hoo!
Oh how I love nature! It is so healing.
We have gone up to the foothills in various different family groups. One morning we went up with me, Sammi, and David. We explored the area and had a really great time.
If you ask Sammi how she feels about Dave she will say, "I love David!"

David has stepped-up in ways with her that have been so wonderful. Sammi often says, "I hope he thinks of me as at least half his daughter." She has needed David in her life right now, as she is in a transition time from high school, to mission preparation. There have been times where we have had some important discussions together, and he has been wise in taking the middle-ground. His counsel and wisdom has been priceless for both Sammi, and me. There is such a beauty in having a companionship with a spouse, to work through challenges together. We have already learned so much from our experiences. And, having David around just makes life sweeter!
I love these cuties! 

We love to stop and enjoy the view. 
I love this man! 
I have taken my other kiddos up the "big climb" too. Daniel left us in his dust as he flew up the steep trail with ease. Even Henry made it to the top and he chattered and talked the whole way up, despite how hard it was. We usually spend a couple of hours just hiking around in the hills. It is such a nice change of pace from running on the pavement!

Here we are taking a break from the heat at the top... Daniel relaxed by doing push-ups. Ha!
William was at Scout Camp for this outing... but we will be taking him up with us tonight.
Keeping up with these boys is really something. Daniel is crazy-strong and Henry just has high-energy to keep going.
This picture does not do the climb justice, but it is on the righthand side of Table Rock. We usually hike around the area and conquer the hill in the middle of our journey and keep going.
We went up at sunset one evening with just me, David, and Henry, and it was gorgeous!
It was such a pleasant evening!
Morning and evening are just such beautiful times of the day!
There were pieces of beauty around every corner.

David was teaching Henry about rocks.
In just a year, Henry will have spent more time with David, than he did with Charles. I would feel more heartbroken about that, except I know that Charles had his hand in bringing David to our family. I am so grateful for the way that David treats my children. I recently read that the "step" in step-dad is for those who step-up to the plate, and fulfill the sacred duty of father.

Oh my goodness... it was so magical on that mountain.
David took all of his children hiking up in the foothills. He is preparing to take some of his boys on a backpacking trip with the Scouts. He spends lots of time loving and nurturing his children. He loves to take them out camping and out on adventures. Our family dynamic might not fit the "ideal" mold, but we are doing our best to raise our children as Heavenly Father wants us to. His children are wonderful and he loves them so much. Our ultimate goal is just to love them all, and help them return to there Heavenly Home.... the rest is just details. I pray that we will have the courage and capacity to continue on the path God has set us upon.

I am so grateful to have this brave man with me on this journey!
Sunset with the man I love.
These are the moments that make life sweet!
I love how free the hills make us feel!
Henry was SO happy running around on the hill! He keeps asking to go back.
I feel so close to God when I am in His creations.
Happy boy!
Henry and David both ran straight up the rock.
I love this picture of Sammi. Her future is as bright as her faith!
The world is yours Sammi!
This girl is such a great example to me. I love her courage. She is SO brave and GLORIOUS! She was given a blessing recently that said, "I bless you to have the gift of coming to know for yourself, personally, without relying on the testimony of others, to gain a true testimony of the Divinity of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ." Sammi is such a wonderful young woman. She is strong and faithful and her relationship with the Lord is so personal. 

I love that we can exercise together. It is such a blessing, and SO much fun! 

David can speak Henry's language.

Oh, how I love my David!
David wanted to take a picture of me taking all the pictures.

I am grateful for the entire mountain of life that I have been blessed to travel. My life has not gone like I thought it would, that is for certain! But it has been incredibly beautiful!

I became a young widow at age 34, with 4 children to raise on my own. Now, at age 39, I am married to a wonderful man, who has gone through a divorce, and he has 5 children. Those stats alone are enough to make the mountain of life seem incredibly steep. But if I have learned anything in life, it is that God will be there, always, as I reach out to Him. I have also learned that He has a plan for my life, and as I trust Him, He will guide me every step of the way back to Him.

I am so grateful for the beautiful views that I have experienced with my family, as I continue on clinging to courage, as I climb towards my Heavenly Father, and our Eternal Home.


  1. What wonderful ways to spend time together! I love every photo with the stories, but I especially like the one near the beginning with Daved, Sammi, and the fluff in the foreground. So sweet! I also love Daniel taking a "break" doing push-ups, crazy.


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