This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

One Year of Kissing

We celebrated our one year of kissing anniversary! A few weeks ago, we went back to the place where the kissing all began. We smooched for the first time on October 11th, 2018, at the Village in Meridian. (Pictured above.) On October 11th, 2019, we went back to take a walk down memory lane, so we could smooch some more. (Pictured below.)

Look how much David has changed?! Crazy!

Before our first kiss, we had been on a few dates, and we talked on the phone, over the course of almost 2 months. It took me a while to warm up to David, and it was just simply weird to try and love and be affectionate with someone new.

David slowly and patiently worked his way into my heart. My first impression of him was that he was a guy who needed some love in his life. I felt he needed to loosen up, and relax. After a few more dates, we both relaxed (I realized I was also super uptight, and on guard), and on our third date, our real personalities began to shine through, and we started to really like each other.

Before that, I had pushed David away multiple times, because I was not ready for serious dating. He continued going to singles activities and dating, while I worked through some of my feelings. One day, while sitting in the temple, I heard the Spirit whisper, "Do not push David away." I had not been able to stop thinking about him, even as I was trying to just let him go. But I was just so afraid to open myself up to someone new.

One day, after I had not talked to David for a few weeks, I decided to just relax and ponder deeply about him, since I could not seem to get him out of my mind. As I thought of David and my feelings about him, I ended up falling asleep. When I woke up, I found a text message from him. He simply wrote that he hoped I was doing okay and that sometimes he just wished he could talk to me. I was shocked that he texted me, since I had pretty much called it all off. But after that text from him -- that came at an inspired moment -- I allowed myself to be open to him. We started talking and dating again.

It was our fourth date. We met at the Boise Temple parking lot, and then I got into his car. We held hands as we drove out towards the Village in Meridian. Just holding his strong hand felt like a piece of Heaven. (It was the second time I had held his hand. We held hands on our third date.) We got to our date location, and David just looked different to me than he had before. He was letting his beard grow out a little, he seemed more relaxed, and he was wearing a down jacket that made him look really attractive. I was also allowing myself to see him.

As we walked through the Village courtyard, the fountain light show was dancing to the music. We found an outdoor couch to sit on to watch it. It was such a magical location. It was slightly chilly, but the air was invigorating. We sat really close to each other, snuggled in to stay warm and cozy. He smelled really good.

It was not my plan to kiss him that night, and he was not planning on it either. But, there was magic in the air. So, as I was snuggled into his fluffy down jacketed chest, I looked up into his beautiful blue eyes, and suddenly, our lips were touching.

Once our lips touched, the whole world seemed to transform.

At first, it felt so wrong to be kissing someone new, but it did not take long for it to feel so right.

It was strange, I did not used to enjoy being overly affectionate in public, but suddenly, with David, I didn't care. We kissed on the outdoor couch right in the middle of a courtyard full of people, and then we got up and slow danced to the music, and kissed some more. It was like the rest of the world was irrelevant, and all I could see and feel was him.

We were both each other's first kiss after experiencing death and divorce. To say we were hungry for physical affection is a total understatement! We were famished, starving, dying, for love and intimacy!

We walked around for a bit, stopping here and there to steal another kiss. And then we got back in the car, to head to a restaurant, and then home. David was so funny, he kept stopping at all the stop signs in the mall parking lot, just so we could kiss. That is when I knew he was my kind of guy. We were making "all the stops along the way," just like the song says to do.

It was a beautiful night of kissing for the first time.

It was the kind of magic I needed, to get me to move forward into a new relationship.

I could not have imagined a more perfect location full of enchantment and music, for our first kiss.

Since that magical night, over a year ago, we haven't stopped kissing.

We never plan to stop making all the stops along the way...



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