This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

Baby Johnathan Pictures

Where have the months gone? I seriously cannot fathom the passage of time, especially when I look back at pictures of Johnathan, and I can see how quickly he has grown! He is about three and a half months old now, and those months have been absolutely bonkers, and so very, very, busy. 

Having a new baby during an entire house remodeling project is not quite ideal. All that "nesting" I did before he was born has been blown out of the water! We are currently living in-between two homes. But, I am flexible. I have lived in all sorts of weird circumstances with my babies. Actually, being displaced and living "on the edge" of chaos feels much more normal to me than feeling secure and settled in a "real" home. 

Having a new baby is so familiar, but it is different now. My body is handling things differently. Not better or worse, just different. (How many times can I write the word "different"?) I am much more acquainted with my body now than I was when I was younger. I know myself, and my flesh. I know this motherhood drill, and I feel much more chill about things than when I had my first child. But still... it is so different! 

One of my favorite things is going out with the baby and David. So many people have stopped us and said, "Oh, what a cute baby! Make sure and enjoy the baby while it lasts... before he grows up and becomes a terrible two... or a teen... or an adult...." 

It is so funny, this interaction actually happens to us often! The conversation gets interesting when we say, "This baby is just one of 10 children. We have all the other kinds of children, too." After that statement, we immediately shift roles to become the experienced-parents teachers, rather than the assumed parents-of-new-baby students. Recently someone said, "Just wait until the baby turns 13!" and we were like, "Yeah, we have 3 of those." 

Good times. 

One of my favorite things about having a baby is that people assume I am younger than I am. And, heck, I will take what I can get, when I can get it! A lady at church recently assumed I was in my 20's until she found out I have an almost 20 year old daughter! (One good thing about wearing masks at church is they hide all the wrinkles.) ;) 

I love being a baby mama again. It is hard work, to be sure. It really is. But I love this new little life that has entered our world, and added such a spirit of love and joy. He is a sweet, lovely boy. He is full of life and smiles. 

I just wanted to put pictures of Johnathan in a blog post... they are in no particular order, because I have no desire to order them particularly. :) 

Here is our sweet little baby, with pictures ranging from birth until now. 

He is sure a blessing in our lives! We all LOVE him! 


  1. Too adorable....I saw a lot of family love!! 😁💕 (Mindy's mom)


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