This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.


Just some images, of some things...

Another big storm blew through Boise . . . the main action was a little to the North of our home, but we could still see it and feel the wind. 
This cloud blew in really fast . . . it was weird to watch the mass of cloud move so quickly. 

It blew over the house and rested on the foothills

It did produce some pretty good rain and apparently there was golf-ball sized hail Downtown. 

It made for a beautiful sunset that evening...

We went to Sammi's back to school night and we came home to find Henry looking like this . . . a girl. 
 A very cute girl, with enough hair for a pony. He is wearing my shirt, with a hair pony in the back??? Weird, Sammi, but creative, I guess? 
 I love how he is holding 3 balls, he loves to throw things -- especially at people. Nursery should be fun. Sorry Nursery leaders, he is baby number 4, I have been neglecting his discipline. :-) 
 I love Henry, he is such a cutie. I love his sweet face. 
 He is turning into a little boy, and not a baby! NOOOOOoooooo!!!!! 
 Here I am helping my sister in Alaska getting set-up to do Family History Indexing. (Over the phone.) It was fun! And it is so easy once you get going. Right, Kary? 
I am not an early morning person, but now, I have to be. I made this sign that I placed on my car dash to remind me to wake-up and SHINE. Each day is a new day, full of hope and possibility. Each day is a gift from God that we need to be grateful for. We are told to not only "Arise" but "Shine Forth". My hope is that I can find some way to "Shine" each and everyday of my life. And to shine is WAY different than to "show-off". Ask yourself, "How can I share my sparkle with others today?" You don't have to look far, husbands, children, neighbors . . . they would love for you to SHINE!!! :-) (Some days are easier/harder than others, to be sure!) But there are small and simple ways to "Scatter Sunshine". And it seems to me that being deliberate about it, and TRYING to shine forth, makes all the difference! 

 Just a view from my jog today . . . I love it here! 
 The days are PERFECT now! I LOVE IT!!! 



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