This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.


Life is made up of small moments. It is these small moments I try to appreciate more and more, especially as my children refuse to stop growing and aging. I try to tell them to cut-it-out, but they don't listen; forward they keep marching, to adulthood. I find I am a little more hesitant to let them grow-and-go then I thought I would be. But time stands still for no one; my family is no exception to that frustrating rule. So, forward we must go... to the unknown of the future. 

Meanwhile, as the future unravels, I try and live in the present, in the moment. Isn't that what life is? A bunch of small moments woven together, into a beautiful masterpiece of living and breathing? 

Here are some of our recent living and breathing moments... 

Zoie often steal the show around our house. She demands attention, and we give it to her. 
I have had a goal to go to the temple more often, even weekly if possible. I go for myself, and I also take my children. Daniel and I went and had a great time. The whole day was grey and dreary, and as we pulled into the temple parking lot, the sun burst forth from the clouds, and sunshine won the sky! It was truly amazing, and so timely, it could not have been a coincidence.
 Seriously, this same sky was covered in thick clouds the whole day!
 I am so grateful to be able to take my children to the temple.
Then after the temple, we looked outside and it was hailing, and once again we stepped outside and the sun burst forth, and then out came a rainbow... I know it was no coincidence.

 It was a really special evening in and out of the temple.

So, I still have been suffering the effects of the EBV and CMV viruses in my body. I will write more about it later in detail, but I am doing whatever I can to heal. I started using my juicer again using power foods to help strengthen my immune system. I have even juiced fresh ginger and turmeric into my morning mix. As far as I know, there is not much I can do to make the virus go away faster, but I do feel like I can maybe heal in other ways, and do whatever I can do to strengthen my defenses. It actually tastes good. I eat veggies too, the juice is like bonus for my guts. Needs must, you know?

Playing with hair. 
We are all trying to soak in as much Vitamin D as possible! The lack of sun this year has been insane! I think it has really been felt by everyone.

Here is Henry just doing what it takes to get some attention around here... 
He made a mountain to sleep on 

There was one night Sam and Dan were talking about Stake dances, which Daniel can go to starting this month. Sammi was telling him the do's and don'ts of dancing. 
It was cracking me up. Too bad Daniel looks like he is 18, not 14. It is a family curse, we have always looked more mature than we are. At age 37, I finally feel and look my age. People treat Daniel like he is way older than he is all the time. Hopefully the older ladies will leave him alone at the dances. ;)
 I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream... 
Keep your hands to yourself children. We were actually discussing the things that are acceptable when dating begins at 16 for Sammi. (Dating means she can group date -- not single date one boy, or have a serious relationship with just one guy. Dating is meant to be fun, not fraught with drama!)  We decided some "ok things" are linking arms when walking, and the boy can kiss her hand like a sweet Mr. Darcy move, when parting from the date. I think maybe we should make a video about this one... about the things they can do. I want them to be empowered about what they can do when dating, not just always worrying about what they can't do. Dating should be fun and guilt-free! Oh, and boys should always wear their Scout shirt on a date. Te, He.
This is an appropriate hug. ;) There should always be at least a 4 year old in-between the couple. Oh, these dating days will be FUN!!!! Good thing Charles isn't here for Sammi's sake. He would have her locked up in a tower somewhere brushing her hair, reading books, playing puzzles, and darts, and baking. Hmmmm... maybe that's not such a bad idea...
 Henry loves playing with cars
 Spring flowers are out and lovely

 More cars...
Daniel performed the National Anthem at a Basketball game. He was the only boy. It was one of those moments where we had to drive across town in rush hour traffic, we barely made it on time, and then they sang a 1 minute song, and we turned around and went back home in rush hour traffic. Good times.
A beautiful sunrise. Zoie is so kind to always make sure I am up early enough, way before the crack of dawn.
 Easter... I found these at the dollar store and could not resist. I know, I am losing it. But come on... you know it is cute.

 Yep, you better believe it! An Easter tree! Hooray! It's official, I am turning into my grandma!
This dog... she is changing us. 

I tried eating salmon. I hate fish. I can't stand it. I know, I'm from Alaska, I should love it... we ate it all the time. Alaska has the best fish in the world. But one time I was eating salmon, I almost choked on a bone, and I dunno, fish just makes me want to gag. Daniel cooked it, he did a good job. I ate it, like I had to force it down, but man it was rough. I do love tuna fish though... what is up with that? I have no idea. Weird. 

Maybe I should try juicing salmon? Double-Gag.  
I got some tiki lamps for mood lightning in the backyard. I have only used them once so far since the weather has not been cooperating. Summer is coming though, hopefully it brings more sunshine and warm nights. This year, so far, has been weather-bonkers.

 Cuteness. And Zoie is pretty cute, too.
 It drives Zoie nuts when Henry jumps on the trampoline, like she loses her mind.
I made the best pumpkin cookies ever, but I made them from scratch without a recipe... I wonder if I can repeat it? Oh man, even the kids agreed they were something special. I know, I know, it is not pumpkin time in the normal world; but I do not live in reality, so I'm good to bake pumpkin anytime.
 Pure joy.

 She loves us, so much.
Zoie playing with her friend, Sadie. She is also trying to do a Dumbo-move, flapping her ears for take-off.
 We found an old boat in the garage and William wanted to paint it.
 So much rain!
I found the slats from my old bunkbed, when Charles and I were crazy, and we lived in a 2 bedroom house with 6 people. You can view that post HERE and HERE. I decided now is a good time to have it hung on the wall in my bedroom. These quotes are perfect for me. I have a few more empty slats for more quotes...
Sammi and Daniel saw the new Beauty and the Beast movie. She gave it 2 thumbs up -- she LOVED it! So did Daniel.
 She wore her Belle socks.
Beauty and the Beast... a very cute Beast, but beastly for sure. The dog-trainer is coming this week to help Zoie become the princess she was meant to be. She really is doing great, but we all have much to learn. For me I just need to learn patience; perhaps my greatest weakness.
 It snowed on the hills. Weird.
The temple tulips are so beautiful! I am so happy to be going again more often. I just let it slip from my life and it was a big mistake. I am making an effort to invite as much light into my life as possible, and I cannot think of a better way to receive light, than to go to the temple.
 I am in love with spring blossoms
 I got these new path lights from Costco, I love the light they produce, so cool!
I never, ever, thought I would allow a dog on my couch... I mean, really? What has happened to my life?
 Zoie loves chasing bubbles.
 My brother's family came to visit... and Zoie is trying to fly away again.
 They stayed for a few days over Conference weekend.
 Scootie loves Daniel
 One day, chances are, Scootie will be even taller than Dan!
William and my brother John. John is my baby brother. We are tight, like Sammi and Daniel are tight.
 Mindy and Sammi... a couple of cuties.
 Sammi's face says it all. She was the only girl with 7 boys.

Dan and Cute baby. Cute baby's real name is Charles Richard, named after our Charles. 
 Johnny entertaining himself.
We pulled out old videos from our childhood. We found Saturday's Warrior from when John played Wally Kestler. It was hilarious.
Here he is with my friend Emily... man it was a good show! Why do we not do these kind of shows anymore? The big production days seem to be gone... so sad!
 We gathered to watch General Conference together.

 We went for a walk in between sessions. Doing the family cheer after prayers.
 Sammi and the boys.
 Hanging out at the park.
 Henry is my buddy, always traveling with me wherever I go. He is a really good sport about it.
 A beautiful walk...

When the sun comes out, so do we! 
 Hooray for sunshine and feeling alive!
 A boy and his dog.
 Sammi wanted a ride.
 William being a moose.
Henry has been talking about daddy a lot more lately. He had the two picture of Charles and Jesus and talked about their similarities, and how much he loves them. He keeps saying he wishes daddy would come home. Oh, how we all feel that way! He is not quite sure where daddy is. We tell him he is with Jesus in Heaven, but then he just says, "I want Jesus to come back home, too." And I think to myself, "You and me both, kid!"
 Check out the flooding now... the river is going CRAzy!
We have not been able to go on our favorite trails this year for Spring walks. It has just not been normal... but such is life.
These are the days of our lives.


  1. Mary, I still come here to read your blogs and they still uplift, inspire, and make me smile... I just don't type often. I love to learn how life is going for you and your family. Your testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is alive in every thread of your life! I just love the life you Choose to lead. You all are super people!

  2. It was recently announced that my temple, the Washington DC temple, is going to close next year for two years for renovations. Our next closest temple in Philadelphia is about 4 hours away on a good traffic day. I don't know what I'm going to do to not have the ability to attend the temple whenever I feel the need. It will be a difficult two years!

  3. Good to see your happy family living it up! I love the dance and dating lessons from Sam to Dan. Good times to come.
    I love that you hung up the bunk bed slats. Very artistic and I'm sure just the positive messages you need to keep clinging.
    Great to see John and Mindy playing w/ your family. Nice teeth John...is that Invisalign? ; )
    Spring looks so beautiful there. Enjoy the new life that comes with every new bloom.

    Love you,


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