This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

My Other Therapist

I missed my therapy session today. My guts have been feeling a little weird lately (I will leave out the details), so I did not get to go. Bummer. I was looking forward to therapy... I think? I was ready to go and unleash some pent up things; but instead I got to stay home and "unleash" in an even less pleasant way. TMI? I'll stop there.

I was feeling rather disappointed that I did not make it. I was ready to talk about Charles today. I felt the need to talk out some things.

So, I made a phone call to my other therapist.

Her name is Kary.

She is my sister.

I love to talk to Kary. She is my older sister by 12 years, and so she is like another mother. She knows me well, and has for my entire life. She used to wipe my bum when I was little. That makes us close.

Kary has been through some tough stuff in her life. She went through an extremely challenging time when dealing with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome for years, so she understands the pain of viral fatigue, and the anxiety that goes along with it. So when I complain to her, I know she really, really, gets it. She used to call me when she was in the middle of her violent fatigue battle, and it is amazing how far it knocked her down. She went from high-energy elementary school gym teacher, to barely being able to get out of bed.

She is an overcomer, and she is such a great example to me. She is one inspiring woman! She went from the depths of her illness, to now, where she is serving as the Stake Relief Society President, and she is one busy and active bee. She runs marathons yearly, and is stronger than she has ever been.

She also struggled with infertility for 16 years, so she knows the pain of loss, and not having the righteous desire of her heart. I would like her to write a post here sometime to describe her experiences. Her story is one of inspiration and hope!

Kary was there by my side when I ran my marathon. She flew all the way down from Alaska to stay by my side the whole time, even though I was so much slower than her well-trained legs could go. She never left me. That was so hard for me, you know? Allowing someone to stay by my side, when I was holding them back. I had to harness all of my humility to handle that. I do not like needing help, or holding anyone back.

I would have quit without her. At mile 14, when I hit the wall... I would have been toast. She reminded me that I could do it, that my family was waiting at mile 21, and I just had to keep moving forward. Despite my pain, I followed her lead, and I did not quit, even though I felt like dying. We both made it to the finish line together. I finished the race because of her help.

Our conversation today on the phone was much needed. Kary is in a church leadership position, and so she is in fiery-testimony mode. She was throwing out tools and guidance left and right, and encouraging me the whole time, reminding me that there is hope and happiness ahead, so I should keep holding on to that hope. She bore her testimony of healing and the Savior like it was something she declares on a daily basis. She has lived it, she knows it, and she now testifies with a power that cannot be denied. It is awesome to see how far she has come with Jesus by her side. Knowing she made it through her fire, gives me hope I will make it through mine.

I am grateful I have access to professional help. I am also grateful that I have help from those that I love. It is not always easy for me to reach out and say I need to talk; but it is always easy for me to reach out to Kary, because of all we have been through together.

I am so grateful for my other therapist, my friend, my sister.

She did not even require a copay.

Here we are running the Provo canyon hills. 

We are meant to reach out and lift our sisters up -- not just our blood-relatives -- but all of our sisters who are in need of help, to make it across that finish line. No one should ever be alone. We women need each other, and I am just now realizing how much of a need sisterhood really is. I am so grateful for all the wonderful sisters that I am surrounded by, who lift me up, and help me to keep going when the journey gets hard.

Keep moving forward!


  1. As I read your post I thought "someday when your children are adults they will read these inspiring words and be able gain strength from them. You can make it through this wall

  2. you are so amazing and you have always inspired me. I miss you so much! I hope you had an amazing mothers day!


  3. I love you Mari. I'm grateful to be your older sister. Getting even older this week...yikes!

    Remember this ....
    I know the Lord's promises are true:"be patient in affliction and I will give you success."

    Thank you for your kind words about me. It was so sweet.

    Press on gently.

    Lots of love,

  4. Absolutely love your sister! What a great therapist you have to turn to anytime! You are one strong women, it must run in the family. Keep pressing forward! I truly admire your strength and love reading your posts.


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