This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

Making Life More Magical

I have been changing some things at home. My room -- my poor, pathetic, room -- was once a place of clothes and chaos. My room was a sad and dreary cave, covered in laundry, and other confusing collections of random who-knows-what. 

I have really felt that my room should be the one area of the house that is my personal, peaceful, space. I was done with my personal space being a mountain of clothes. I mean, how does climbing over a mountain of mangled material make me feel peace? 

It doesn't

At all. 

So, one day, a few weeks ago, I decided it was time to reclaim my room as my own. I decided it was time to make my room a cozy and comforting sanctuary, just for me. I needed a place I could go to relax, but even more than that -- I needed a place where I could feel the spirit and receive inspiration and personal revelation. Often I am running to-and-fro, in the car, and all around; but sometimes, I need to slow down and recharge my mommy-batteries by having moments of my own, where I can breathe and just be. 

The changes have made a world of difference for me, especially mentally. I love to walk in my room and enter a place that feels peaceful and inviting. It is cozy at night, and so comfortable to relax at the end of the day. I just love it. And I am so grateful to have a place of peace in my home. 

And during the day, my room is full of light, and even rainbows! Because of the placement of the mirror in my room, as the sun comes up in the morning, rainbows dance on the wall. How awesome is that? The sun also shines right on my Willow Tree collection that are gifts from kind and loving friends and family.

 Rainbows on the floor...

The sun creates magical moments, as it dances across the figurines. 

So, I received this plaque in the mail, and I did not know who it was from. Come to find out, it was my dad who sent it. He just did it without my mom knowing about it. (Thanks, Dad!) I love it, it is so special, it now hangs in my room. I love the phrase, "Fight for Happiness." It is a battle sometimes to live in a state of happiness, but it is worth the fight. Never give up the fight! 
We have been going out on Halloween walks. We have been going to the really fancy and old neighborhoods that really go to town on decorations. I love walking outside in the dark... it might be one of my favorite thing to do.

The colors are still hanging in there... but only for a little longer. It is fixing to snow here, possibly this week. Yikes!
 The colors have been so vibrant.
 We live in a beautiful world.

 I just love to see the Autumn in all its glory.
 More nighttime Halloween walking.
 There is an old neighborhood downtown that really has fun displays.

And the houses... oh man, one day... I at least want to go and walk inside these homes and see how they are decorated. 

 The kids were loving every minute.
 Harrison Boulevard is the place to go!

I got this email from one of Daniel's teachers... it was a pleasant surprise. The conversation she is speaking of was about death. Someone asked a question about death in class, and, well, Daniel had some things to say about it. Daniel really is a deep thinker, and he often surprises me with his answers to questions.

As you know, I have been looking for daily rainbows, and I have been finding them everywhere. (Seek and ye shall find.) Sometimes the rainbows come in strange ways, and in strange places. The other day I noticed that there were rainbows on the wall, and I got so excited about it. As I looked to discover where they were coming from, I noticed they were coming from the "bling" on my bootie. Yep, that's right, my bum was making rainbows! I was giddy with laughter as I shared my cool rainbow-bootie trick with my kids. I mean, how fantastic is that?! You know, my goal is to sparkle again, and well, I have to start somewhere. I might as well start at the bottom, and work my way up.

My bootie rainbow-makers.

We went for a hike up to Table Rock with our friends the Harlins. It was a really beautiful Fall day, and the weather was perfect.
 The little ones did a great job with the climb.
 Such a nice view of the Valley below.
 Walking to the Cross.
 These boys have known each other their whole lives.
I am still refraining from sugar. And you know what? It is not hard this time. I felt so gross in my head before, and I feel a HUGE difference from not eating it. So it really is not as enticing as it once was. It has been almost 2 months. It is not that it isn't tempting... because it is. But I just ask myself if I really want the headache and fuzzy brain that follows the surge of sugar. And I really don't want to feel that way again. No, thank you. I will stick to my 85-100% Cacoa as a treat. I am not gonna lie though... of all the sugar temptations, walking past this was one of the hardest. The Pumpkin Zone. Yikes. I do hope to one day be able to master moderation, and enjoy a treat here and there from time to time, but I am not there yet.
And things still show up at my house... and I resist the temptation.
 I had to frost these cookies for a class party, and let me tell you, it took self-control.

I randomly walked past this shirt at the store, and I would have got it, but it was in the child's section. I love the message though!
I bought my Halloween candy to pass out, and again... my self-control will be tested. But I am tired of the ridiculous weight gain during the holiday season, and then having to work it off for a year later.  My brother and I agree (he is my daily fitness guru and support), that will not be us. #NotThisYear!

 It was pumpkin carving time.

Henry was loving it. 
 It was nice for it to be warm enough to take the party outside.
 William loved the squishiness.
 And Henry did too.
 Henry drew this face on the pumpkin and I carved it for him.
 He was cheesed about it!
 Daniel did Jack Skellington.
 And so did I, in a different form.
 So fun! William created his own awesome pumpkin face. I love it!
 Sammi did not want to be in the picture.

 I told the boys to do, "the smolder."
 The smolder, Henry style.
 The finished products.
 It was great fun. Sammi made a cute pumpkin face too... and she was willing to show her face from under the blanket.
 I love my children.
 Just being us.

We love to read A Halloween Story after carving pumpkins. It is a cute story from an old Primary story book.

Here is the whole story...

We bought an actual pumpkin carving kit, you know, with the right tools, and it made the process so much more enjoyable! Normally we have just used knives, and that was pretty lame. I will never go back to knives again! The pumpkin kit tools were too good!
 We went for a nighttime run as a family.
 We each took glow sticks so people could see us in the dark.
 We also ran into this guy, who is pretty scary in the dark. He talks, and the dialogue is so funny.
Life is as magical as you make it. I have learned that magic is created -- it takes effort to make magical moments.

Go and make some magic today!



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