This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

The Christmas Miracle Mystery

It was the day before Christmas Eve. There was a fresh excitement in the air, as the magic of Christmas began to settle on our home. Everyone was running around finishing up last minute preparations and details, for the long awaited day of magic. For us, Christmas really is magical. Ever since Charles passed away, I have tried really hard to keep the magic alive for the sake of my family.

I believe in the magic.

This year was the fourth year of celebrating Christmas without Charles. The first year, we were well looked after, the generosity of others was so overwhelming. We were showered with love, and blanketed with gifts. But with time, the extra gifts and deliveries to our widowed and fatherless family stopped. This is not a complaint, just an acknowledgment of a reality.

But this year, someone remembered us.

I received a phone call from a music store. I was told by the nice lady on the phone that there was a delivery for my family. She asked if I would be home to accept the delivery. I told her I would be home. I asked her where the delivery was coming from, and she said it was an anonymous gift. My brain started racing, as I tried to guess what could possibly be coming in the form of truck delivery, from a music store.

A few hours later, the truck pulled up to our home.

With a brand new piano!

The store delivery guys rolled the piano up our steep driveway, and into our living room. I was speechless. Completely and totally shocked. I kept asking who the piano could possibly be from. The delivery guys wouldn't give me any hints, at all. I just kept staring at this brand new, shiny, beautiful instrument that adorned our living room, and my belief in the reality of Santa was rekindled.

Who else could it possibly be from?

It was just me and the boys home at the time of delivery. Sammi was out with a friend. Sammi is the one who can really play the piano in our family. When she walked in the front door and saw the brand new piano, she freaked out on the outside, the way I was feeling on the inside. She shrieked with pure elation and joy. I have never seen her so freely happy and excited in my life. She was so happy she was crying. She lost all inhibition and jumped around the room, like a child on Christmas morning.

Let me tell you a short backstory.

Many years ago, when Sammi was just a little girl, we were at a music store. We were walking around the piano section, and Charles told Sammi that one day he would buy her a fancy piano for her to play. I laughed at the thought of spending so much money on something like a new piano. It was sweet of Charles to want to get her something so nice, but in my mind, I put the promise away in the "it's never gonna happen" compartment.

Fast forward to the day before Christmas Eve, when the truck pulled up to our home from the same exact music store, where we looked at those fancy pianos. The piano came from the store where Charles made his promise to Sammi. When Sammi walked through the door, all she could think of was how daddy had kept his promise. She just knew it had to be from him. In a way, it is from him. It would not have been gifted to us without him.

A piano sent from Heaven.

I do not know who this miracle gift is from. It is a mystery. It is a beautiful, glorious, mystery!

I want you to know, whoever you are, that you made Christmas so much more than magic this year. You were inspired beyond what was intended. Your generosity is beyond my comprehension. You provided joy beyond measure, and you helped Charles keep his promise. And I know he is equally as grateful to you, for making that possible.

My promise to you, my anonymous friend, is that our family will love and cherish this magical Christmas piano, forever.

Thank you is not enough. But it is all I have.

Thank you. 


  1. That is amazing! This brought tears to my eyes ❤️

  2. What a wonderful Christmas miracle, something your family will cherish forever! Also brought tears to my eyes.

  3. what a true christmas miracle! this story belongs in a book or a magazine! (a childrens' book?) i too believe that charles played a part in this piano coming to your home. how refreshing to know that someone would do this without praise or acknowledgment! So incredibly generous!! xo
    ps I think you are so AMAZING and pretty darn near perfect!!

  4. What a wonderful gift, with so much meaning!


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