This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

Education Under the Stars

There is something special about sitting underneath the summer stars. The cool nighttime air, combined with glistening spots of light dancing in the shadowed sky, seem to be the right environment for deep thought, and even deeper conversations.

I like to go out at night and sit in my front yard. We have a wide open view of the sky. I love to take off my shoes, and run my feet through the coolness of the grass, while I stare up at the Heavens. I take a blanket with me, and I am able to fully relax and ponder, as I contemplate the Cosmos.

Sometimes I even see a shooting star, or two!

Sammi will often come outside, with a blanket in hand, and join me. The other night she sat by me, and as we began to talk, the conversation of physical intimacy in marriage came up. (We have been watching a lot of Doris Day movies that have prompted questions. The old movies are a lot more suggestive than I remember!?)

I talk about all sorts of things -- often and openly -- with my family, but this time the conversation was a little more deep and detailed. Sammi is no longer a child, and her questions are no longer childlike.

One thing we talked about, were the challenges that can be present during sexual intimacy, in the first year of marriage. I did not give her too many details, but I gave her quite a bit of information. My emphasis was mostly on how beautiful that relationship can be, and that it is something to look forward to, but it is not always smooth sailing. We discussed a lot of things, but the details of our discussion, are best left under the stars.

Sammi seemed grateful for the openness of our conversation, it was not awkward, or weird, at all. But then again, this is Sammi we are talking about; I talk with her about pretty much everything.

During this particular conversation, I did feel a little twinge (a big twinge) of longing for the life I once had with Charles. I certainly did not plan on having that kind of intimacy ripped from my life, at such a young age. I will not talk much about it here, it is not the place. But, yes, I miss that part of life and love, as you can imagine.

Intimacy in marriage -- and not just physical intimacy -- is, truly, a beautiful thing.

I think as children get older, they should be educated more and more on sexual intimacy, and not left in the dark about such things. The "birds and the bees" conversation should not just be a one time thing brought up in health class in elementary school, and then never talked about again. The more information that children get from parents -- rather than other questionable sources -- the better off they can be. Children feel more empowered knowing real information, from a reliable source. (Whether or not I am a reliable source on the topic, might be questionable.)  ;)

Our conversation was in a comfortable, no-stress environment. It made the experience beautiful, instead of brutal. I am sure there are many more such conversations to come with her, and my boys too. I talk just as openly with the boys.

I asked Sammi, just now, what she thought of our conversation. She said with a sarcastic giggle:

"It was educational."

What can I say?

You can learn a lot under the stars.


  1. I've been re-reading this book to highlight and give to my sister-in-law to read while she is engaged and preparing for this part of marriage. It is really good and has several sections that highlight how to teach your children about intimacy in marriage. I recommend it to all LDS people who are engaged. My Dating and Courtship teacher at BYU-I recommended it to us, and it is written by an LDS author. Just thought I'd pass along a great resource! <3



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