This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

The End and The Beginning

School is out, and summer has begun here in Idaho. We have wrapped-up the end of the school year, and now we are living life summer-style. There is a little bit more freedom to our days, and less school year commotion. I love summer, because I am able to decompress my mind and body from the more rigid schedules. I love having my children home, even when they emotionally (and physically) collide with each other sometimes. Somehow I feel a desire to be more creative in the summer, perhaps it is the mental space created without accountability to structure and schedules. Whatever the case, I will soak it up while I can! (The picture above is from the last day of school.) 

I am sure I have a lot on my mind, and plenty to write about, but for now, let's just do a quick recap with pictures. I am currently staring at the screen, with one eye half-shut from a bug bite on my eyelid. But, I felt like I better update my blog, before I get too backed-up with pictures. 

So, here we go...

The end of the school year was filled with concerts and programs. Henry had to come along with me to various places, and he was a really good sport about it, most of the time. It is not easy being the youngest, and being dragged around wherever Mom needs to go. 
Daniel had a 9th grade awards assembly. I was sent an invitation, but we did not know ahead of time what awards he would be getting. He ended up getting the Top Honor student for both Choir and Band. It was a pretty awesome moment for him, and I was holding back tears as a proud mama. Sure, I help him from time to time, but really, he earned the awards through his hard work and dedication to music. I have never had to tell my children to practice their music, in fact, most of the time I have to ask them kindly to please stop! Daniel also got an award for ASB (student council) and Honor Society. One thing I noticed at the assembly was how many of the Honor Society students were also in a music program. Coincidence? Hmmmm...?? Music is good for the brain.

He was known as the "Choir Dad." I find it interesting that he would want to fulfill that role for others, perhaps because of his personal experiences.
William's class had a parent party at the school. He had such an awesome teacher this year. She went over-the-top, and was amazing. She kept things moving and interesting, a perfect fit for William.
She made awards for everyone in the class. William got "The Practical One." She said he is always very matter-of-fact and logic-minded. And it is true. I sure love my William!
Henry came home with some prizes from school.
We had thunderstorms almost every night, for a few weeks. It was SO amazing! Of course I would hop in the car and chase them, with whoever wanted to come.
Random cup tower.
Sometimes our Saturday mornings look like this... a pile of stuffed animals and Disneyland videos.
Looks like a crazy party! Ha! The best part of tower building is knocking it down.
My storm-chasing partner.
It would rain buckets and buckets!
There were also a lot of rainbows!
These flowers smell so yummy.
This storm night was the most intense one. We were driving around in the dark with bolts crashing all around us. I just feel so alive when I am in the middle of a storm.
It lasted for a long time, so we went back home and just opened our garage and watched from there.
Gathering for the storm-show.
We have been going out on the trails. Henry said to me, "Mom, hold my hand, so I don't run away."
A deer friend.
We sometimes journey up the hill.
Beautiful flowers along the way.
Sam and Henry were dancing up the hill.
We found a cactus plant.
Speaking of prickly things... here was the total to get a new replacement retainer for Sammi. Ouch!
The smile is worth it though. Here she is leaving for one of many choir performances. The end of the school year can get pretty crazy with music programs.
I was sitting under my magic bush when she got back from singing for Graduation.
A random morning sky. I was waiting in the car while Sammi and Daniel sang for the choir teacher, Mr. Scott, at the junior high. He is no longer teaching choir next year, and so they went and sang the song "For Good," (from Wicked). They wanted to say "thank you" for all he had done for them, and they were not sure what to do. I recommended they sing for him. I know I would love it if someone sang for me to say thank you! They went in during Daniel's final choir class period, and sang for him, they said he was crying. I know I was crying when they were practicing at home. That song is powerful, and Mr. Scott has been such a huge influence for good for my children, and I am grateful.

Here is an old picture of Sammi and Daniel with Mr. Scott, from over a year ago. He is one of those "Father Figures" in their lives.

Sammi and Daniel got out early from school, so they came with me to get Henry.
William helped me with a little project. He was happy to use power tools.
The end result. 

William likes to ride his bike, and he is pretty independent. He has started going to Scouts on the same night as the other kids, and that makes things much nicer.
When school got out, this is how we all felt. Totally exhausted! Sammi had a crazy year. Junior year is the time when you are really preparing for college, and after school life. She had to take all the big tests, and life was just very full for her.
More storms! 

Henry making a smiley face.
He is so cute when he is asleep.
Henry had Kindergarten graduation. He was cracking me up during their performance. He would dance when no one else was, and not dance when he was suppose to. He moves to the beat of his own drum, that is for sure. It was totally adorable to me, and I sure teared-up during the program. He is my last little one, and he is growing up too fast!
Henry and his friend Kellen.
This is what the floor looked like in Daniel's room.

I bought William a trombone. He wanted to get one so bad, and practice over the summer, but they were out at the school. He was previously playing the trumpet, but he wanted a change. He was so bummed about not getting the trombone from the school. He had been so hopeful and excited about it, it was all he talked about, and he could not sleep the night before he was going to get it. When he got home from school, after not getting the instrument he hoped for, he went and cried on the couch.

William sometimes gets the short end of the stick as a third child. My mother-heart crumbled for him, and so I went on Amazon and ordered him a trombone (a very basic school-grade one), as he was laying on the couch in tears. After the order was complete, I had him come and look at the computer screen to see his new instrument. He was in shock (in a good way), he wiped away the tears, and he immediately jumped for joy, and said I was, "the best Mom ever!" (Yep, sometimes I buy my children's love. He, he.) He was super excited when it was sitting in a box on the porch, on the last day of school. I am not normally so quick to wipe my children's tears with an Amazon purchase, but in this case, it was the right thing to do, and I did not think twice about it. And guess what? William is excited about music! How can I not encourage that? When Daniel was playing on his trumpet, and William on the trombone, I did question my sanity for a moment. But look at that smile. :)
An Emoji-Head William.
Henry still finds his way into my bed.
Daniel has a time at night when he is just done. He will be having fun and then boom! He is asleep.
Sammi likes to hangout on the roof sometimes.

We watched the "Be One" concert with my parents. It was the second time for us, we also watched it with our friends, the Harlins. It was the most amazing event, and it is a MUST SEE! Please click HERE to watch it. My parents were in tears through most of it, and so was I when I watched it with them. I could write so much more, and maybe I will later. But my heart was so full with love and truth. The power of music is SO amazing, and I was reminded of that while watching the program.

We also watched the special Worldwide Youth Devotional, where the Prophet and his wife, Wendy, spoke to the Youth of the world. I was extremely interested for my family, and my children, and also for the youth that I teach at church. (I have the 16-17 year old Sunday School class.) I felt the Spirit so powerfully, and I absolutely love the pace at which the hastening of the work is taking place. In my opinion, the Second Coming of the Savior cannot come soon enough! When Jesus returns, Charles will also return to us, and, oh, how I look forward to that day!

This was the invitation to the event sent to my email. We all have a personal role to play in preparing the world, for the Second Coming of Jesus. I continue to pray and seek what God would have me do to help, especially in raising His children.

This is also a MUST watch! Please click HERE

"My dear young brothers and sisters, you are among the best the Lord has ever sent to this world. You have the capacity to be smarter and wiser and have more impact on the world than any previous generation!"
—President Russell M. Nelson
President Nelson invited the youth of the Church to be a part of the greatest cause and greatest work on earth—the literal gathering of Israel. This is why you were sent to earth at this very moment, to fulfill your mission in helping all of God's children receive the gospel of Jesus Christ on both sides of the veil. 

In his devotional address, he invited you to do "five things that will change you and help you change the world." 
  1. Hold a seven-day fast from social media.
  2. Make a weekly sacrifice of time to the Lord for three weeks.
  3. Keep on the covenant path. If you are off, repent and get back on the path. 
  4. Pray daily that all of God's children might receive the blessings of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
  5. Stand out. Be different. Be a light. Give to a friend one copy of the booklet For the Strength of Youth.

Click HERE  for the Strength of the Youth booklet online.

Right after we watched the Youth event, there was a strong wind that blew in with some rain, and then there was a rainbow. It was pretty magical.

Here we are right after watching, and hearing the call from the Prophet to be a part of the "Lord's Youth Battalion" and a light to the world.
Daniel went to the church to watch, and Sammi stayed home with me and my parents, and we watched online. When they sang the closing song, Sammi stood and sang and started to cry. I could just feel that this generation is something truly special, and saved for this time for a specific reason.
My kids were charged with excitement. The Second Coming means something special to them -- they will have their daddy back -- so they would not mind for it to come sooner than later!
Just playing in the yard.

When Henry turns 8, Daniel will be old enough to baptize him. I had Daniel and Henry practice the baptism form. I think they might need to practice a few more times. Good thing we have a few years.

Just enjoying each other.
My parents came through Idaho, before heading up to Alaska. My mom made us some traditional raspberry homemade ice-cream. It was super yummy.

Frozen goodness.
Henry loved it!
Sunday night singing.
There is beauty all around.
A cute "Happy Camper" climbing the hill.
I just love flowers.
All the storms have brought life and beauty.

Just hanging on the hammock with Henry.

Sammi in a field of Sunshine.
I love beautiful things.
Summertime, how I love you.



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