This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

All Over the Place and Back Again

We are alive! These last few months have been filled with so much activity, I simply have not had the time to sit down and record pictures, thoughts, and feelings. My iPhone camera is overloaded with pictures, and I thought I had better take a moment and blog about some of the happenings of life lately. 

I am still trying to settle back into "normal life" routine, but as the holiday season approaches, I do not think I will really be able to "settle." I will try and just go with the flow of activity that keeps life fun and exciting. 

So, I will use pictures to tell the story... and it will all be very random, because there are so many pictures! I just want to catch up on the last few months, and then maybe I won't feel so bogged down with pictures and experiences that I have not posted yet. I really do love recording our life here on my blog, it makes me happy. 

Let's get started, shall we? 

I know it is now winter, but we had a very beautiful Fall season here. Henry loved jumping in the leaves on the trampoline. 
He is sure full of life and energy, and he keeps us all on our toes.
I went to the Village in Meridian for the first time, and it is a really beautiful place. I look forward to going there during the holidays when it is all decorated and festive. I have heard that it is a magical time to go there.
I loved the fountains that danced along to the music.
More Henry being silly.
I sure love his face.
I jumped in the leaves with him.

Oh to be a child! So free and full of joy!
I have continued to make Temple attendance a focus in my life, and I have been greatly blessed for it!
I have been reading The Book of Mormon, and marking every time I see a reference to the Savior. It has been really interesting. I can absolutely testify that The Book of Mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ. His name is mentioned on almost every single page in the book!

I went to the Anne Frank memorial, and I loved this quote.

I took Sammi and Daniel to see The Lion King musical. It was AMAZING! The music and the magic was phenomenal. 
Daniel LOVED it! 
I sure love these two teenagers of mine. They are such fun people!

Daniel made a prop to hand out candy for Halloween, the kids who came to the door loved it.
More Autumn beauty.

Just Henry doing his thing.
We have had lots of concerts, and music during this time of year, and so much more to come as the Christmas season is upon us! Sammi is so expressive when she performs in choir, it is always fun to watch her emotions and passion shine through her whole body.

I love chasing the sunset, we found a really beautiful area to enjoy the full view of the city.
Henry throwing rocks in a puddle by moonlight.
There was a double rainbow, a sign that the future is bright!
I sure love Autumn, it went by so fast!
I feel so blessed to live close to the river trails
A sweet and thoughtful friend brought me flowers in a pumpkin, what could be more perfect than that?
A walk by the river...
This was hanging in the hallway at William's school. It made me laugh. The look on his face is classic William. I sure love this boy, he is really starting to become a sweet and fun young man.

William came with me to fill our cart full of pumpkins for a pumpkin carving party.
Getting ready for the party!

Good times.
Sometime life makes you tired. Really tired.
When the Boise temple was closed, I went to the Meridian temple. It is such a wonderful place to go and fill my soul full of Light and peace.

Henry lost one of his top teeth, and I love the way he smiles now!
Daniel had a big Marching Band competition at the BSU stadium.
It was quite the event, and it was super exciting to be there!
William decided to find his own seat.
Henry was loving being in the big stadium.

Daniel's high school WON the competition! They were AMAZING! It was all so exciting and fun to be a part of.

We went trick-or-treating with friends. Henry was super excited about running around and collecting candy.

We went to a nice neighborhood that decorates well for Halloween.

The kids had some friends over, they danced, sang, and enjoyed each others company.

William is learning how to play the guitar. I love that he wants to try something new!
Sleeping Henry is such a precious sight.

This plaque was also at the Anne Frank memorial... I loved it!
We went on a journey to California with my parents. We traveled through Northern California, and then made our way to Disneyland! It was fun being so close to my family for so long. Good thing we all get along! 

 Driving through Oregon.
 I love that I have such good, strong, kids to help me with things.
 Just hanging out in the hotel room.
 Lots of luggage,
 We went to church in Medford, Oregon. We ended up in a very empty Singles ward.
 We always go to church, even when we travel.

 Driving through a long tunnel.
 We stopped at the Redwoods, one of my favorite places.
 The beauty and the smell there is so intoxicating.
 I love these kiddos of mine!
 Throwing rocks in the water has to be one of life's most simple and joyful pleasures.
 The big trees.


 We also stopped at the ocean along the way.
 Henry was in heaven digging in the sand.
 William went straight for the water.

 It was the perfect temperature.
 Oh I love my glorious Sammi!

 We went to the trees of mystery.

 It is a pretty great place to visit.
 Nature is so awesome!


 Loved this sign...
 We went on the gondola ride. William was scared to go so high at first, but then he got into it.
 I am not a huge fan of heights myself, but it was fun. Sort of.

 This is my why-did-I-get-on-this-ride face.
 I could walk through the Redwood forests for days.

 Sammi found a new friend.
 I love my van Ormer children!

 The kids loved being out in nature and fresh air... even though it was quite cold!

 The light through the trees is other-worldly.

 A fallen Redwood.

Perspective of the enormous size of the trees!
 Daniel was excited about the Barber Shop sign. (He loves Barbershop music.)
Poor Sammi was smashed in between two brothers for the whole trip. What a good and lovely sister she is.
 There was a lot of smoke from the horrible fires that have been raging in California.
 We crossed the Golden Gate bridge.
 San Fransisco was filled with smoke, it was sad to not be able to see anything very clearly.
 We went down to a Boardwalk in California, with Grandpa. It was a funny moment where we knew we were not in Idaho anymore, and we did not feel very safe walking around in such an area.
 We found a funny miniature golf area.

 My dad kept reassuring us that we were safe.
 We drove on and got to the rental house in Anaheim.
 We have had a lot of fun renting homes rather than hotels when we stay for more than a few days.
 This house was super comfortable and only a 5 minute drive to Disneyland!
 There was a ping pong table that added to the fun!
 And a fun backyard.
 Sammi liked spending time outside.
The first night we got to Anaheim, Sammi and Daniel wanted to walk over to see Disneyland. It was a 25 minute walk, but it was worth it. We had Daniel with us, and for some reason, I just feel safer with Daniel.
 The doors on the house opened up into the backyard, it was a pretty neat feature.
 Staying in a house is SO much better than living in a hotel room!
 We spent 3 days in Disneyland.
This time was a little different as we all went different ways often, but it was still fantastically awesome!
 It is a tradition to start with "it's a small world." It sets the magic mood.

 Henry was my buddy and stayed with me pretty much the whole time.

 The Jungle Cruise

We just happened to be in the right place at the right time. Peter Pan was out, and invited a bunch of kids to play games.
Henry was all for it, he had just been Peter Pan for Halloween. It was so cute, because all these children from different places were gathered, and they became instant friends while playing together.

Henry loved every minute, and he listened really well to Peter Pan. 

The Matterhorn.
 Thunder Mountain at night.
 Lightning McQueen drives down the street in Cars Land.

We went on this fun cars ride.
 California Adventure had some new changes.
 Main Street at night.
 Ahhh... Disneyland. It is a magical place.

 Sometimes we would find a quiet spot to relax and recharge. We were there from 8:00 to almost midnight each day. That is a lot of walking and excitement!

Henry got to join in the dance party in Cars Land. Everyone was watching him dance because he is so enthusiastic as he shakes his whole body.

 We took Henry on the Indiana Jones ride and he said is was "The best ride ever!" I thought he might be scared, but nope, he loved it!
 A water and light show on the Rivers of America.
 Inside "it's a small world."

 The Tiki Room

Good times, such good times. 
There is a show called "Mickey and the Magical Map." It is super cute, and Henry was mesmerized by the magic.

Sammi noticed this sign on the Fire Station on Main street... Lindquist is my maiden name. I love what it says about him, "Jack of all trades, Master of fun."
 Small world at night.
 I got these two fortunes in my cookie.... hmmmm... :)
 We went to church in the Anaheim First ward.

After Disneyland we traveled on to Utah for Thanksgiving. Here is Daniel with Baby Joy. Too much cuteness!
 We stayed with my parents and then my brother, and enjoyed the holiday with them.

 We went to the Provo City Center Temple.
 And saw the lights turn on at Temple Square.

We had a really great journey. Life is a journey, right? I have a sign on my wall that says, "Life is a journey, not a destination." And it is so true. Each and everyday of life is just another piece of Eternity. This day -- today -- is a piece of forever. There is no end to our days, not even death ends our days of life. And that, my friends, is a beautiful reality that I know to be true!

My final thoughts for this very long picture blog post, is this page from a book I found in the rental house in California...

May you have the courage to keep going! 


  1. You really do have such a fantastic family! I love seeing all that you've been up to!

  2. Loved the update! Glad you are making memories with your family, they will remember them forever!
    With Love, Crystal


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