This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

Lightning Speed of Life


I love Light. Some of my favorite light comes in the dramatic form of lightning. The quick burst of exhilarating and electrical light that fills a dark and stormy sky, it just sends satisfying shivers through my soul. 

There is nothing like it. 

The crashing air-bombs of thunder with jolts of light-sparks, it is such a heavenly thrill! 

In the musical The Sound of Music, there is a scene where all of the kids are scared because of a storm. Maria starts singing the song, "My Favorite Things," to try and help the children feel better. Well, for me, storms are something that makes me feel better, and they are one of my VERY favorite things. I often make everyone get in the car so we can go and chase the storm. It is better than Christmas morning, for me. 

Raindrops on roses, and lightning bolts striking = a few of my favorite things.

I was able to capture some pictures from this last week of crazy Spring storms. 

For reals... what a thrill! 
I love how lightning is so blindingly bright. 
I was watching from my room... this picture was at night during the storm. 
This picture is in the same spot that night when a lightning bolt burst in the sky... look how it lit everything up outside and in! So awesome! 

On to more nature. William found an egg outside on the ground. It was so pretty and speckled. 

Have I mentioned how much I love Spokane? Many people have asked if I am moving back to Boise... the answer is... nope. I am staying home where I belong, in Spokane. This place is so healing for me. 
It is so gorgeous this time of year! 
My running hills. SO many hills! It is next level for going on a run. 
I love how when I look out my front door I see misty covered pine trees up the hill. 

I have been getting out running almost daily. I am finally starting to lift my legs with less of a turkey-with-a-broken-leg-hopping-motion. My body has been haggard from all it has been through, and the stress it has been under with divorce things. I had a baby and just one year later, the divorce process began, and the divorce has taken over a year. Super stressful stuff. But I am feeling much better. And my body is ready to use its energy in good healthy ways again. Yay! 

I often have this sweet boy joining me in bed. He has his own big boy bed now, but he likes to come and snuggle in my bed. He loves looking at the lights I have on my bed frame. I learned I sleep much better with a little light glow in my room. 
Here is Henry touching the moon. 
And Daniel harnessing its power. 
Light is magical. 
The boys being silly. Daniel came home for a few days before getting ready to leave for Nauvoo. 
He has been working-out just a little... he is preparing for all the heavy lifting and dancing on his mission. He also took William to the gym with him. That is why Will is face first on the ground. It was so fun watching Dan teach Henry how to throw a football. I am so grateful that my kids have an older brother like Daniel who loves them so much. He comes to town and he takes them to movies, to the gym, to the park, plays games, and just has fun with them. I love that my kiddos love each other so much. 
The light of the silvery moon. 
Johnathan started occupational therapy, and he loved it. He will be doing occupational and speech therapy weekly, which will be so good for him. The clinic is so great. He is starting out in a small room, as we discover his needs, but they have large rooms with really cool things for him to do as we move forward. He is able to focus, but we are learning he needs to take breaks to move his body and regulate a bit before he can focus again. He is also just 2 years old, so focus is relative. But after some movement he was able to do the next focused task. (The tasks currently involve toys like puzzles, coloring, and putting pieces in place.) It is very interesting for me to watch. I have grown adult children in college, and the women teaching me at the clinic are very young. But they specialize in things I have never had to consider as a mother before. Each child is so unique, and it is fascinating to learn about who Johnathan is. He is such a pleasant child. I know he will grow and do wonderfully well! 
While Daniel was home he took time to rest after college and finals, and mission prep. He spent his time watching old Duck Dynasty reruns and chillin on my cozy red recliner. The chair came with the house, and it is a marvelous chair to relax on. And of course, he cuddles with his weighted Mickey Mouse. ;) 
More stormy skies... 
We had some really hot days that brought in the storms at night. 
Dilly bars are yummy. 
This is a painting that Sammi has been working on. She is going to go see The Phantom of the Opera in Italy this summer, with her favorite, Ramin Karimloo as the Phantom. She will be taking lots of pictures... right, Sammi? ;) 
Here is Sammi as Aurora 
Pretty princess. 

Some really green ground cover growing in my backyard. 
All sorts of lovely things growing 
Because mama's bed is just the coziest bed. 

Running towards the light. 
Hills... I have had to be careful with my knees running on these hills while just starting to run again. You would think going downhill would be easier, but that is where I feel I need to be most careful with my knees. Oh man... I am starting to sound old. 
Flower time! Yay! 
Henry wanted to show me his crazy hair. :) 
A bunch of sleeping beauties. 

Outside on the hammock. I love to just lay out there in the sun while Johnathan loves to run in the yard. 

I found Daniel in my office working on his mission talk for Church. I wasn't expecting to find him on the floor though. He gave a beautiful talk and he sang, "A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief," while playing the guitar. It was a gift for my soul. 
These boys. I love these boys. We had so much fun. We missed Sammi though. It is not complete without her. Her girlish cute squeaky laughter adds the final element to this group, for perfect joy for me as a mother. We all went running together... 
Beautiful Springtime
Playing at the pond park. 
He got it! 
Johnathan LOVES being up high on his brother's shoulders. 
Yay! Happy day! 
They have matching hair color. 
Whoa... I just noticed the light beam from heaven. :) 

Daniel trying to recreate the Lion King hold. 
This is impressive. 
So many beautiful parks in Spokane. 
My boys on a bridge. 
We all went running together. Well, Dan and Will stayed together, and Henry was with me. Will pushes the stroller, because he is preparing for Trek and it is the best way to train. ;) 
Music of the night. 
I am sure my neighbors loved it. 

More boys. 
Daniel was practicing a piece he will be playing in Nauvoo. It is so strange to me that he is playing to accompany others on the mission... he never took lessons! My older kids just loved music so much they wanted to learn, and so... they did. 
When Daniel walked in for the first time Johnathan was SO happy to see him. 
We dropped him at the airport at 4 am for the mission! 
He is very excited to go back again. It will be different this time for sure, but he is ready, willing, and happy to be going back. He was made for this kind of mission. If you go to Nauvoo this summer say hi to him! :) 

More beautiful nature... 

Johnathan loves playing with his water table. He loves playing in the cold hose water too. 
I am so grateful winter is finally over, and the flowers and green are coming out. 

Cute boy. 

He LOVES to run. He has a spot in the backyard where he runs back and forth. 
Airplanes were having a party or something? The sky is not normally filled with planes. 

Johnathan found this fun headache relief mask, and he enjoyed it as a hat. 
He kept it on for quite awhile. 

The sky has been so beautiful. 

Storms... and rain. 
Some really hard rain. 
And gorgeous as the sun shines through. 
There have been quite a few rainbows lately! I see them much better from my new home. 
The sky can do some pretty awesome things. 

It was so close! 
Just beautiful. Rainbows are like the earth smiling after a shower. 
Blowing in the wind. 
Some pretty flowers in my backyard. The lady who lived here before me did amazing things with the yard, and they are all perennials... so I am lucky! 

Flowers saying hello. 
New running shoes. 

Johnathan wanted to wear one of Henry's old jackets. 

The sun came through the window and landed right on Jesus. :) 

Having his first Costco muffin. He LOVED it. He was so careful with how he held it. 

I took a picture right before going to an important meeting. All went well. God prevailed. Thank you all for your prayers. I felt the power of prayer in a tangible and miraculous way. 
Johnathan likes to look at the world from upside down in unique ways. 
And he is back in my bed for a nap. 
Books I have been reading lately. Very good books. 
Dentist appointment time. 
I was just waiting for the angels to come down from Heaven... 
Life is going by at lightning speed. It can be so fast and yet so slow at the same time. I try to soak it all in as it comes. The storms, the hills to climb, the flowers, the Costco muffins, the rainbows, and even the dentist... this is life. And life is a very big adventure. And I am grateful for it. 


  1. Thinking and Praying for you. I’ve been a follower since the beginning and I truly pray for happiness for you and your children!!!


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