This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

Sammi in Puerto Rico with Nico


My children are turning into adults. This means... I am old. At least it makes me feel old to have grown-ups as my kiddos. It is very interesting to have children who are out there in the world, making their own choices and decisions, and taking on the world in their own unique ways. I am so proud of all my children... no matter where they are in the world, they will always be my babies! I love them all so much! I feel very blessed to have such wonderful family. They are everything to me! 

This post is documenting one of the many trips Sammi is taking this year. She has a "Wandering Star" spirit... and she just wants to see and do it all. She will be sharing her trips with me, so I can share them with you! 

She recently took a trip to Puerto Rico with Nico and his family to visit with some of Nico's family, and to experience a brand new place for Sammi. 

I will not have captions for every picture, but the images are beautiful enough without me being too wordy about it. ;) 

Sammi enjoying the view with cute braids in her hair, and some sun on her skin. 
Look at the colors on the buildings! What a cool place. 
Sammi... enjoying the view again. 
Selfies in front of the ocean. 
Look at the color of the water. That is gorgeous. 
Exploring the local attractions. 
Sammi was kissed passionately by the sun. 
The umbrellas are one of the coolest things I have seen! I LOVE it! 
Taking time to ponder the meaning of life. 
Sammi Sunshine 

Enjoying time on the beach. It looks like the sun ate Sammi for breakfast, lunch and dinner. 
Very unique architecture. 
Riding in style... and FUN! 
The ocean. 
What a beautiful location! 

Nico and a very cool looking tree covered hill/mountain in the distance. 
Sammi zip-lining... upside-down? I think that is normal? It seems normal for Sammi. She used to do this same position on the playground "zip-line" in elementary school. 
Yes. Totally normal. 
Waiting her turn. She looks calm and serene. 
Some of the crew. 
The crew. 
Nico flying through the forest. 

She is ready! 
Nico is ready too! 
Beautiful building in a rainforest. 
The colors on the buildings are so vibrant! 
I don't know what this is... but it is an impressive fortress? 

The umbrellas explained. 
So gorgeous. 
I love the streets... 
Such details! 

Crashing waves. 
Nico found something special from the sea. 
Wow... so many shells! 
The flowers are vibrant like the buildings! 

Flying above the heavens. 
Smooching on the beach. 
Nico is trying to keep the walls from squishing him. 

That is a massive door? 

Ocean glory. 
The sky and water... both SO blue! Cute pic of Nico and Sammi. 
Iguanas are just normal in Puerto Rico. 
The view. Oh man... the color of the water... 
Check out that tail! I think this would freak me out in my yard. 
Soaking in the sun. 
Beautiful people at a beautiful beach. 
Sammi said she LOVED Puerto Rico. It was an out-of-this world kind of experience. 

Where will Sammi go next... :) 



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