This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

The Magic of Ordinary Days

Life has been interesting, but somewhat ordinary lately. Especially compared to the crazy that has been going on in the recent past. I am grateful for a little reprieve. I know it is temporary. But I will take some temporary ordinary days as they come, and enjoy them! Life really does come at us one day at a time, and it is meant to be that way. 

I am trying to just slow down and take care of myself better lately. I have been through... a lot. And I need some healing in all the ways. It is the daily efforts that make the difference. And I am doing deliberate things to feel better each day. 

This summer will be FULL of travel and activity, so these simple days have been appreciated. 

Here are some comforting scriptures found in 3rd Nephi, Chapter 13.

26 Behold the fowls of the air, for they sow not, neither do they reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?

27 Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?

28 And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin;

29 And yet I say unto you, that even Solomon, in all his glory, was not arrayed like one of these.

30 Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is cast into the oven, even so will he clothe you, if ye are not of little faith.

31 Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?

32 For your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.

33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.

34 Take therefore no thought for the morrow, for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient is the day unto the evil thereof.

I think Jesus is trying to tell us to relax and live in the moment. Sometimes I just whisper to myself, "Consider the lilies, consider the lilies..." And I do try to take many moments to consider the very beautiful things that are constantly around me. I just see life like that... the flowers, the light, the clouds, the grass... it is all amazing to me! 

Here are some of my moments... just ordinary moments. But they are mine and I love them. 

This is my backyard, it is like a beautiful park. The lady who lived here before me went to town on perennials and I get to enjoy the fruits of her labor. 
It is such a beautiful sanctuary for me. I love to go out back and lay in the hammock and watch Johnathan explore. 
This boy loves coming into my bed. 
Sometimes the sunset looks like angels are going to visit. 

Some mornings go like this... 
My air conditioner struggles to cool the upstairs when it gets super hot. I bought these little vent fans and they are helping blow more cool air out. But it is not 100 degrees... yet. So we shall see. We might have to go live downstairs on those super stinky hot days. 
I love sitting outside in the dark with lights. It is romantic. Even though I sit alone. I play Nat King Cole radio, and I still enjoy it. 
The water table is loved and used daily. 
We have had some beautiful storms. It was sunny and pouring down rain by the pond. Super magical. 
Storm clouds... my favorite! 
I am pretty sure angels were directly visiting someone in the area. 
I love where I live. 
Some nighttime company. 
Sometimes I feel like this little bush that is growing in the debris and pine needles. It is mostly dead, but still blossoming. 
I have been trying to eat healthy lately. The divorce took a physical toll on my body. 
Healthy food is so yummy and pretty. 
Johnathan goes to occupational therapy and it is fun to watch. He has some sensory issues and we are learning more about what he needs. He has started saying, "GO!" when we do, "Ready, set, GO!" It is so cute. And a big deal for him. He is still very limited with his speech. But he is making some progress. 
The clinic he goes to is very helpful. 
More yummy healthy food. Spaghetti squash. Good stuff. 
I love Spokane. I just love all the unique homes. It makes me so happy to just go for walks or drives around the neighborhoods. 
Such fun architecture. 
People used to care about craftsmanship and take the time to make things beautiful. We need to bring that back. 
Heaven streets. 
Oh man... it is hard to walk past my old home. Whenever I see it I feel some heartache for leaving it. It was beautiful, but I could not stay. The colors I chose on the exterior though... they seem to look better with time. I miss this home and the location of the home. But I am happy where I am now, too. Come to think of it... I have loved all the homes I have lived in. 
This bird was just posing in the pond. 
So gorgeous.
Sometimes it feels like walking in a dream. 

This is how Johnathan sees letters and numbers. 
This is how we did Stake Conference. It was awesome. I got SO much more out of it in the extra room. And they kept it to 1 hour and 15 minutes! Hooray! The message was about Jesus and that we need to fortify our homes and make them a sanctuary for our families. 

One of the many beautiful flowers in my yard. 
More treelined streets. I have been going out running in the morning, because it is getting HOT. That means I have to push the stroller with Johnathan again, but I can do it. It makes me stronger. But it is harder than when I was in my twenties for sure! I just love being outside though. 
Johnathan loves fruits and vegetables in a way none of my other kids did at his age. He loves cooked broccoli, cooked green peppers, peas, raw lettuce, green beans... hmmm... mostly green stuff. Interesting. 
This is normal. 
Dan is back in Nauvoo. We are going to go see him! I can't wait! It will be a LONG road trip though! 
Look how high he gets his partner! YeeHa! 
From my garden. 
More running trails. 
The earth is so calming. 
Nature is so healing. 
Sometimes I feel like God is smiling just for me. 
Other times I stop and wonder if Jesus is making His entrance... 
A field of flowers on the drive to Idaho
We went to McCall, Idaho a few weeks ago. 
It is a very beautiful place. 
No one was there at the time, which was amazing. 

Early morning is the best time in nature. 

We stayed in these cute little cabins in McCall. 
They were super fun! It was just me and Will and Henry. We had to take Johnathan for his weekend visit to Boise with his dad. 
Friendly dear. 
Some sort of fire. 
What a beautiful land. 
William helped a lot with driving. He is such a good kid. 
On the way to Boise from Spokane. 

A cute Johnathan boy. 
He loves to drink from my water. 
Playing in the backyard. It is so weird to just have me and boys around home. 
Talking to Elder van Ormer 
A Henry drawing of me and Henry together. 
Laying on the hammock. 

Before eating healthy... I made this massive pan of Eclair. It is SO easy and SO yummy. It is basically layers of graham crackers, with vanilla pudding and cool whip combined between the layers, frosted with chocolate fudge frosting. You let it sit overnight and everything becomes soft and perfect. It is such a simple thing... but I tend to prefer simplicity in food. 
Hmmmm... interesting choice of book, Johnathan. 

Popsicle days. 
We have so many hummingbirds come to our feeder. They are fun to watch. They don't have any spacial issues, they will come if you are standing right by it. 
A lovely evening on the back deck. 
These flowers smelled intoxicating. 
I love the sun through the trees. 

This is a friendly reminder... to drink your water... this was before... 
And after water. I have been drinking a TON of water daily and it is making a big difference for me. 
More running roads... 
And flower tree beauty. 
Johnathan all dressed up, which is not normal. But he had places to go. ;) 


Sometimes the light comes through the windows just right... and creates powerful moments. (The light is not part of the painting.) 

He found my bed again... 
And again... 

Another running road. Spokane is a great way to get hill work in. It is ALL hills! You are either going up or down. It is especially fun with a stroller. 
Working on numbers. 
And a little cactus toy. 

Life is about the little things. I love the little things. 



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