This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

The Powerful Force of Fatherhood; It Never Dies

From the moment Charles died, his influence has continued to be felt by our family. He is physically separated from us, but his spirit is with us in a more potent and powerful way than ever. It is hard to explain, or to describe, the closeness and tangible reality that he is still here... but I will try with some further explanation. 

Right after Charles died he said, "I am more powerful than I have ever been!" Yes, you read right, he said that after the breath left his body. I promise that is what he really said, and it was a great comfort to me to continue to hear his voice, even after he lay dead in the hospital room. It was clear as crystal to me that he was not dead at all, he was simply separated from his mortal flesh. Even in that moment, my faith was such that I knew he still lived, and I was being allowed a confirmation of my faith, turning it to pure knowledge. At the time I stared at his lifeless body in great wonder, as I continued to hear his voice, and even his continued counsel for me, and what he desired me to do with my life. Upon the moment of his death, his care and concern was instantly for me, and our family. 

Charles continues to watch over and guide us. As we talk of him openly, reflecting on what daddy would do, or say, he remains a guiding force in our lives. He has not left us at all. He still shields, guides, directs, and protects our family. The feeling of his presence is like a force of energy that you can reach out and touch. Sometimes the veil is made so thin for me that I see him in my dreams, but I know what I am seeing is so much more than a dream. 

I did not realize the being "more powerful" reference Charles spoke of, however, until I watched Star Wars the other day. After watching a captivating lightsaber battle, I heard Obi-Wan say to Darth Vader, "If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you could possibly imagine." At the right moment (when Luke Skywalker was watching), Obi-Wan lowered his lightsaber, and allowed Darth and death to take him. But death was not the end for the masterful Jedi, it was simply a change from physical form to spiritual form. There was not a moment when he ceased to exist. He just shed his mortal husk for a more vibrant and powerful way to travel. He was able to move here and there with ease and quickness, not missing a step as he guided his young apprentice along his imperative journey to save the galaxy. He become more powerful after death than he ever was in life. 

And so it is with Charles. 

Did I mention Charles loves Star Wars? 

I think when Charles died, he was actually super excited. I think he felt like all of his wildest dreams had finally come true. Of course he mourned the separation from us physically for a few more mortal years; mourning more for our sake than his, because he could still see us. He probably wondered what in the world just happened to him; one minute he was mortal, the next he is hanging out in the spirit world. But then I think he was likely thrilled to be free, and I know he is thriving in his current state of being. He was a good boy, and he dwells in a state of happiness and paradise. His vision is not limited like ours, and his power to protect, provide, teach, and guide, has not been diminished, but enhanced by the freedom of spirit that he now enjoys. He can speak with the tongue (dialect) of angels -- which is the Holy Ghost -- allowing for him to still communicate with us freely and effectively; if we listen and allow ourselves to feel.  

He is more powerful than he has ever been. I have felt it. I have seen it. I testify there is life after death. 

If we ever feel sad at the physical separation, all we have to do is call on him, and he is there. He is as involved in our lives as we allow him to be. Sure he is busy -- doing a bunch of important things in the spirit world -- but he will drop it all for his family; as we are still, and always will be, his greatest priority. He is greatly concerned with our happiness and well-being. I know he would do everything in his enhanced heavenly power to help us on our journey back to him, and our Heavenly Father. It is still his calling, he has not been released as the father of our family. He still has obligations and responsibilities to fulfill. He has been doing a beautiful job so far, and I expect nothing less from him in the future 

"A Father's calling is Eternal, and its importance transcends time." - Ezra Taft Benson 

Charles has not, and never will, abandon his post as father of our family. His power in fatherhood has only grown in glory and strength... it is his eternal calling; one which he will never be released from. 

Fatherhood never dies; it is a force too powerful to destroy.

Charles is a beautiful, wonderful, father. We all love him so much. 


  1. great post....that last picture is a crack up!!

  2. What a great post. I loved that quote in drus talk as well. It is so true. My dad is still there.

  3. I love the post! That last picture is awesome. Charles smile says it all. He loved fireworks and we were able to benefit from it. :)


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