This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

Fight That Hill!

Last night I went for a run. It was really beautiful outside, the weather and temperature was just perfect, with a slight chill in the air. I was running as the sun was setting, and it was very refreshing. 

I love running this time of year. 

I felt like I was flying, my running was so smooth and pleasant. My brain was clear and I just felt good. Over the summer I had been running a lot, often in 90 degrees or more. I did not realize what a difference the temperature makes on how I run. Running in the cooler temperatures is really optimum for my body; perhaps it is the Alaskan in me. 

I got to the part of my run where there was a hill. It is not a huge hill, but it is a hill that lets you know how you are doing. It can slow you down if you are tired, or make you feel strong if you are feeling great. 

I saw a man stopped halfway up the hill, and he was doing stretches of some kind; it looked like he was struggling to make it to the top. I was running on the opposite side of the road, but I caught a glimpse of him out of the corner of my eye. He actually looked really healthy, so it made me wonder what was ailing him, causing him to stop halfway. 

I was feeling super strong and energetic, and so I was just blasting up the hill faster and stronger than I had all summer in the heat. There had been plenty of times where I would stop short of the top, but last night I felt awesome, super amazing. 

As I flew up the hill, the stretching man looked up and yelled:

"You fight that hill!" 

It took me a second to process the fact that he was talking to me. When I realized what he had said I replied: 

"I have to fight it!" 

I then conquered the hill, and ran at top speed all the way home. 

As I was finishing up my run, I realized how powerful his comment was to me. I am often "fighting the hill," trying to climb my mountains and make it to the top. I am a fighter, it is in my blood. I have a million weaknesses it is true, I often fall short of my goals and aspirations; but I try each new day to become a better person. I try to keep climbing. I just want to endure to the end, and make it to the top, where I will one day return to meet my Savior. 

Keep fighting those hills! 


  1. I wonder who that man was? Coincidence that he was there part way up the hill? And you chose to pass him instead of slowing down ? What an angel to give you the message you needed and need every day. I'm glad you shared this experience. Way to push yourself and run strong. I'm proud of you for taking on that hill and telling it who's a fighter. Remember that message daily. Sounds like a good vinyl sign to get in your house.

    Along w/ Pres Eyring's quote:

    You know you're headed in the right direction if it's uphill (paraphrasing a little. ) I'll look it up.
    But, it's true, we must keep climbing hills. Pres Kimball was known to say admist his adversities: "Give me this mountain."

    I would often repeat that quote in my head when training hills for a marathon.

    I love your strength Mari. Climb w/power.
    You've got it in you.




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