This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

Inviting Jesus into Our Home

I love Jesus. I also have a great desire to teach my children to love Jesus. It is not just the desire of my heart, but it is my responsibility as a mother to teach them the things that they need to know, so they can return to Heavenly Father. There is nothing I want more than to have my children love the Lord, and honor Him throughout their lives and into eternity. I cannot force them to love the Lord, but I can teach them His ways, so they can choose for themselves if they will listen to His voice, and do His will.

We read from The Book of Mormon every night, and we study the Bible as well. It has been routine since Charles and I got married. Recently, I had this idea that we should add some visual learning to our routine, and we started watching the New Testament Bible videos that are all about the Life of Christ. We read from the scriptures, and then we show one of the videos each night before bed. We watch using youtube on the TV, iPad, or even my phone if we are in a hurry to sleep. We have been doing this for a few weeks, and have really enjoyed it.

I have often found myself in tears as I watch the depiction of the Savior's life. The more I watch the videos, the more I feel a strong and unwavering love for Him. I can tell it is having an affect on my children as well. Though all the videos are wonderful, the kids have been the most captivated by his Death and Resurrection. They all observed that those are the best videos. I believe it is the Spirit whispering to them the truth that Jesus did in fact die for us, so we can live again. The reality of the Resurrection is extremely meaningful and important to our family.

Because of Jesus, we will be with Charles again.

I know it is true. I know it.

There is a reason I decided to watch these videos as a family everyday. A few weeks ago, I got a picture of Jesus walking on water for my room. When I showed it to my 8 year old, he said, "Jesus can walk on water?" I was a bit shocked that he did not know the story of Jesus walking on water. It caused me to wonder what else I have not taught my children about the miracles of Jesus. Sure they are taught lessons in church at Primary, but the real teaching takes place in the home, and I realized I can do better.

I realized that I must do better.

It is harder as you have more children to make sure the younger ones are being fed the spiritual nourishment that they need. When my older children were just babies, I would sit with them and teach them the stories of Jesus, and focus on those things a lot -- I had all the time in the world to do just that. Now, as there are more children, and a greater flurry of activity, life takes on a different pace. But that is no excuse for slipping up on the things that are of the most worth! It is my calling and responsibility as a mother to teach my children about the Life of Christ.

I can do better. I can take my efforts up a notch.

We have been reading from the scriptures together daily, but for some in my family, visual lessons are so much more powerful and easy to internalize. I am amongst those in that visual learning group. I can learn from straight-up reading, but if I see something depicted visually, with inspirational music -- then the Spirit can pierce my heart in a very quick and powerful way.

I remember when I was just a young child, I watched a video of Joseph Smith's First Vision in primary. It was in that moment -- a moment I will never forget -- that I gained my testimony that he was a Prophet of God. The simple video pierced my heart in a way no amount of written words could have. I knew it was true, I felt it in my soul. It was like remembering something I already knew.

Visual learning is powerful.

These videos about the Life of Christ can be life-changing. They have been life-changing for me!

I have thoroughly enjoyed inviting Jesus into our home in this new way. We have had some really wonderful family discussions, as the videos have sparked questions and learning for all of us, myself included. I love it when my children answer my questions, and I love it when they make observations that I never considered before.

I realize that even though I am their mother and their teacher, they seem to have come prewired with individual faith and understanding, beyond what I have taught them. It is a beautiful thing to observe.  It has been really precious to see them strengthen their love of Jesus.

I am really grateful for these inspired videos that have brought us all closer to our Savior.

For the link to the Bible videos click : HERE 


  1. You are doing a great job with your kids Mari! They are pretty special. :)

  2. I love the videos too. I can't remember if I told you or not, but at the beginning of the year when we started the New Testament, Dad and I spent a loooooong Sunday evening watching ALL of the Church videos that were available that pertained to the Life of Christ. We watched them in chronological order and it was a very profound experience. Those videos are inspired and I would recommend them to anyone.


  3. i been feeling similar about stepping it up a notch...we MUST do it!!

  4. Thank you for this beautiful reminder! I am a visual learner, most often with the written word (I retain much more when reading versus just hearing). Your words reminded me that the videos would be an excellent way to reach my very visual children while enjoying them myself. Thank you so much for always sharing your beautiful testimony of the Savior. I love Him, and your testimony always touches my heart.


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