This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

Moving Miracles

I am taking a few moments away from the craziness of moving. We are living in between two houses right now, I am constantly back and forth trying to get things packed, moved, and unpacked. Good times!

I am also in the process of selling my little home, and so it often needs to be in tip-top staging shape for various reasons. That can get exciting with 4 kiddos. It is crazy, but also very exciting. I have this sign that reminds me that, "Happiness is a journey, not a destination." I am trying to enjoy the journey, and not just wish it away, even though it is hard. I know I will look back on these crazy times with great fondness in my heart.

Moving is always an adventure! Life is an adventure!

During this whole process, I have had many miracles. I have been through a gauntlet of emotions for sure, but at the end of the day, the most powerful feeling I have in my heart is gratitude. I am so grateful. I am so grateful, I could burst! I have so much to be grateful for, and I know it. Seriously, my heart is going to have to grow bigger to contain the gratitude that I feel. So many people have been so good to me in so many ways.

Heaven bless them all!

One of the miracles happened just last night. The youth and youth leaders from our Church came to help me clear out all the things in my garage. I have a move with big trucks planned for this Saturday, but I had this idea that having the garage cleared out first would be super helpful. The youth had offered to help me in anyway I wanted, and the garage was at the top of my list of burdens I needed lifted.

At around 7:00pm, a bunch of trucks, youth, and leaders all charged towards my garage with full gusto, and emptied that thing out in 15 minutes. A group of boys also took the trampoline down at record speed. We drove over to the other house and they unloaded everything super fast. It was amazing! Many hands make light work -- it is so true! There was a flurry of excitement and joy, rather than the drudgery that it would have been for just me and the kids to try and get it done. It got done, and they made it happen FAST! I have never seen anything like it. It was a miracle.

Woo! So awesome!

At one point, while unloading at the new house, Sammi dropped an extremely heavy iron antique jewelers wheel on her foot, and cut it open. When I saw it, I was worried it was super deep, it looked awful with blood gushing. I was trying to help people and guide them with things, and keep an eye on Henry who likes to run for it, and we didn't have anything in the house to really help her except some paper towels. All I had to say was, "Sammi is hurt," and all of her Young Women leaders ran around the neighborhood and vehicles to find first aid kits. I think we ended up with 3 different kits from different people and neighbors. Her leaders helped clean and sterilize her wound, and bandaged her up really nicely. She was in pain, but Sammi handled it like a champ, I don't think she was even crying.

When we were done with the move, Sammi started crying with tears pouring down her pretty face. I asked her if she hurt and she said, "No." She said she was crying because of how her Young Women leaders helped her, and how much she loves them. They took such sweet and intense care of her, I think she realized how much they really love her. I started crying too.

So much love... my heart... must grow bigger... to contain it.

After all the work was done, everyone went back to the little house for some treats. It was fun to have a bunch of people there again, it was like the good old days when Charles and I would put on youth firesides in our house. It was always so fun to pack it full of people. They brought an energy into the home that I have missed.

Sometimes my family worries about me, that I am here in Idaho without relatives around me. But, clearly, I am not alone. And Idaho is my home. The people here are as good as they get, and I just love them.

They are my family.

And I am so, very, grateful.


  1. Your Mom is grateful for your Idaho family too . Thanks to everyone who continues to love and support our kids. We love you

    Mom Lindquist.

  2. You definitely do not lack for people who love you guys and are willing to help in an instant, in anyway they can. We have a great ward! :)

  3. I like to read your blog. You are such an inspiring, happy, uplifting woman! It's a neat thing to see the good things in this world through your eyes.

  4. I like to read your blog. You are such an inspiring, happy, uplifting woman! It's a neat thing to see the good things in this world through your eyes.

  5. It was a great night and I'm glad you let us help you. You know I was just talking with Dru last night about how I think I'm not doing a good job with the young women as their pres. you know? I feel bad about it and think someone else could be doing a better job as their leader. Dru said to me"Do you love the girls?" I said "With all my heart" He said "That's enough" Thanks for writing that too Mari, it's always hard to gauge of the youth are happy with you, so sometimes it's nice to know.


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