This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

Feeling Better

Oh man, this last while has been really rough. I don't want to write too much about it, but I do want to say that I believe we are finally on the mend! After getting strep, we had to take antibiotics, which for some reason caused weird things to happen to my body. (And William's, too.) I will spare the details, but I really felt out-of-body and like I was losing my mind. I got off them yesterday and already I feel like myself again, for the first time in a long time. I hate medicine, though I am grateful for it when it does what it is suppose to. There are sometimes side effects worse than the actual illness! I am so grateful for all the prayers on our behalf, it means so much to me. Knowing that others were praying for our healing gave me courage and hope! Thank you, thank you! 

Just some pics from the last little while... 

A little skiing fun in the backyard. 
 Henry playing with Charles' old pinewood derby cars. I do not have a picture of William, but he got second place in the pinewood derby. Woo!
 Snow... it snowed so much. It was so grey, for so long. That is just not normal for our part of Idaho.
 It started to make me crazy!
 The sickness setting in. The flu, strep, vomit... we saw it all.
 When I threw out my back, so many kind people came and helped out. Food, flowers, and sweet things were brought to help and cheer us up. It made such a big difference in our lives. I am so grateful.

 Henry being silly.
I did not take a picture of all the food, but check out this homemade cake from a sweet man in my ward. Yummy!
 In between back pain and sickness, I decided the house needed some love and light, so I made a Valentine's tree... a new tradition for sure.
 Sick boy.
It was my birthday on February 2. I am 37! One of my friends made me a cake, it was so yummy! Again, sweet gifts were bought and I am so grateful. I have not been very good about taking pictures of things. But I remembered to take a picture of the cake... ;)
 It was so grey for so long, I had to take a picture when the sky started to peek through.
 Just another snow day...
 Strep throat and popsicles.
Smiling through the pain. Man, I felt so weird, especially at night. I have never had such a strange reaction from medicine. Seriously, after one day of being off the antibiotics, I feel like a totally different person. Let's hope that trend holds, and I can be back to feeling really great soon!

 Sunshine!!!! Hooray!

 Here we are lining up for medicine... no fun.
 My parents sent Sunshine Bear to blast light into our lives.
 CareBear stare! That's just what we needed!

My kids are singing ALL the time. It really is like living in a musical around here. People randomly burst into song all throughout the day and night.
After all the grossness, I was able to get out for my first walk in a long time. It felt SO GOOD. I tried to take it easy, but when I got out there I just wanted to go!
 Henry shouted for joy to be out by the river! Hooray!
 Sunshine... is so healing.
I went to the store today and saw these... seriously? With cream cheese? It's not even pumpkin season??!! (Remember I have a pumpkin problem, like I LOVE it.) 
 The kids are working on Valentine's.
While I was out I saw these... Spring! It is coming. Good times are coming, I can feel it! 


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