This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

Keeping Up With the Kiddos

The school year is coming to a close. This time of year is often crazy, but this year has been more nutty than normal. As my children grow, so do the amount of activities they are involved in at school, and even church. I am happy they are involved and active in life, and I just try and do my best to keep up with all the things that are going on, while also trying to maintain my sanity, and continuing self-improvement. I find myself surrendering to the fact that life moving forward, will simply no longer be simple. 

The simple days of motherhood are gone. I did not even get to kiss them goodbye! 

Sometimes, I am needed in more than one place at a time, and that is when being a mom -- especially a single mom -- gets tricky. My children are very understanding, for the most part. I do my best, and lucky for me, I know that my best is good enough. Good enough for who, exactly? Good enough for God. And when it comes down to it, He is the one I answer to at the end of the day. He knows my heart, and I am always grateful I can turn my heart to Him for comfort and peace when life gets hectic, and when I am a hot mess. 

I am grateful for my relationship with my Heavenly Father. Knowing who I am, as His daughter, makes life more than just life. I still live and experience life here on earth in a normal human way, but then there is this knowledge that I have of a higher purpose and plan, and that keeps me centered when things get crazy. And things get crazy, often. 

I barely scratch the surface of life, here on my blog. I record just the tip of the van Ormer family iceberg. But I at least try to record bits and pieces of our lives and family, and I am happy to share just a glimpse into our world, and my perspective of life. 

Blogging brings me joy. 

What you see here, is how I view what I see and feel. Sometimes I see rose-colored bliss, and other times I see life through a more feisty-flavored lens. I try to share and record my full spectrum of feelings and impressions, as I learn and grow through life. This is my stage, and the keyboard is my microphone. I am happy to have this space to let my voice be heard, and to share my story. 

My biggest blog followers are my children. I often find them looking back over the years of pictures and experiences we have shared together. We were just discussing how my blog helps to keep Charles alive. All we have to do is look back, and he is there in our recorded memories. I am so grateful I have taken the time to write and record the little things over the years. It has so totally been worth the effort! 

I know blogs are not as much of a thing nowadays, with all the fast-paced ways to record and share life, but it is still my favorite format for capturing life. I have been blogging for more than 10 years, and I will keep blogging until... well, until my final blog post is written. 

On that note... let's get to the good stuff... 


We have had a bunch of concerts lately. Sammi had her final choir concert of the year. It was a great concert, it was more informal and fun than the normal ones. I wish they would do more informal concerts with more modern music, it was really entertaining and enjoyable. I enjoy the formal concerts too, of course, but it was great to see them shake off the choir robes and stiff dresses and just let loose, dance, and have FUN! 

Sammi sang a solo at the concert. She sang and played "Someday," from The Hunchback of Notre Dame. It was so beautiful, she was just glowing. She is so confident when she performs. This girl amazes me. She never took piano lessons, she just taught herself. The way she plays, with so much heart and soul, it just makes my heart so happy. She lives and breathes the music she performs. She dedicated the song to the Seniors who are leaving this year. And now... in just a few more weeks, Sammi will be a Senior. Eek! 
 I just loved the fun music and dancing!
Daniel got to perform in the concert, even though he is still in junior high. He was asked to fill in a spot in the Barbershop quartet. His friend got sick, and he asked Daniel if he would fill in for him. Dan loves Barbershop music. He listens to it on his spare time, and watches youtube videos of different groups. He gets super excited about things like overtones, and locking chords. He was in heaven singing with the big boys of high school. 
Here is Daniel hugging Jeremiah. Jeremiah is a Senior, and will be leaving the choir program this year. He has been a big influence in Daniel's choir experience. He will be greatly missed.
Poor Jeremiah blew out his voice, and was not able to sing in his final concerts. He might even require surgery on his voice box. He still stood there with the choir, though he did not sing. It struck me as very powerful. Silence can be very powerful, beautiful, and moving.

It was a cry-fest after the final concert. Everyone was saying goodbye and sharing the choir family love. There is a special bond in the choir programs. The kids spend so much time together, working together, blending together, traveling together, and singing together despite drama that might exist. I am so grateful my children have had choir in their lives, it is such a great way to make friends. 

After the concert a parent came up and complimented Daniel's performance. It is always a good feeling when others acknowledge a job well done. He worked so hard to learn his part in a very short time, and he certainly did not want to disappoint the rest of the group. He rocked it though, his hard work paid off. They even had the overtones he was hoping for. It happens when you blend so well, that it sounds like there are more voices singing, than what is really there. He can't wait to be part of the high school choir program next year. 

He also decided to do high school band, after all. It is a long story. He had been so worried about it, and he was concerned he would not be able to handle all the music in his schedule -- band and choir -- but his teacher kept encouraging him to try out for the high school Jazz band. The high school band teacher already knows Daniel from past performances, and he wanted him to try out. He did try out, and he made it. 

So, next year he will be doing Jazz band, Wind Symphony, and Marching Band, along with a few Choir classes. It will be a lot, but he was so happy to be able to still play the trumpet. He will be able to manage his schedule, because of some AP classes he has taken, though he might have to do some P.E. credits in the summer months. I have encouraged him to give it a try this next year, but if it becomes too much, he is free to do what he needs to do, to stay sane. He plans to go into music as a career in the future (teaching), so he might as well go for it! 

Now, this is all fine and good, but as a parent, I am like, "Whoa, mama!" Here comes the crazy concert schedules! This next year will be something else, especially since we will be figuring out Sammi's future, with college decisions, etc. I am not quite sure how these children have grown up so fast, and how these huge decisions are on our doorstep already? I hope I can keep up with my kiddos, and all that they need to do. The 4-to-1 ratio, is not in my favor.  It is a good thing I have God on my side though, because He makes me enough. 

But still, I sure wish Charles were here for all of this good stuff. I know he is very proud of all of his kiddos. 

A Senior from last year stopped to chat with Sammi for a while. 

Henry photobombed the hug shot. 

Next year Sammi and Daniel get to both be in high school together. The stage at the high school will be a huge part of their lives in the upcoming school year. They are so lucky to have such an awesome auditorium at their school, and such a fantastic music department.
Here we have Daniel and William working out some brother issues. If they are ever being mean to each other, I make them sit uncomfortably close together, and they have to say 5 nice things about each other. It works beautifully. It usually ends with uncontrollable laughter. 
 Just a random backyard hammock picture.
 Henry's silly hair.
 Jump time!
 Just a random lovely evening.
One of my trees has become infested with aphids. They are so gross. They are white and yucky. I might need a company to come and take care of the problem.
 There has been so much rain lately. One day right after school, it was pouring SO hard. I felt so bad for the Safety Patrol kids out there that day!
 All the rain has made the grass really beautiful!

William had a band concert. He plays the trumpet in the 5th grade band. He did an awesome job! It was so fun to watch him play his heart out. He still has to decide if he wants to keep playing next year, but he will make that choice when it comes time. He sure rocked it today though! I was so very proud of him and all his hard work! Go William! 
Sammi and Daniel had a huge combined schools choir concert. They both got to sport their choir robes for the occasion.

Some random puffy clouds that occurred right before a really big storm.
I took Henry with me to go storm chasing. (He wanted to come.) We parked in a church parking lot and watched an awesome lightning show!
 It was right overhead.

Daniel went to help at a "Goodbye to the Freshman" event. He is on ASB (Student Council), so he had to go and help out with things.
These two are just silly together. I am not sure what Daniel will do when Sammi leaves. These two are buddies.
Sammi went to a party with the Encore choir girls. She had a great time hanging out with her choir family.
 Henry holding the world in his hands.
 Just playing with some bubbles.
I found some solar lights that normally go on deck stairs, and I hung them on my backyard fence. It looks so cool. I love to relax in my backyard at night.
You know how a lot of packages are a rip off, and half empty? Well, not Tillamook ice cream. Tillamook goes above and beyond the container. The only problem with Tillamook ice cream, is it makes me go above and beyond my container too. He, he.
 More storm chasing... it has been so awesome!

 My storm chasing face.
 These clouds were very electric.
 The sky has been so beautiful.
 I like to go outside in the morning and read The Book of Mormon. I read it a bunch of times throughout the day. I prefer to do my reading in short bursts. It works for me, in this phase of life.
After all the sickness in the house, we finally got out on the trails again. It was so good to be out in nature, and fresh air. There was so much snot and coughing going on, it was really nasty. We took it really slow, and man, I am still pretty sloshy. It will take a while to get back my strength again. But it will come. After being sick for a few weeks, I realized again how very grateful I am for good health.
 The river is very high, and our rock throwing spot is covered in water.

We just stood further back from the shore and chucked rocks from there. William took off his shoes and stuck his feet in.
 Enjoying the sunshine.
 The puffy clouds lately have been really, really, awesome.
 Not sure what Daniel is doing here?
 Henry and Mommy.
 Daniel loves having his picture taken. Ha.
I love these kiddos. Notice William's shirt, he was excited to find it. We have been watching some of those Dinosaur movies lately. You know, without the Jurassic Park movie, none of these kids would be here. Charles and I kissed for the first time while watching Jurassic Park, and after that, we never stopped kissing... and eventually, we had children. TMI? I don't think so.

 If I loved these kids more, I think I would burst.

 Henry hiding in the tall grass.
 Sammi Sunshine smiling.
 These boys. I love my van Ormer boys.

 There were some people kayaking in the river.
 Such a beautiful night.

Sometimes you are just done running. I love that all the kids will run with me, even though it is not easy. But this first time running again after being sick, we were all a bunch of wimps, so we took it slow.
I realized these special moments will not happen very often in the future, as my family starts to grow, and my children move away.
 Henry playing at the park.
 Sammi and a sunset.
 Running in circles. William did awesome!
We were running in circles and timing each other, to see if we made improvements.
I found some lights for my magic bush in the front yard. The lights are meant for a big umbrella, but they worked perfectly. They are solar powered, so no cord! Woo! Have I mentioned how much I LOVE lights, and certain lighting? I especially love outdoor lights at nighttime.
It is such a fun place to sit and enjoy the view.

More pictures from our walk/jog. Henry is my little buddy. I love this boy and his silly faces. He keeps me feeling like a youngish (sort of) mother. The other day he demanded that I make him a paper airplane, and he meant a GOOD one. Well, thank goodness for youtube, where I learned how to make a good airplane. Now, that is all he wants me to do!
I love being a mother. I have seen Heaven's help on my journey of raising these children by myself.
The grass is super tall by the river. And the sun was shining so magically, I had to stop and take a few pictures.

 There is sunshine in our souls.
I tried curling my hair. I am still figuring out this short hair thing. It has been fun short, but, yep, I will let it grow long again.


I guess I had an open pen in my purse, because I noticed pen marks all over my hand. Weird.
 Just waiting in the car. It is what we do.
 So, Henry thought it would be interesting to see how far Sammi's retainer could bend.
It did not bend very far before it snapped. So, we had to go back to the Orthodontist, and get a fitting for a new one. Yeah, that's not cheap. Oh well, there is always something.
I just gotta keep on keeping up!


  1. I have loved that about Tillamook ice cream. It’s my favorite brand!


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