This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

I Married My Best Friend

I believe in love. I always have. I always will. I am so grateful to my Heavenly Father for allowing me to find love again! On Tuesday, I was able to marry my best friend, David. He has brought new life into my world, and new hope for the future. When I look into his beautiful blue eyes, my heart melts, and I feel like I have known him forever. 

We have spent so much time with each other over the last 8 months, it was as if a force greater than ourselves was pushing us to be together. I had my fears and doubts about getting married again, but my concerns were often washed away with the peace I felt when I was him. He has been carefully prepared for me through his experiences, and his patience and understanding with very hard things, has been amazing. 

One of the greatest lessons he has taught me, is how to keep an open and pliable heart. He can see when I start to close my heart to heavy and strong emotions, and he can call me out on it, and bring me back to an open squishy-heart place again. An open squishy heart is far more pleasant than a hard and closed-off one. I find it fascinating that he spent so much time studying topics over the last few years, that have been just the lessons I have needed to learn in my life. David has blown my heart wide open with his wisdom and his love! 

The journey ahead of us will be uniquely challenging, I am sure. We are both walking a path neither one of us expected to travel. My heart sometimes dances with trepidation if I think too much about life and the little details that I do not have any control over. But as I step back and realize that life is to be enjoyed, not controlled, I can find peace in my heart again, and allow God to guide the way. 

I know that God will be with us every step of the way. Our Heavenly Father wants us to succeed, and He wants us to be happy in this life. We will look to Him as the foundation of our marriage and family, as we face the joys and trials of this life, together. One of the things David and I have in common is that we really love the temple, and we spent a lot of our time there when dating, and we will continue to make it a priority in our lives. 

We were married at a beautiful park, surrounded by God's creations. My parents were there, and David's parents were there. (And Sammi was there, too.) We wanted so badly to be married in the temple, but that option was not available to us at this time. That was hard for me, but I have faith in God's plan and His timing. We kept the wedding sweet and simple, and we tried to make it as sacred an experience as possible. The birds were singing, and the light was magical. We made covenants with each other, and with God. It was so sweet to have our parents there to witness the moment, and Sammi was there too, because, well, that was as it should be. Sammi was like an angel standing by as a witness, a special witness, with tears filling her angelic eyes. 

During one of our very first phone conversations, I asked David how he would feel about not being sealed to me in the temple, because I am a widow, already sealed to Charles. David said to me, without hesitation, "I believe that God will work all those things out in the end, and that no blessings will be denied to the faithful." I knew in that moment that this guy was something special, and that his faith in that area was even stronger than my own. 

I once had someone say to me, "David knows he is just walking with you in this life until you get to be with Charles, right?" My response to that was, "No, he does not know that, and neither do I." I love David with all of my guts and glory, and I want to be with him forever. I do not know how it is possible to love someone as much as I love him now. I do not know how God will work things out in the eternities, but I do know that right now, I am deeply and completely in love with this beautiful man, named David. 

I also had a blessing recently from my Bishop where he said, "Charles is thrilled for me and David." That made my heart really happy, because I am totally thrilled for me and David, too! 

I am so blessed to have David in my life. I thank my Heavenly Father for sending him to me! 


  1. Mari and David! Congratulations! I'm so, so happy for you! I can't wait to meet you someday, David. What a beautiful couple you are. My heart is so happy! I love you!


  2. Congrats! I have followed your story for a long time. I am curious why your boys weren't at the wedding?


  4. Beautiful, congrats!

  5. I absolutely love your dress! What a beautiful setting as well. Congratulations Mari and David.

  6. Weeping for joy for you both while reading this post, especially with the blessing that Charles is thrilled for you, and that you are thrilled for you! What a great, honest answer about not knowing what will happen in Heaven. Great response! God Will work out the details.


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