This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

End of Summer Days

  Summer is coming to and end, and I am OK with that! Fall is my favorite time of the year, and I am really looking forward to some rain and cooler temperatures. Here in Boise, it has been a miserably HOT summer, with NO RAIN, and nasty fires. For the last few weeks, I have been waking-up to the smell of thick smoke in the air. It has been pretty gross, especially in our neck of the woods. It has made running difficult. I am excited for it to clear out -- hopefully soon! I actually started praying for rain, it has been SO BAD! 

I have been trying to run more often, and I have been out for some 7 mile runs. It is super-slow-going because I push the beast-master double-stroller -- which is hard to do on a very good day, and even harder when I am still trying to just heave my own body forward! (And even harder when I am sucking-in smoke!) But I don't care. I just keep moving forward, super-slow, and steady -- building up my endurance and strength again. And hopefully jiggling off some of my extra baggage. I know it will take a while, but I gotta do it. There is nothing for it! 

A few weeks ago, I woke-up, and laid in bed for awhile. I could feel EVERY extra ounce of chub on my body. It was really uncomfortable, and I felt heavy and gross. It was like it was pressing me down into my bed, and making it so I did not want to get out. I decided that I can either be uncomfortable when I wake-up in the morning because I am chubby, or I can feel uncomfortable when I am working hard running. Which uncomfortable is worse? Guess. 

You guessed right. 

Anyway, so pounding the pavement I go. I don't care how long it takes me, it is a forever process, there is no end to exercise (darn it!) . . . I am in the middle of life forever, remember? Basically, the more steps I take, the better! Oh, and I started bringing music with me (Pandora on my phone). I just put it on top of my stroller and turn it way up. I often play Louis Armstrong and other upbeat oldies, and so I sound like the ice-cream truck. I'm just waiting for neighborhood kids to come running out with money in their hands -- disappointed when it is only me, and my motley running crew. :-) 
Hmmmm . . . ice-cream sounds good. 
On one of my last long runs, I had to stop and feed Henry. Yeah, I stop and start again, when I go far. I don't mind, it is great! (That is what I am trying to convince myself.) Henry was loving the pit-stop, he was lying on the grass staring up at a beautiful Weeping Willow tree. When we were done with the breastfeeding break, I got up again, and kept going another couple of miles . . . you do what you gotta do, right? :-) No stress, no pressure . . . just keep moving forward! 

 SO precious how much he loved to see the trees and the sky . . . enjoying the NOW. The simple things. Taking in the moment . . . there is much we can learn from babies and children! 
 Sammi's all red from riding her bike along side me. It takes us a good couple of hours to do the long runs because I am SO STINKING SLOW. But it is great to just be outside, even in the heat. (It is usually about 90 when I run.) Yikes! 

 I was trying to get a picture of the kids different shades of blue eyes. They say eyes are the window to the soul . . . 

 The whole crew -- hot and tired

 See my running shoe? . . . Proof that I was really running. :-) 
Autumn running, here I come! My new "plan" is to be out for 2 hours a day, just moving. I can run, walk, skip, hop, whatever -- but I have to keep moving. I will do this while William is in half-day Kindergarten. That way I will only have to push a SINGLE stroller during the school year -- how AWESOME is that?! Pretty dang awesome! 


  1. I love this post. I will be right there with you this fall and I will be happy to push the stroller.


  2. 7 MILE RUNS?? you're a freaking Olympian. proud of you!


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