This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

Real Moms . . .

Yep, I am feeding the baby in this picture. ;-) 
Forgive me for saying yesterday that, "Real Moms Run."  That statement is not true. Real moms come in every shape, and size, and are equipped with very unique, individual, capacities. When I am writing my blog, I am really just trying to motivate myself to keep going, and not quit. (Especially since I have no idea who is even reading?) But, I would like to change my previous statement to, "Real moms LOVE!" That is what it is really all about. Love . . .

There have been plenty of times when I have felt gross, and not up to running -- or really doing much of anything. There are different times and seasons to life. You adjust accordingly. You do what you gotta do sometimes. Maybe you hate running. That is fine. But, gee whiz, getting fresh air sure makes you feel better. It is amazing. Almost as good as sugar. Maybe even better

And for me that "love" I was talking about (for kids, hubby, everyone) comes out a lot more easily, when I am happy about myself. For me, that means . . . run. I do enjoy other physical activities, too. (That sounds kind of funny.) But this is something that I find easiest to be consistent with, and consistency is key. 

I find that if I am busy thinking about how lame I am throughout the day, my ability to give love to others around me seems to shrink -- including those closest to me. No, especially those closest to me. That is not fair to them, or me. It is important to find SOMETHING to do that gives you strength and energy to greet the world with a smile, instead of a grunt. 

I have found in just the last few weeks, I do not waddle around in shame -- quite so much. And I find it easier to smile. (Who knew chubby-cheeks can make smiling harder? It does. It really does!) I have also found that I am getting stronger, even with simple tasks . . . like picking up Henry in the middle of the night, and bending over to load the dishwasher . . . all these things are getting easier. (My body was really left mangled after this pregnancy. Everything felt awful -- like my body had been turned inside out.) It has taken awhile to get to this point, of just not feeling horrible . . . and I have a long way to go. But I am going. And THAT is the point. 

Lots of pavement to keep pounding . . . 
(Henry is under the blanket, it was cool and windy. I think I need a new stroller, so I can keep going in the yucky winter months. I have no sun flap, or protective barrier for rain, etc. I'll have to put it on my wish list!) 
Just keep going! 
Some pretty things I saw while out today . . . 

 My precious . . . 
We had to stop and do a little feeding after about an hour into it. 
Sweaty milk. Yum. 
 He did not seem to mind :-) 
 My shadow is my running buddy, she is great company -- though she seems to be a fair-weather-friend. :-) 
 I was towards the end of my run and feeling (and looking) pretty tired. I ran into another running mom pushing a double-stroller. We smiled at each other and she put her hand out to give me "five" and she said, "We just keep going, right?" 

Right, Mama. 

We just keep going . . . and loving . . . and smiling. 

Because, Real Moms Love . . . themselves! 



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