This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

Little Things

It has been so beautiful lately. The weather has been amazing. Spring is  starting to sprout forth, and the smell of fresh growing grass, and warm dirt, has begun to fill the Idaho air. I love this time of year, it is always so rejuvenating as everything comes back to life. 

It is March 1st. I am not really sure how that has happened? Time is flying by at a ridiculously fast pace. There is only one more month until April 1st, which will mark 2 years since Charles passed away. The time has gone by so much faster than I anticipated. I have learned to live in the moment more, but still, those moments zip past, and life seems like someone is holding down the fast-forward button. 

I remember after Charles first died, I used to think that each day that went by was a day closer to being with him. That is how I managed the first few months. But as time has gone on -- though of course I want to be with him again -- I find I rather enjoy earth life, and I want to preserve my life and my time here for as long as possible. There is so much to do, so much to be done. There are new chapters of my life life yet to be written, and I want to live a long life and write them. 

I am also continuing to try and capture more of the day-to-day stuff so here goes... 

The kiddos had a band concert last week. Daniel plays the french horn in the concert band, and trumpet in jazz band. Sammi is also in band, she is the pianist. It was a great concert and it warmed my heart to see them up there, and sounding so good. Music really is powerful. I loved it. 

 Henry had a hard time sitting still, but he did enjoy the music.
 I was able to go to the temple last week. I try to go at least once a month. The flowers were blooming and it was so beautiful. I had a wonderful experience. It is just so peaceful at the temple.
 More temple flowers...
 I am so grateful we have a temple so close!
Daniel had a Court of Honor for Boy Scouts. I got together with my friend, Rachelle, and we sewed on the merit badges. I can't sew, so it was really fun for me to attempt the circular pattern to secure them on. Just do not look at the back... you will discover my lack of skill. It is pretty hilarious, actually. But, hey, they are on there!
Sammi and Daniel were both excited to get parts in their upcoming choir Benefit concert. It will be a musical concert combining Oklahoma and Carousel. Sammi got the part of Lori in Oklahoma, and will be singing the song, "People will Say We're in Love." Daniel got the part of Enoch from Carousel and he is singing, "When the Children are Asleep." Both are singing duets... love songs. Oh how fun it will be!
Last Saturday I ran 15 miles... that is the longest I have gone so far. I felt good, but wow my feet were tired by the end. The thought of continuing on for another 11 miles seems crazy... but marathons are not meant to be easy. It will be a crazy challenge for me, but I am doing my best to prepare.
I ran at a 10:10 pace. Some miles were run at around 9:30, some were much slower after the 10 mile mark.
 The boys needed haircuts...
 It always scares me, I am not trained or anything... but I go for it anyway.
 Henry thought watching the haircutting process was pretty entertaining
 Daniel did great at the Court of Honor. He had to conduct and he did a nice job.
Here is Daniel, Tyson, and Matt. Tyson has been the one getting Daniel to accomplish all of his Scouting requirements. Dan put the pin on me, but Tyson is the one who deserves it. He is a Scouting rockstar, and I am so grateful for all he does to help Daniel out.

I took Henry to the park. It has been in the 60's outside. It has been amazingly beautiful! He had so much fun. It felt so nice to soak in the sun.
 Ahhhh.... warmth and blue skies.
 Yep, he was loving life.
I got the kiddos their own water bottles, so they can get enough water throughout the day. They were all very happy about it. Cheers!
Life is good. 


  1. I'm so happy for you and your kids and all the wonderful things you are all involved in. It inspires me. Cheers!

  2. Sounds like fun! Making new memories as a family.


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