This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

Online Dating: Yes, or No?

Online dating. Yikes. I have been encouraged by many people, that say I should just give it a try. I have many reservations. I will not list all of my fears, but the list is long, very long. Even with all of my concerns, I am to the point now that I think I might have to give it a try. I mean, how else do people meet nowadays? The mid-singles activities in my area are not for me; I have tested them out a few times. I could just wait around for someone to show up randomly in my life. Sure, that is an option: The do nothing approach. I would do nothing, except that I have received specific counsel that I should do something to help the process along. I am not satisfied with making zero effort.

So... this is where I need some insight, and help.

When I say online dating, you say...


  1. This is how my dad met his wife after my mom died. He had very specific things he was looking for and he was able to find a woman who fit his criteria. (And I don't mean shallow things like hair color etc.) He didn't "waste" time with someone unless there was some possibility of marriage. Likewise, she had been burned in the past and was very wary. Their first date was meeting at the temple, going to a session and eating lunch afterwards. It was a good, safe way for them to start out. I'm sure you'll figure out what is right for you!
    PS We are related. My grandma is Virginia Zobrist and I saw a picture of her on an old post of yours, I think at your grandma's birthday party.

  2. Do it! I'll be cheering you on! :)

  3. Heather did it...one wonderful man joined the church and they dated for almost a year. She met some nice men and married the one of her choice in the temple in August! She might have some good advise on the pros & cons.

  4. A good friend of mine found herself single (and with three young children) at about your age, and she went the online route--with very specific (but not extensive) criteria. She relied on heavenly guidance throughout the process, and a year and a half after beginning was married in the temple to the man she never thought she'd find. :)

  5. You have to weed your way through, be persistent and you may find someone worth dating.

  6. Give it a try.....I do like the idea of a temple date!

  7. Go for it! Give it a try! My brother-in-law foung his wife through online dating, and one of my good friends met her husband this way. Good luck!!!

  8. Pick a site that makes you pay. I have a few friends who have found wonderful partners online, but they all said to skip the free sites...

  9. What about Nathan TaYLOR from Kathys Miacke he is a widower and had mall children also ! Just a thought ❤️

  10. I say yes! I met my husband online. And I say go for the sites where you DON'T have to pay so you can communicate as you wish, without feeling pressure to use it just because you're paying. I used it off and on as I felt the urge and I think my experiences would have been different if I felt I had to "get my money's worth". I love online dating because it gave me the forum to be as picky as I wanted to be without any pressure. I got to pick my own blind dates! I WAS picky. For example, if a guy had pictures up without his shirt on, I knew he wasn't for me. I also watched for the kinds of movies/books he liked. I even watched for how he spelled and his grammar! For the record, I met my husband on ldslinkup.com.

  11. What do you have to lose? If you don't like it, don't do it again. AND, always meet in public at first (obviously!!).


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