This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

Running Motivation

I have started really running again. Today I ran farther than I have in a long time. It felt good, part of the time. I am not gonna lie though, it was hard, really hard to keep going. But what I really enjoyed was the way I felt after the run. Oh, how I love the post-run high. It has never let me down. I have to keep chasing it, but such is life with any good thing. 

The effort is worth the after effects. 

It is so hard having to basically start over again. A little over a year ago I ran a marathon, and now I am happy to not die when I run 5-6 miles. With the mono and crazy illness year, not only was I sick, but I did not exercise consistently. I became out of shape and my body feels like I am running with wet cement for muscles. Losing all the strength I had gained was certainly not my plan after conquering 26.2 miles. Not only did I not exercise, but with the sickness taking so much out of me, it is like my body is a pile of rubble that needs to be rebuilt from below ground zero. 


But I have been here before -- at the starting line -- and I will keep slowly pushing forward until running feels good again, and I feel good again. And eventually my wet cement muscles will start to firm and harden. I have to remind myself the reason it does not feel great right now is not from anything out of the ordinary, it is simply because I am horribly out of practice. My mind thinks I should be able to just go, since I have run countless miles in the past; but my body is like, "Whoa, mama, slow the flesh down, and pace yourself!"

I am trying really hard not to overdo it. But I always struggle to know when it is time to push a little harder and go a little farther, or faster... or if I should just continue on slow and steady. I will say that after my longer run today, I feel better after-effects than when I take the shorter route. So, maybe there is something to it. Maybe I am ready to push a little harder? I guess I am just afraid of set-backs, because I really do not want to go down the severe sickness road again. 

I will keep putting on my running shoes and heading out the door. I hope to recover myself again... or better yet, I hope to create a new and better version of me. (I have also been doing strength-training, to rebuild my mushy muscles.) 

I just want to run free again and feel awesome. 

I know it is possible. 

This was me during marathon training back in 2016. I ran all the time. This was on the beach at the Oregon coast, where I ran my miles in the sand. It was glorious, and I felt so great and free. I will reclaim my freedom again. 

Here are some great running quotes I found Google searching. I love them! If you have never tried running, it really is fantastic. If I can do it, so can you! The first time a ran when I was 17, I could only go half a mile without dying. I kept running and have always tried to make it a part of my life since then -- with varying degrees of success -- but I've always kept the desire to get out there and keep running! Running is for any body type... I have seen all shapes and sizes out there running marathons. Just take it slow, and amazing things will happen over time! 



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