This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

Decor from the Dollar Store

I have started decorating for Autumn. Sure, it is hotter than snot outside, but that's not going to stop us. Today I pulled out our fall decor bucket from the garage, and I also took my annual trip to the dollar store, to add to the glory of home decorations. You may be thinking, "The dollar store? Really?" I know it, I would have said the same, but with some creativity, yes, the dollar store is the place to go for fall decor. 

I think the people in line behind me at the store thought I was crazy. I filled my cart with more things than most people buy at the dollar store apparently. The line was already really long, and most people had only a few items in hand. But I was scoring some great things for $1.00 an item, and I got a little overly excited about it. I let a few people go in front of me, because it seemed silly to make them wait for my basket full to be scanned, but then I eventually had to just go for it. I tried to chat and be friendly with the people behind me, to ease the wait time at check-out. I am pretty sure they thought I was crazy though, with my cart full of Fall. And in truth, I am crazy. I really am. 

One thing that was profound for me, as I was waiting there in line, was the amount of people that were willing to donate to the Red Cross. The cashier mentioned the need for donation for the current situation with Hurricane Harvey, and every single person donated something. I have never seen that happen before. People from all walks of life said, "Yes, I will donate." It was a very heart-warming moment, watching people willing to reach out to help, love, and serve, there at the Dollar Store. 

People are good. 

I came home and unloaded the new bounty of decorations. The kids were thrilled, and we went to work getting things looking all sparkly and magical. I really believe in the power of homemaking, in decorating, and making home a fun place to be. It does not have to be a huge expense or anything ridiculous (Thank you Dollar Tree), but a little effort goes a long way, especially for the children. Sure, it is not necessary to make things overly magical and fun at home, but I have had some experiences lately, where I have seen the power of making home a happy place to be. The bit of effort is worth it, and at least for me, it is fun! 
My friend Rachelle brought me over some yummy Pumpkin Pie gelato. I was amazed at how good it tasted, it had chunks of pie crust in it. If you like pumpkin things, this stuff is GOOD! I highly recommend trying it! Thanks, Rachelle! 
Sammi stole it from me, and had her fill. Seriously though, you never know how pumpkin ice-cream type things will taste, but this stuff was legit. 
I made Banana bread during the week. I have enjoyed baking again. 
 It was one of my better creations.
 Henry said it was, "fantastic!"
 This happened right after I mopped the floor.
 Daniel got his new glasses. He can see!
 Motherhood is messy, no doubt about it. I wonder how many messes I clean up in a day?
 Zoie is getting so big. She is calming down in some ways, but remains full of puppy energy. I go out and play fetch with her everyday in the backyard, multiple times a day. I have been sick (just a head cold) so I have not been able to take her out running with me. She has to burn off energy though, otherwise she's full of it.
I took the young boys out to see the balloons. It is so awesome to see them flying in the skyline above downtown. I did not get the best pictures, because I only had my phone camera, but it was still a beautiful sight!
 It was also a beautiful morning.
I have had lovely people share their harvest bounty with me. I love it! I have yet to grow a garden, and I am so grateful for those who share with me! Thank you!

 Sammi pulled the Autumn colors out of the M&M bag. Peanut M&Ms... are they not the best?
I put a bunch of yummy things in a pot and simmered it to make the house smell good. Cinnamon, cloves, a small orange, and a peach... Autumn bliss!

 I took William to a park and we gathered acorns for decorations.
I am the kind of person who changes furniture around fairly often, maybe once every few months or so. I have done it since I was a child. I just like to see how things look or work in a variety of ways. I love putting a room together, and I love making it come to life. I do not have a "Pinterest style," but I just take what I have and make it cozy for my family, and I love it. I am so grateful for my home, and for everything that I have been blessed with. I have inherited things from my grandma's house, some things from my parents, gifts from friends, and other things that Charles and I acquired over time. I know things are just things, but there are memories attached to those things too, and memories are powerful. When I see the images of the homes that have been lost in the Hurricane floods, and other devastations, my heart just aches for the loss. I cannot imagine what those who are dealing with such horrific things must be feeling.
 There is no place like home.
 Sammi got to work at making a Mickey Wreath.
 We hung lights.
 And added some magic to our home.
 This was Sammi's idea, and it turned out beautifully!
 Thank you dollar store!

We decided it was time to pull out our holiday tree. I took it down for the summer, because it felt weird having it up after April. But it is back, and it is ready for Fall. 

William came to the dollar store with me, and he thought Henry needed a skeleton. Henry loves it. We are not quite ready for Halloween decor yet, but he has been carting around "Jack" all day.
I had a pleasant surprise this evening, and a plate of sushi came to my door, thanks to some friends. It came with some crazy hot Wasabi that made me cry and scream. I think I put too much on, because I was not expecting the burn. It was good though, despite the pain. The kids helped snark them down.
Life is good.


  1. Oh I love fall! I love that you decorate for the holidays:) I try to do the same, you motivated me to get my fall decorations out and the kids loved helping and it feels warm and cozy, now we just need cooler weather:)


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