This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

Happy September!

The forecast is for 100 degrees this weekend. This does not promote the Fall feelings I am looking for. But this morning, there was a little chill in the air, and I caught a glimpse of what is to come, and I can't wait! 

This season does something to me. It does something that no other season seems to accomplish. There is something about Autumn that brings a spirit of magic into my heart. It is a magic that I cannot describe with words, but pictures seem to capture a small piece of the fantastic feeling. Of course, Christmas is magic, but I think Autumn holds a special power over my senses... perhaps it has to do with my pumpkin addiction. 

I love looking at Autumn pictures. Pinterest is dangerous. I love Fall decorations, and I LOVE it when people go to town decorating their front porches for the season. My mom says this is a big deal back on the East Coast (my parents are in Boston on a mission). It is tradition to really celebrate and decorate for the season. I want to start making it my tradition too. I do decorate inside, but I want to let others enjoy it outside as well. 

I absolutely love driving around and seeing houses decked out for Fall. (It is not as common here, but there are some who make it happen.) During this time of year (not quite yet, but soon...) we often drive around and "look for pumpkins." It is like a game, especially when the kids were little. I still have a little Henry who loves that kind of thing. And I kind of think the big kids like it too. 

It is the simple things in life that make it sweet. 

There is just something about pumpkins. Even the name is adorable. I often call my Henry "pumpkin." And pumpkin marketing works, because anything that says "pumpkin" on it grabs my attention, and I often grab it and throw it in my cart, as if a magnetic force compels me to do it. (I'm not kidding about my addiction.) 

This year I want to really decorate my front walkway, and make it fun. I am looking to find some bales of hay and cornstalks... does anyone know where to find some? 

Autumn is coming you guys! Hooray! 

Some entryway examples from Pinterest... so cute! 

I love this time of year! 


  1. I'm about as far away from you as I can get - atheist west coast Canadian transplanted into Florida. I have followed your blog for a number of years. Yes, when Charles died, I gasped out loud.

    Today I wanted to write something moving to you – something that let you know you are being heard. Everything that I was moved to say started with "OMG ", or "oh my gosh" or "I am so struck by your spiritual fortitude" - which, I think pretty much sums up who you are, god-given.


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