This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.


We have been playing with curlers around here. We found these little noodle-like curlers at the store, and Sammi really wanted to try them out. She had me be the guinea pig, and so we worked together to conquer my thick hair.  I actually used to curl my hair all the time, but that was before I discovered the beauties of a flat iron. I could have really used a flat iron in high school, but instead I had to use curlers to tame the thickness of my hair. Whatever it takes, right?

I was pleasantly surprised at how these new little found gems worked on our hair. They create spiral curls that would take forever with a curling iron. I think you could accomplish the same results using the sock curl method, which I have never tried. But some sort of material, or cloth, might be a little more pleasant to sleep on. These noodles do not produce the best night sleep.

Here are some pictures of the process...

You just wind up the hair around the curler and twist them closed. It is kind of a fun and therapeutic process.

The more you use, the more curls you have to work with. We both had to use the whole package. 

Here is the removal of the first curl

 This is the back of Sammi's hair right after removing the curlers
 She felt like they were too curly for her, so she kept smoothing them out
 She preferred them more loose and natural looking, keeping her hair long and Rapunzel-like. She has got some beautiful hair.
This was my hair right after taking out the curlers, it made it super short with super tight curls. I smoothed them out and divided them for church. (The picture at the very top was right before church.)

However, I decided I also prefer the more loose curls. I felt like they looked even better after a Sunday nap, more natural, keeping my hair long. So that is what I recommend... 

Put your hair up in curlers overnight, take them out in the morning, and then take a nap, and your hair will look great. :) 


  1. The curls were beautiful. They reminded me of Shirley Temple curls, just longer. I was obsessed with her when I was young. I love throwback styles with a modern twist. They looked reminiscent of a BBC period drama. Maybe Mr. Darcy will come and sweep you off your feet. :)

  2. you both have the perfect hair for curls like this....beautiful!! :)

  3. So fun!
    Way to try something new.
    I will definitely have to give them a try.

    You girls look great!


  4. Great work. I thought you looked so good on Sunday.


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