This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

Messages To Heaven

Our friends wanted to do something special for us, to celebrate the 2 year mark of Charles' passing. The Harlins had us follow them up to our family spot, where we always watch fireworks together, on the 4th of July. It's been tradition for many years. 

It was the perfect spot to do what Rachelle had planned. 

We went at night on April 1st. I had just returned home from my 20 mile run, I showered quick, and off we went up to our spot in the Foothills. It was a beautiful evening, the weather was perfect, and the sun was setting which made it very pleasant. Rachelle had planned to have us all write messages to Charles on balloons, and then we would let them fly up to Heaven. 

Here we are getting our balloons in order. (Rachelle took all the pictures.) 
Then we wrote our messages to Charles... Sammi was willing to share her thoughts for a picture.
I am sure the neighbors thought we were crazy.

We all wrote our messages and then got ready to launch...
On the count of 3 we all let go...
And the messages went up towards Heaven

It was really a beautiful event

We watched them float away until we could not see them anymore

After letting off the balloons, we all gathered in a circle for a treat, and to share some memories about Charles. It was very precious, and everyone agreed that Charles is awesome and we miss him.

It was a great way to celebrate Charles on such a special day.

Thanks so much to the Harlins for making it happen! We love you guys! 


  1. Hi Mari,
    I am a blogging stalker......hummm. But I read your posts and you inspire me, so thanks. Yesterday at Stake Conference a dear friend of mine mentioned that her leg was really bothering her. Pain off and on and she wondered if maybe it was a blood clot, recently she just had major surgery because of colon cancer. Because of what you've written about Charles and his battle prior to his death I knew she should take it seriously. So after conference she went to the ER. They gave her some blood thinners and today she has to go back for an ultrasound. Thanks to you....and Charles for sharing your experiences.


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