This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

Arizona Trip

We traveled to Arizona for Thanksgiving. It was a good trip. It is always fun to spend time with family. It was nice to get away and see new places, and enjoy the warmth that is winter in Arizona. I was born in Arizona, and then we moved to Alaska when I was four. I consider myself an Alaskan, but there is something special about Arizona for me.

We traveled down by way of Utah. We were able to pop in and see my Nan for a little while. It was so nice to be with her, and enjoy her company. This is a 4 generations picture...
How cute is this? Henry loves Nan.
One of Nan's creations
I love to have my hair brushed and braided. It is so soothing and relaxing. Sammi and my Mom messed around with my hair one night... I was in heaven.

It was a little cold on the way down.

The drive was beautiful.
We went through some Red Rock areas

Just a pit-stop along the way.

I went running a few times while in Arizona. The temperature was perfect. Sammi came with me each time. We were staying in a rental home and the neighborhood had lots of sidewalk to travel on.
Beautiful sky

I just love the green trees in the winter.
This is the backyard of the home we stayed in.
It was a fantastic place to stay. The only bad thing were the flies... they were really bad. It was near an open farm area, and wow, those flies, and the bees too... they were really something.
The landscaping in the yard was beautiful but dangerous... eek!

The kids had to be careful of the cactus.

My brother had this little robot... I think it was called Cosmo? It was a pretty cute little thing.
Sammi enjoyed playing a game with Cosmo
She started talking to it with emotion, I think she bonded with him.
The temperature was lovely.
The kids went swimming a bunch, which they loved.
Henry had his little spot that he stayed in most of the time.

There was a pool table. It was so fun to play. We used to have a pool table growing up, and I really enjoyed it.

We went out and about one day, and my brother's car battery died. Luckily, right next door, was a conveniently located store... a tender mercy for sure. A nice man came out and helped fix the problem.
We went to a place with lots of games, activities and fun things to do. William loved the Star Wars pod. It felt like he was really flying.
My brother and dad dueling it out.

Henry played the Star Wars game too... and love it.
A little friendly competition
We went bowling. I had not been bowling in forever. It was pretty darn fun.

Henry was out of it really quick.
Dan the Man

The fountains outside the game center

We tried to decorate the backyard for Thanksgiving
It was so pretty at night... but the flies were not the best company.
Making snowflakes

Johnny and Me, he is my baby brother
My dad showing his silly side

The turkey and stuffing
The Thanksgiving feast
A bunch of boys!
The reason my pants are too tight now.
Some of us braved the bugs and ate outside.

There is pumpkin pie in there somewhere... 

Good times.



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