This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

Life at our House

I have a therapy session scheduled the same day as Sammi's first date. Coincidence? I think not. My appointment was planned before her date, but I do think the timing is brilliant. (She can only group date, so it's more like a group of friends going out for some fun.) How can my little sunshine girl be turning 16? I just do not understand? I cannot express my love/hate relationship with the fact that my children are growing up. I love that they are becoming such wonderful people, but I hate the fact that they are growing ever closer to adulthood, and all that entails... like leaving home! I can't think about that now... I just can't!

Sammi had a great time attending the BYS (Boise Youth Spectacular) here in Idaho. She left for a 3 day adventure at the campus of BSU. It was a gathering of youth, where they could all come together and draw closer to Heavenly Father, and learn more about the gospel in a fun and inspiring way. She enjoyed all the speakers, performances, dancing, and especially her family time with her assigned group of youth that she spent most of her time with. She thought is was all just amazing. 

The picture at the top is before taking off on her adventure. It was so weird at home, because Daniel is still at Scout camp, so it was just me and the young boys. It was actually so quiet, because Sammi and Daniel are the noise-makers with all their music. 

William has this hair that is just so cool. It is so thick, and he could go days and days without washing it, and it looks better the longer he doesn't wash it. (Don't worry, I make him shower.) He got his hair from me. It is thick, and just doesn't get greasy (unless serious sweat is involved). 
 It can get pretty crazy!
 We did a little painting.
 Just making things new and fresh.
 Henry likes to play outside in water and mud. He goes through clothes like crazy, because he goes out, gets wet, comes in, and needs to change. Repeat this about 5 times a day.

 The kids wanted to crawl up and see the world from a different perspective.
 Just a beautiful sunset at the store.
We took on a little project of transforming the hall closet from a dirty shoe pile, to a cozy entry cove. It was actually Sammi's idea, and I thought it was a good one, so we followed through, using mostly things we already had... even the red paint.
 It is such a fun little piece of our home. I love homemaking. It is one of my favorite things to do.
 Henry playing with cars, before learning not to do such a thing on the piano!
 Building Legos... William is always creating something with Legos.
 Scripture time in my room. Sammi reads, and Henry repeats what she says. It is so cute.
 I have loved reading this book. Very inspiring and uplifting.
 The book is so good...

Sometimes I just sit and look at my home and I feel so grateful, so very grateful, for my home, my life, my family... everything.
We spent an afternoon at the Harlins. I chatted with Rachelle, while the boys swam in the pool to stay cool.
 Henry loved it.
 They played for so long they crashed when we got home.
 Even William could not resist sleep.
 We have been going out at night and star-gazing in the front yard. Our grass is finally in good enough shape to want to lay on it.
 I took William and Henry out and we watched shooting stars, and talked about the Cosmos. Such great conversations happen under the stars. Oh, I just love the freedom of summertime!

 The boys painted some bird houses.

A few days ago, Jeremiah (a friend of Sammi and Daniel), came by knowing they were gone. He came to the door and explained that he just felt prompted to come and see if I needed anything... anything at all. He offered heavy-lifting, or anything I could think of that I needed help with. I was at a loss for a minute, and then I noticed our lawn in front, and asked if he would be willing to mow the lawn. He said, "Yes!" He grabbed the mower and went to work. It was just the sweetest thing! Talk about having angels showing up at my door. It made my day! What a great kid! 

This is truth.
 I decided it was time to reupholster my dining chairs.

 Henry taking his dinosaur for a walk.
We have had these nasty bugs this year. Elm Seed bugs. SO GROSS. We did not have them last year, I am not sure what the deal is, but they sure are no fun! Time to call the exterminator!
 I found this sign from my marathon, and put it where I could see it in my closet. I'll write about my need for self-validation later.
 Sammi was beaming after coming home from BYS.
 I thought it was so funny that John Bytheway spoke, he came to my youth conference in Alaska when I was just a youngin! Sammi is an avid note-taker.
 One of William's Lego creations.
 The river... the trails are open!
 This picture describes the heat of the summer perfectly. I am not a fan of intense heat! If only perfect temperatures and summertime would coincide, that would be nice.
 Grass... it is such a beautiful thing.
 Henry likes to play with mud and make mud balls.

Zoie is getting so big. She is doing really well, but wow, I am really trying to learn to be a dog person. I just have this aversion to hair, and dog slobber. I seriously wash my hands a million times a day. She is due for a haircut, and also a trip to the vet, where she will have to wear the cone of shame.

Just look at how she has grown! The puppy phase has been really something, she is so much better, but it is still an adjustment having her in our lives. There are many days I question my sanity in deciding to bring her into our lives. But there are moments where I can see it, the wisdom in it. We all love her. One day, she will be the dog she is meant to be. She is learning. We are all learning. Being consistent with her training is really key to happiness all around. The hardest thing is really her and Henry. The dynamic is a tricky one. Henry is high-energy, and Zoie can go nutty in response to his energy. The funny thing is, I think she is meant for Henry, who will be the last kiddo left at home. So I do my best to stay patient, and not lose my mind completely. The two of them can never be left alone together. One day, one day they will work together in a lovely way. I hope. 
 A pink sky at night.
Just hanging out outside in the evening, when it is less hot.
 Sammi took Zoie running around the culdesac at night for some exercise... she has to have it! And it has just been too hot when the sun is out. I do love summer nights when it cools off.
Summer is going by so fast. Too fast.



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