This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

Death Does NOT Part Us

I love family history. Charles loves family history. Now Charles and I have become a dynamic duo with this sacred work. Charles is in the Spirit World doing the teaching and testifying to those who have passed on, while I am here in the Physical World doing the research, typing, and temple work. We both have a very strong testimony of the importance of this most sacred, and crucial work. And we both love the gospel of Jesus Christ, and want everyone to enjoy the sweet peace and happiness that it brings to your life! 

Why do we Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) do family history, and the work in the temple? 

Because we must! 

Those who have passed on to the Spirit World (like Charles) no longer have their bodies, and the saving ordinances required to return to our Heavenly Father must be done on the physical earth. (Charles had all of his ordinances completed while he was alive, so he is all set.) For example, baptism requires a physical body. In the temple, we stand in proxy for those who have passed on. You dress in white, and are baptized on behalf of one who is dead -- particularly your own ancestors. It is a beautiful thing I have participated in many times. Though we do the work to help the deceased receive their saving ordinances, it is ALWAYS their choice to accept it, or reject it -- always! Agency -- the ability to choose --  is Heavenly Father's most precious gift to us. But we need to give them the chance to choose to accept the work done on their behalf. 

This work -- family history and temple work -- is the driving force behind what members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints are anxiously engaged in. Someday, the Savior will come again, and at that time all those who are now in the Spirit World will be resurrected and receive their bodies again. (I am really looking forward to that day!) We do the physical world work (ordinances like baptism) for those who have passed on, so they will be ready when Jesus comes again, and the work will continue even after he comes (there will be a lot of missing links to fill in with Heavenly help!)  We do not believe that only a handful of people can be saved, what a sad prospect! No, we believe that everyone will have the chance to have their ordinances performed, and that they will get to decide if they will follow Jesus. Is that not a marvelous thing? Yes, it is. 

There are really WAY too many details to discuss right now…there is so much information about all of the details to clarify how everything works in the gospel of Jesus Christ. If you want answers about THE PLAN OF SALVATION, BAPTISM FOR THE DEAD, FAMILY HISTORY WORK, or TEMPLE WORK go to www.lds.org and go search what you are looking for, or what you are interested in learning about. The information is all there, available to you. What we Mormons do is not secret, it is sacred. In a world where nothing is sacred, we do our best to protect what is sacred to us. 

I love the temple… there are so many of them now dotting the Earth, it is exciting! 

So, I had a strange moment the other day when I was on www.familysearch.org (a fabulous family history website). I clicked on Charles' name, and noticed that his death was already recorded in the family tree… it almost took my breath away when I saw it. 

I had a rush of emotion come over me. I also realized, once again, that these "names" that we are doing the work for at the temple, or finding for history purposes, are NOT just names! They are people as real as Charles is for me. They have families, and children, and they lived lives on the earth -- they made a difference in the world, and they are ALL valued children of God! 
The love of my life, the father of my children, the man who carried with him my hopes and dreams… has now joined the ranks of those who are deceased. He is now a name in our family tree, with his history, and life story left behind. 

But he still lives! He is very much alive, and very much anxiously engaged in his part of the work, in the Spirit World. And just as Charles lives, so does EVERYONE who has ever died! 


President Monson had this to say about what Charles is doing right now, and also why I believe Charles was taken from this earth at this particular time… 
We, as spirit children of our Heavenly Father, were sent to earth at this time that we might participate in hastening this great work.
The Lord has never, to my knowledge, indicated that His work is confined to mortality. Rather, His work embraces eternity. I believe He is hastening His work in the spirit world. I also believe that the Lord, through His servants there, is preparing many spirits to receive the gospel. Our job is to search out our dead and then go to the temple and perform the sacred ordinances that will bring to those beyond the veil the same opportunities we have.
Every good Latter-day Saint in the spirit world is busy, said President Brigham Young (1801–77). “What are they doing there? They are preaching, preaching all the time, and preparing the way for us to hasten our work in building temples here and elsewhere.”2
There are millions upon millions of spirit children of our Heavenly Father who never heard the name of Christ before dying and going into the spirit world. But now they have been taught the gospel and are awaiting the day when you and I will do the research necessary to clear the way so that we can go into the house of the Lord and perform for them the work that they themselves cannot perform.
I know that the gospel of Jesus Christ is truth. 
I know it, I live it, I love it! 

I can feel in my bones the reality that the work of the Lord is hastening. And I, for one, want to be a part of helping the work move forward! 
May God bless our teamwork efforts, as Charles and I work together to save the souls of many of God's children! 

Death does not part us! 

P.S. The cards I am holding in the picture above are the names of Charles' ancestors that are ready to take to the temple, and have their work completed. I am looking forward to the day we take them, very soon… I will surely blog about it! 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thanks so much for your posts.
    For all your posts.

  3. Not long after Charles passed away I thought about the fact that you guys made a great team here on earth and continue to do so now, I think I commented on that previously. It is so true! I love to think of that, I really do! :)

  4. And again you ignore his mother ... how sad.

    1. How sad you think it is appropriate to post this to a grieving widow.....

    2. Explain it to his grieving Mother.

  5. You explain the doctrines of Christ and His gospel so well. Family history is a wonderful way to help through grief, to be "anxiously engaged". I remember speaking to someone on Temple Square who stated he did not believe in God, but as he looked up at the Salt Lake Temple and then at some pictures of rooms inside, he acknowledged he felt the presence of his earthly father. Drawing close to the temple will draw us closer to our loved ones...and ultimately to our Heavenly Father. Hugs to you for sharing your heart with us.

  6. I just wanted to thank you so much for your blog and writing. I found your blog through a comment you left at 71toes and felt like I needed to read it. I lost a dear friend unexpectedly in February. Like your husband she was quite young and was a mother herself to a little girl that also has health problems. I cannot understand how this could happen and have struggled so with grief and sadness. Your blog has been an answer to my prayers especially this post as I think of all the work my friend must be doing on the other side and to remember that she still lives. Thank you so much!

  7. This is such a fantastic thing and fantastic work! i am glad you and charles have this to do together now more than ever. :)

  8. Inspiring Mari! So grateful you have a testimony of family history work.
    Stephen often prays that….. "Charles will serve in heaven." I have complete faith that he is serving well and bringing many to the knowledge of Jesus Christ. And, I remember him always being a terrific teacher. I am sure many souls will come unto Christ because of the work you are both engaged in. Sounds like you are missionary companions. Keep up the wonderful work!



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