This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

My Special Alaskan Temple Trip

While visiting Alaska, I went to the Temple. It was a very special and sacred experience for me, and for those who attended with me. I will carry my time in the Alaska temple in my heart, always, as I move forward, with faith, into the future. 

Did you know that spending time in the temple actually gives you power? It does! I can testify of that! 

My parents are part of the Anchorage, Alaska, Temple Presidency, and I had a truly unique and cherished experience with them. I traveled with my parents from Wasilla, to Anchorage, which is about a 1 hour trip. When we arrived at the temple, my parents unlocked the front doors, and turned all the lights on. My Dad made his way to the front desk, where he was the one who checked my temple recommend, and welcomed me to the temple. "Welcome to the temple, Sister van Ormer," he said with a great, big, smile. I then had the opportunity to walk through the empty temple with them, enjoying the beautiful artwork, and spirit, and then I prepared for the session we were about to do, with our family. It was such a peaceful and powerful feeling being in the perfectly quiet temple, with my parents as my guides. It was a great blessing, and I was starting to capture a glimpse of what Heaven might be like.  

Though I received some special personal treatment from my parents, they often do special family sealing sessions, as people travel great distances across the state to do the work, and they do their best to accommodate them. 

After following my parents around, as they prepared the temple for others to come, I dressed myself in white, and prepared for the sealing session. 

My mother brought me to the sealing room -- the very same room where Charles and I knelt across the altar, and were sealed together for Time and Eternity. As I stepped into the beautiful room filled with light, my heart almost burst with emotion. A rush of feelings from the past washed over me, and I could remember what it was like that day -- almost 15 years ago -- when I was 19 years old, scared, and getting ready to make the largest commitment of my life -- together forever, with Charles.  

I saw the large cream-colored chair where Charles and I sat alone together, after everyone left following our marriage ceremony. It was the chair that we sat in, and we talked and pondered the eternal event which had just taken place. We sat and discussed the 3 words of advice we had received from the Temple Sealer that day… we were told to, "Always be forgiving." (Good advice!) I remember we sat and chatted for quite a long time -- Charles loved to talk about spiritual things. I can still remember the eager and sweet look on his face as he starred at me, as his new bride, and eternal companion. I can still remember how much I loved him then, and I realized how I love him infinitely more now. 

The room was thick with the Spirit. A spirit of peace, warmth, and comfort enveloped my soul. Tears filled my eyes, but they were sweet tears. I was in the place where it all began, and I could sense in that same spot that on that day almost 15 years ago, it was truly just our beginning… and we have no end. Sure we may have some mortal time between us now, but compared to the Eternities, it is such a small amount of time. And what a glorious, sweet, reunion it will be to see my love again. I just cannot wait to give him a great, big, hug… I don't think I will ever let go! Nope, I definitely won't let go. 

I also had the chance to sit in the Celestial Room. As I sat in the Heavenly room, I was overwhelmed with God's love for me. Being in the room was like receiving a Hug from my Heavenly Father. It felt so good to be there, so very good. The large room is filled with ornate detail, light, and a beautiful, heavenly, chandelier. There were little rainbows reflecting on the floor through the stain-glass windows, and rainbows were twinkling in the crystal chandelier. Rainbows have always been special for me, and Charles. It caused me to smile.  

Then my family/friends that are family arrived, and we all hugged and gathered in the sealing room together. We had gathered to do the temple work for Charles' ancestors -- the names of people that he had gathered before he passed away, and some that I had found. The night before we went to the temple, I had thought to look up some information about some of the people we were doing the work for, and as I was searching, I noticed there were a bunch of names of people, and work to be done -- work we were able to take and complete the very next day -- it was truly a miracle. 

We spent our time sealing couples together, and also children to their parents -- linking the generations together. My father was one of the sealers, and the Temple President also came to help. The work done in the temple is a beautiful and most sacred work, and it is a great privilege to be able to participate in it. The tears were running freely in the room, and I knew Charles was so happy that we were doing this work for his family -- who he is now with -- in the Spirit World. I had a particularly profound moment when I stood in proxy for one of Charles' ancestors, sealing her to her parents. Her name was Mary van Ormer. I could not hold back the tears, as I sensed her great joy of the work being done on her behalf. I have done quite a bit of temple work, but I have never had an experience as profound as doing this work for Charles' family. I could feel his smile of approval that we were finishing what he had started. 

The purpose of temple work is to link the generations together. We are all brothers and sisters. We are all God's children. He wants us all to be able to return to Him, but there are necessary steps that must be completed to do so… ordinances that must be completed, such as baptism, etc. The many temples that now dot the earth are making this great work possible at a much faster rate. The work is hastening like never before. As I look over the vast expansion of the family history search capabilities, I stand in awe of how amazing this work truly is -- and how, in time, the work of all mankind can, and will, be completed. 

With my husband now a member of those who have departed this mortal life, I would like to testify to you that I KNOW this work -- family history and temple work -- is necessary, and it is truth. People wonder how you can know such things in this life, but I tell you that you can know, with a surety, that God lives, and Jesus is the Christ, and that The Goal is to bring to pass the eternal life of man. I know that the gospel contained in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is true. I know it because I live it, I have tested it, I ask questions, I have asked God, and He has answered me. 

My testimony had been sealed with fire long ago, but has now had intense fuel poured upon it with the death of my dear husband. The experiences I have had have opened my eyes to the frailty of life, and the reality that life continues on after death -- I knew it before in theory, and now I know it with certainty. And also, I know that we had better be ready -- at all times -- to die and face our Maker. You never know which breath will be your last. 

Would you be ready to meet God, if you died today? 

I also know that Jesus will return to this earth -- He will come. His work is ever hastening, and the day of His arrival is drawing closer. Can you feel it? I can. Whether you believe, or not, He will come. 

There is a great work to be done. I am grateful to have a very small part in helping others come to Christ. There is absolutely nothing better I could do with my time, or my life. I hope to exhaust my life in the service of God, so when I see Him again, I can at least say, "I tried!" 

Draw closer to Christ and He will draw closer to you. There is no better place to draw close to Him, than at the temple -- Charles knew this, he would frequent the temple often to receive strength and inspiration. 

I am so grateful for the experience I was able to have, especially with my parents, and family that was there. I am leaving many of the sacred and special details out -- some things need not be shared -- but it was just what I needed. It was so uplifting, so edifying. There is something so strengthening about serving others -- especially in the work of salvation. 

I love the temple. I really do. I am excited to start going again, often. There is work to be done! 

We took just a few pictures before we left... everyone else had to take-off and leave while my parents closed-up the temple, so we missed pictures with them. 

Me and my good Parents. 

 Me and my sister Kary.


  1. Loved being there with you in the House of the Lord.
    It was a sacred day. A day where I knew Charles was not alone (with all the sealings of his family being done.) A day where we were
    reminded (as Charles had revealed to him many years ago…) we are here to be happy! The temple fills us with the light that brings about pure happiness.
    Thank you for working so diligently to link loved ones together forever.

    I love you


  2. It was a wonderful experience for us too. Our love for the temple grows each time we serve there and being with some of our children and friends made it more meaningful than ever. I felt Charles' presence with us too...and by the way, those rainbows were there again yesterday.

    Love, Mom

  3. Mari what a special experience. It was so wonderful to read this as I got up today to start my day. I love reading your thoughts. You are a special a beautiful person. Thank you dear friend!

  4. wonderful! Remember I am always available to babysit if you ever want to do baptisms with your older ones or attend sessions while kids are at school or busy.(all my kids are coming to town in a couple of weeks and we will be doing family sealings. can't wait)

  5. I LOVE your posts. They let me know that you and your family will be okay because you are in the Lord's hands. His is blessing you in so many miraculous ways.

  6. What a fantastic day this must have been! and you look so beautiful and peaceful in the photos...i am glad you had this day to be close to God, Charles, and the many ancestors who now sings your praises!! :)

  7. My daughter lost a friend yesterday (Julie Hendrickson), and I found your blog via your comment on David's blog. I have been reading it all afternoon. Thank you for sharing your very heartfelt journey. It was wonderful to read about your temple experience. I joined the church when I was 18, lost my dad at 22 and my mom at 26. The love of my husband and my knowledge of eternal families has carried me through, but the most essential step was completing the temple work for my parents. I had never before (or since) felt the Spirit so strongly within the walls of the temple. My husband and I have raised four children in the church. Unfortunately, three of them have chosen to leave. It truly breaks my heart, but we continue to pray for them. I was so touched by your promise to Charles to bring each of your children back. I think your children knowing that you made that promise will help them to stay strong, during times of adversity. I'm thankful that our children are upstanding, self supporting citizens. I only hope they can find their way back to the Gospel. Thank you for your example of faith, and your beautiful testimony. Lori (Spokane, WA)


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