This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

Into the Woods

I love to walk in the woods. I am supposed to go for a walk daily, to help my legs heal. I have had to stop running for awhile, but it will not be long now, and I will be able to start picking up the pace again. I am excited to run, but for now, I have been enjoying my walks. It is my time to communicate with my Heavenly Father. It is just easier for me to feel the Spirit when I am out in His beautiful world. 

Yesterday was amazing. I felt so good. Even though my leg is a little sore -- mostly from bruising -- it still feels great to move. I went for a walk by the river, about 4 miles, and enjoyed every minute of it. I could have stayed out there forever. The weather was perfect, and the smell was like Heaven. There are certain areas around the river and trees where I just stop and suck in the amazing aroma of Spring. It is an overwhelming sensation that makes my mind burst with pure joy. There are no words to describe the beauty of the smell. You know the smell I am talking about though, don't you? 


I love Spring. It just makes me feel so hopeful. It is such a beautiful and glorious time of life. 

I love the smell of mowed grass, it is also a favorite Spring smell. It brings back childhood memories. I can remember waking up on a lazy summer day in Alaska to the sound of a lawn mower. I would lay in my bed with the window open and soak in the beauty of the sunlight. The smell of grass would tickle my nose, and cause me to feel a sense of happiness. I would flip my pillow over to the cool side, and thrill in the fact that life was good. Summer in Alaska... there is nothing like it. The smells there are incredible, especially in the woods. Talk about fresh air! Yum!  

Isn't it funny how smells can take you back to different memories in time? 

Spring is full of smells and memories. Charles and I started dating in the Spring, in Alaska. 

I brought my camera along my walk, and took some pictures... 


  1. Beautiful post! Thank you Mari! Ditto from me about your feelings of spring, the beauty, the smells and all of it! Awesome!!

  2. You always get such great pictures. I love them! They are all so beautiful. I can relate to your summer memory of laying in bed and hearing the mower with the window open. Mine are very similar. My dad would mow and I would just laze around in bed and enjoy the sound and smell of the mower cutting the grass. I had to take advantage of the mild morning before the 100 degree weather came later in the day! :)

  3. i'm jealous....i wish we had nice places to enjoy a walk out here. :/ great to see "artsy" photos again, has it been a while since you've been out taking photos or have you just not been posting them as much?? either way, fun to see them again!!

  4. Great pictures. I think I'll join you.



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