This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

2016 Theme

I like to pick a family theme each year. I keep it simple and go with one word. In the past we have used words like: Rejoice, Hope, Trust.  As I tried to come up with a word for this year, I decided to turn to the scriptures.  It did not take long before the word just jumped out at me, and kept repeating itself. 

This year, our word is: Lift. 

I love the word lift. It is a very positive, inspiring, word. It has so many different ways you can use it, and that is one of the reasons I chose it. As I was flipping through the scriptures, I was amazed at how often the word lift appeared. It is a very nice fit for what I would like to do this year. 

Last year our word was "trust," and oh boy, we needed it. We faced some crazy challenges ranging from surgeries to moving. The whole year was just really eventful with so many trips to the doctor's office and hospital. And moving and selling our home took a good 3 months out of our year. I have lived and breathed trust in my Heavenly Father, especially during 2015. There were just some really, really, big life events that took place. God has been with us, every step of the way. I did learn how to trust Him more. 

This year I want to lift. I looked up the word lift and discovered some interesting meanings.  


verb (used with object)

to move or bring (something) upward from the ground or other support to a higher position; hoist.
to raise or direct upward
to remove or rescind by an official act, as a ban, curfew, or tax:
to stop or put an end to 
to hold up or display on high.

to raise in rank, condition, estimation, etc.; elevate or exalt
to make audible or louder, as the voice or something voiced

verb (used without object)

to go up; yield to upward pressure
to pull or strain upward in the effort to raise something
to move upward or rise; rise and disperse, as clouds or fog
to rise to view above the horizon when approached, as land seen from
the sea

the act of lifting, raising, or rising
the distance that anything rises or is raised
a lifting or raising force
the weight, load, or quantity lifted
an act or instance of helping to climb or mount
a ride in a vehicle, especially one given to a pedestrian
a feeling of exaltation or uplift

These are some of the thoughts that came to my mind, as I have pondered how I will lift in 2016... I am sure more will come to my mind throughout the year. 

I want to lift up my voice and sing. 

I want to lift up my head and be of good cheer.

I want to lift the hands which hang down. 

I want to lift up my feet and run. 

I want to lift weights to grow stronger. 

I want to lift my camera and take pictures. 

I want to lift my children so they can achieve their full potential. 

I want to lift my head willingly from my pillow. 

I want to lift the burden of grief and sorrow for myself, and others. 

I want to lift the scriptures and feast upon them. 

I want to lift my fingers and blog. 

I want to lift my fears and try new things. 

I want to lift up my heart and be glad. 

I want to lift my eyes towards Heaven and live! 

My list could go on, but you get the idea. Lift is a word of action, and that is just what I need to do this year; I need to take action. As I lift, I will also rise to my fullest potential. And my children will do the same as we all focus on lifting together. 

May God grant me the strength to lift what I can, and let go of what I can't, and the wisdom to know the difference. 


  1. That is a great word! Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I admit I never thought of that word in so many ways.

  2. What a neat idea! Great choice this year and I really think you will achieve your goal because you already lift so many that you don't even know! Thanks for sharing your thoughts, it really makes me think:)


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