This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

Remember Who You Are

Can you feel that you are a child of God? Maybe you do not feel it every moment of everyday. But every now-and-again, can you feel that you are a child of an Omnipotent and loving Heavenly Father?

I sure hope so.

Sometimes life gets hard, and we can get bogged down by the weight of the world. But even in those times when we seem to be floundering rather than flourishing; we still belong to Heavenly Father. He still loves us. He always loves us. He wants the very best for us. I do not love my children less if they are having a hard time. In fact, I desire to reach out to them to help even more when they are struggling. Heavenly Father is always there to help, in the good times, and the not-so-good times.

We just need to seek Him out.

Sometimes there are moments throughout the day when I find a "sun spot," and I go bask in the light. I love to have the light pouring down on my face, as I soak in the energy that comes from the sun. It is especially wonderful during the winter months. There are times during the day when the sun will come shining through my bedroom window, and I will take a minute just to sprawl out and allow the light to fill me up. I sure love the light that comes from the sun, it is heavenly, and empowering.

I find that I can also fill myself up with light by seeking after the things of Heaven. Sometimes there is no light to be found outside, and so the light has to come from within. I can get a boost to my soul by reading the scriptures, praying, and even just pondering and allowing my mind to clear and remember who I really am.

I am a daughter of God.

Sometimes that reality can get lost in the monotonous day-to-day events, but it is always true.

As we are involved in the hustle and bustle of life, it is good to slow down and remember who we really are. This life is temporary. The hard stuff, and the good stuff, will all be but a memory when we finish our journey here. It happens fast, really fast. So take time to slow down and breathe in the life that you have now -- even if it is not exactly as you wish it would be.

Try and enjoy what life is, because it is your life. We often wish for better days ahead, and forget to recognize the blessing that is life now. Your life is a gift. And though we will live forever after we die as immortal beings, mortal life does not last forever. Enjoy life while in your mortal husk. Give your temporary physical body a hug, and appreciate all that it allows you to experience. Life is really so precious, and so brief.

Soak it up.

Sometimes we forget who we really are, and we settle for less than we could become. If you have dreams, goals, and hopes for the future, then reach for them with everything that you've got inside of you. It is good to stretch yourself, to see how far you can go, and to conquer the impossible. We can do so much more than we realize.

Remember who you are.

Become who you were born to be!



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