This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

Christmas Concerts

I have been to 3 concerts in 24 hours. Tis the season for performances! I love that Christmas is a season of music. Music fills my heart with life and joy. I am so grateful that it touches me in such a way. Sometimes music can get through to my heart, in a way that nothing else can. I don't know how many times I have been driving in the car, an emotional song will come on, and I will end up trying to drive through my tears. Music speaks to my soul.

To start off the musical frenzy, we went to see Beauty and the Beast. It was amazing. The whole thing was enchanting and beautiful. We went with our friends, and Sammi was lucky to win the spot as my date. She thought it was the most amazing show ever. She has been singing all the music, and finding all the new songs and learning all the lyrics. Her new dream is to play Belle on Broadway.
Waiting for the show to start... so exciting! My friend, Rachelle, was clearly extremely excited!
The set was so pretty... the seats were packed once it started.
So much fun!
The next day I went to William's 3rd grade performance. It was really cute, though it was so hot, and Henry would not even let me go in the gym, so we stood outside the doors and kept waving at William from a distance. William was really cute, and he was into the songs, though he performed most of the program with his arms folded. He does not love performing that much -- that may, or may not change... we shall see. He has a really awesome voice though. I do hope he chooses to share it in the future... it will be up to him to decide. He is the one in the middle... with his arms folded.
Here is daddy holding William when he was just a baby. I am very concerned with the rate at which time is passing! Eek! Something about this picture makes me miss Charles desperately. 
Next was Sammi and Daniel's choir performance that same evening. They are both in middle school, and their different choirs performed together, so that was nice. Here they are ready to go. They are precious. 
They grow up too fast. *Sniff* 
Sammi Sunshine ready to do what she loves... SING! She was so excited to wear a "fancy" dress.
Hold your little ones tight... time does not slow down! 
Henry was not quite so thrilled about sitting still for their concert either. It was even hotter during the performance for the older kids. The auditorium was packed and overflowing... it was a little overwhelming. Henry spent most of the time out and about, because he loves to "sing" too... but sometimes his singing is not appreciated during performances.
I would just pop in and out when the choirs sang. I caught Daniel's performance. He is the one on the far left. Is there anything cuter than a bunch of middle school boys singing? It's funny because Daniel seems so tall to me... but it looks like he is right there with the rest of the boys.
I popped back in for Sammi's choir. She is on the top left. They sounded really beautiful. Sammi loves choir, it is pretty much all she talks about, all the time. If she is not talking about it, she is singing all the songs.
The choir teacher is awesome. Both Sammi and Daniel just love him.
Here is Sammi singing a descant solo. Looks like she might be ready for Belle on Broadway... she is not afraid to open her mouth and SING!
Here are all the middle school choirs together singing Carol of the Bells. It was really good.
There is no lack of music this Christmas season. Tomorrow I will be singing with a group for a church Christmas party, and I will be singing in a trio on Sunday. Next week we have Jazz and Concert band performances, and a few more choir concerts. Daniel will be playing the trumpet and french horn, and Sammi plays the piano for the jazz band. Our house is always bursting with music.

I would not have it any other way.

And if you want to watch the song that makes me cry, every single time I hear it in the car...

Click: HERE 


  1. Did you get to record any of it? At least I got to herar them practicing while we were there. I'm glad music is so much a part of all of us.


  2. Music is sooo great! Is Sammi taking singing lessons? By the way, you look radiant, Mary!


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