This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

Hey, Remember Me?

Wow, I have missed blogging! I had to take a little break for many reasons. For the last few months I have been involved in the process of moving. Directly after closing on my little house, and moving into our new home, I went on a 2 week trip with family. I took a deliberate break from my blog during that time, but the main reason for my absence, was simply because I have not had the Internet in my home until today-- finally! It is a long story, but let's just say I am supremely happy to be able to use my blog again!


I have so much to share. It has been very eventful here lately, and I want to at least do a quick recap for my history. I will try to play catch up over the next few weeks here and there, and I look forward to keeping better track of what is going on with us. I do not like to get so behind, it is hard to catch up!

We are thoroughly enjoying our new home. It is a place of peace for our family. I adored our little home, but we were bursting at the seams. My teenagers have become taller than me, and one bathroom was becoming hilarious between the five of us. It was simply time to move. I was not planning on any of it -- it was all out of the blue, and unexpected timing.

But that is just how things work sometimes... unexpected life changes often occur when we least expect them.

I can say that I know we are supposed to be here, right now, for some reason. I do not know the reason for sure, but I do know it is the place for us. I will need to take some time to write more about the whole process of how things worked out, there were so many miracles. Sure there were bumps in the road along the way, but things just worked out, in so many beautiful ways. The term, "Tender Mercies," is often used to describe God's gentle guiding hand, but in our house we operate on what we call, "Tender Miracles."

We live and breathe miracles on a daily basis.

Even now as I reflect on the past few months, I remain in awe of the miracles that have been showered upon us from a loving Heavenly Father. He has been so kind, so generously loving, and compassionate to our little family. I recognize that all good things come from Him.

Oh, how I have missed writing! I realized during my break from it, that I really need it. I need to have the release of thoughts and feelings, and also I have the need to record my daily life with my family. It helps me to see my life more clearly as I write out thoughts and experiences. Not everyone has that need, but I really do. I have always kept a journal of some sort over the years. I have such a strong and often pestering inner dialogue that needs a place to be set free, and this is my place, and I have greatly missed it. It is so refreshing to write! Whew!

I am really grateful that it is the Christmas season. Oh, how I love this time of year! Sure it can get busy and full of activities, but I just love to bask in the light, don't you? My house is all aglow with the Spirit of Christmas, and I just love to soak in the magic that settles on my home like a warm blanket.

Speaking of warm blankets... I am cuddled up now in my blanket I have had since I was 16 years old. It's my favorite because it is so soft and the material is just the right texture on my skin. I sleep with it every night. Funny enough, Charles had a matching blanket that he loved too. His was brown, and mine is green, but they were the same kind of blanket.

I am feeling pretty good here cuddled in my chair all cozy, wrapped in the comfort of my childhood. Perhaps I could do another post with some pictures...

Hmmmm... what to write first?


  1. Yes, your internet is finally working! :)

  2. I'm so glad you are back to blogging. I was wondering if you had decided it was not worth the time anymore, so I'm happy to hear that isn't the case. The room in the picture is gorgeous. I wish I had your sense of style.

  3. Made my day to see a new blog post. Thanks for writing, although I haven't met you I like to read your posts because I always come away feeling more determined to be better. You are a great example and I admire you very much.

  4. Missed you Mari! Glad you are back!

  5. I too am glad for your return. I love to learn a little of how you are all doing and I love your thoughts and testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

  6. Glad your back! I have missed reading, hope you had a good break and where able to have lots of family time. I'm excited to read your new posts!


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