This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

Controlling the Babies

I have a stack of Charles' journals. I have decided that every now-and-again, I will post little excerpts of things that stand out to me. They might be funny, spiritual, or just something that caught my attention to share. This is one of those journal excerpt posts… 

Excerpt from Charles' journal entry written on November 12th, 2000:

I had a hard time paying attention to the speakers at church because I was distracted. I noticed today mothers and fathers coming in and out of the chapel with their children. I'm not sure how they would get anything out of their meetings with the constant commotion. I would think that there would be some way of controlling the babies while you are in your meetings, but that is probably impossible. I suppose you just have to get up, take them out, and figure out what is going on and come back in. I will probably want to sit in the back of the chapel when Mari and I have small children so that we will not disturb anyone when we have to come in and out of the chapel. 


When I read this, I was cracking-up! First of all, notice that the date is the year 2000 -- before we had any children. Obviously, we thought that we would be such good parents that our children would be reverent in church, starting the day they were born. The irony of this statement is that not only have we been (and continue to be) the cause of commotion in the chapel with our children, but we have also sat in the front row in the chapel for the last 7 years! And, if any of our children made the slightest peep, Charles would scoop them up quickly, and excitedly head to the hallway, where we would lull them (and himself) to sleep, or otherwise entertain them. Once he left the chapel, he would rarely come back in. I would often find him, and a baby, happily sleeping in a chair in the hallway.

Perspective. It changes everything. 

The picture above was taken in the church foyer, where Charles would often take Henry, if he was noisy and restless. A ward member from church decided to randomly take the candid picture on his phone. He had the image of Charles and Henry on his phone, never deleting it. The image was framed and presented to me as a gift after Charles passed away. There is more to the story of the picture that is pretty amazing, but because of some privacy laws, I cannot share those details. The picture was a beautiful little miracle. I have a copy of it in the boys bedroom.

I love the contrast between his unrealistic, pre-parent, journal entry written in 2000, and the beautiful picture of parenting-reality, 14 years later.

Time changes everything, doesn't it? :-)


  1. Were you living in our Anchorage ward then with us? If so, there is a good possibility that was Nick and KayLee. Nick thought it would be a good idea one Sunday to bring a bouncy ball to sacrament meeting. You can imagine how well that worked out for the people sitting 4 rows up from us. Perspective. Isn't it great we can change our perspective. Love you Mari. Thanks for sharing this great little glimpse into Charle's most personal thoughts.

  2. I wish sometimes that someone would take me out in the hallway during church. ; )

    I'm so glad someone captured that picture for you. I love how Charles is getting down at Henry's level and literally watching over him (as I'm sure he continues to do today.)

    Fun post! Thanks for making me smile.


  3. I love this post...the perfect hall pass. I think the dad's really like the excuse to wander the halls with their kids. I sometimes see a little cluster of dad's chatting while their kids run around. :) I remember seeing Charles in his usual place in the foyer, often dozing with Henry in the chair. It brings a smile to my face thinking of it.

  4. i love this photo and am so glad someone captured this sweet and simple moment in time. :)

  5. That was just the best. So true! Love that picture. Captures so much without a word.


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