This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

Thoughts on Eternity

Tonight was the youth temple trip. Since my new desire is to be in the temple as much as possible, I decided to go too. I have been doing as much work as I can for Charles' family line, and I had a bunch of information for people ready to have their work started. I was very excited to go with Sammi, to watch, and help a little too, while the youth performed baptisms on behalf of those who have passed on to the other side of the veil -- those who are Charles' new friends, and family associates. 

If you are not a member of the church, and you think this practice of baptism for the dead strange, it is not. It is one of the most beautiful things I have ever witnessed. Seeing a bunch of young men, and young women, dressed in white, being baptized for those who did not have the chance in this life, and helping others receive the necessary steps to exaltation -- it is the most wondrous sight to behold! 

Understanding temple work done by proxy is not complicated or strange… if you believe in the Atonement of Jesus Christ, you believe in salvation via proxy. When we do the work in the temple (such as baptism) we are helping in the work of salvation! Heavenly Father wants all of His children to have the chance to return to Him -- not just a handful who had the chance for baptism, and other ordinances, while they lived. 

So many amazing, wonderful, good people have died without being baptized, what happens to them? Don't they deserve the chance to be with Heavenly Father, too? 


Baptism is simply necessary to return to the presence of our Father in Heaven, and we want everyone to have that chance. People still get to choose to accept or reject the work done on their behalf in the temples, but we must do the work they cannot do without their physical bodies, and we must give them the chance to receive it! It is all part of the amazing plan of salvation. Again, it is simply, and profoundly, beautiful. If you don't believe me, then find some missionaries, join The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, come to the temple, and find out for yourself. 

It was a wonderful evening with the youth, and their leaders. There were some very special moments, when the spirit was very strong. It is a unique experience taking names and doing the work for your own ancestors, and so it was very special for Sammi, and for me to be there with her. I loved it. 

When we walked out of the temple, there was a very strong wind blowing. I said, "Hey, it's Charles!" I had just been talking to one of the youth leaders about Charles' calling-card being the wind, and she said, "It is Charles, and some of his ancestors, too!" Right after she said that, I knew she was right! It was a powerful wind. A beautiful wind. It was awesome! So awesome. 

The wind is something you can feel, and not see -- kind of like the Spirit World -- but it is amazing how tangible the wind can be when it is strong. Even though you cannot see the wind, you can see its effect on the things it touches. There is just something about the wind… when it blows against my skin, it feels like a hug from Charles. And tonight, after the temple, I felt hugged by way more than just him! It definitely felt like a "group hug" from his family. 

Awesome. Awesome. Awesome! 

No, I am not crazy, I am just a girl who knows that the Spirit World is real, and it exists on this very earth -- all around us. I know it now more than ever before. My one love is there now, my sweetheart, my other-half, my everything. Those who have passed on -- the names of people we do the work for in the temple -- were once just as vibrant, loved, adored, and wonderful as Charles is to me now. They deserve to have the chance at eternal life and exaltation just as much as the rest of us! I intend to do my best to help give it to them! 

Those who love us, and are departed from us through death, are never far from us. The veil between the physical world, and the spiritual world, can be made pretty thin. There are miracles and precious spiritual moments all around us, if we would just open our spiritual eyes and see. Most people are just too busy to see miracles. 

I love the temple. It is amazing. My new life-plan is to mold my life around the temple, rather than squeezing the temple into my busy schedule. It is now a priority. I want to think about it first. I want to be excited about going, and going often. I mentioned in an earlier blog that "the answer is the temple." It is the answer! Going to the temple often, and regularly, is the answer!  I feel that deeply in my bones. Now, I feel an urgency to go and go often. The Lord is hastening His work, and I will be a part of it! 

I love the temple, it is everything. 

Sammi's thoughts on the temple: 

I love the temple. It is so beautiful, on the outside and the inside. Being able to do the work for those who have passed through the veil is so amazing and those people who are fortunate enough to have their work done can accept the gospel and be sealed to their families forever. One of the temple workers  said that one particular person had been waiting for their temple work to be done since about 1779. That is quite a long time!

When I am at the temple, I feel so peaceful and serene. Temples can be compared to a little slice of heaven. While there, I try hard to remember how I feel and think about the Savior and all of the blessings he has given me. I also think about the trials I have and the trials the Savior went through. The gospel astounds me and everything in it is so remarkable. To think of all the stories of people faithful to the Lord and the number of Latter-Day Saints now fills me with the spirit. 

The first time that I went to the temple, I went with my dad for the winter youth temple visit. Looking back, I am grateful that he came along with me. We had a great time and he was able to participate in some of the work. He was very happy there and I remember that he would always be happy when he came home from a date night at the temple with my mom. (They went on several). The temple gives me so much hope and stands as a beacon for me, and symbolizes the church for many others. I am very thankful to have been able to go to the temple. 

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is amazing. I am grateful for the ward I am in and for the people I get to visit with and the youth group that I am a part of. (I am also thankful for bishops that take us out to Dairy Queen. It was quite a sight to be seen.) I love the gospel, I love my family, I love great friends, I love adopted dad's, I love my ward, I love the world that I am a part of, and I love my heavenly father.

 -Sammi van Ormer 

This is Sammi's screen saver… 

The future is bright, my friends. The future is bright. 

This generation of youth has been made for these ever darkening times. As the world grows darker, their lights shine brighter. 

The other night, Sammi came and laid next to me in bed. We ended up chatting about deeply spiritual things. All the lights were out in my room, and I just listened to Sammi speak to me in the dark, and answer my gospel questions with such power and confidence. It seemed to be even more powerful having all other distraction removed, as we just listened to each others voices in the dark. 

At one point, I discussed my desire to see Charles with her, and she shared a story she had read, and said to me, "If you saw him, and where he is, you would want to leave this earth, and go be with him. But we need you here now." As I closed my eyes, adding another layer of black to the already darkened room, I had this strange feeling come over me. I felt that I needed to listen to her, because she knows things -- things I don't even understand. She is part of the new generation of God-fearing servants, and I need to pay attention to her words and her faith. She, along with others, have been prepared for this time -- specifically for this time, here on earth. 

I know I am her mother, but she is so often my teacher. I value her wisdom. 

I also had this profound feeling that this girl, my Sammi, is my daughter for a reason. She is meant to be with me through this experience of life. I need her. I am pretty sure we arranged our relationship long before we came to earth. We are both Charles' special girls, and we always will be! 

I need all of my children for different reasons. We van Ormers were meant to go through this sojourn of life together. Charles may be watching now from the other side of the wind, but he is still with us, and that is good enough for me, for now. It is not impossible for the veil to be parted, and for me to see him in this life, but it cannot happen on my time table. I am starting to realize that the more I demand miracles, the less likely they are to happen. But if I can just calm down, and be at peace, accepting that I am on God's time, and not my own -- it is amazing how often miracles occur when I least expect them. Expecting miracles, and demanding them, are very different things. 

Repeat after me: Trust in God's timing, not your own! 

Got it? Good! 

I love the miracle that is the temple! Because of the temple -- because Charles and I were sealed in the temple -- this van Ormer family will be together forever. Death does not hold sway over us! We will see Charles again. We will hold him again. He will wrap his arms around all of us, again. And then we have eternity! 



  1. the temple holds a special place in my heart as well. it IS everything and i look forward to more posts about it! :)

  2. Very very nice. I love the temple and don't go as often as I should, and you have inspired me to make it a regular part of my routine. Thanks! and Thanks Sammi for your thoughts. You are a lovely young woman!

  3. I loved this post for so many reasons! Sammi is awesome and I loved the part about your conversation in your room...what a blessing. :)

  4. Glad you got to go w/ Sammi on the youth baptism temple trip. I can only imagine how wonderful it would be to watch your own daughter do such great work. I look forward to the day when I can do that w/ McKinley & Stephen.
    For now, I do get to go with the YW to the temple. We have a baptism trip scheduled for next week. Will be nice.
    I'm glad the temple is your answer. Thank you for inspiring us all.
    I enjoyed Sammi's words of wisdom as well. What an amazing daughter of God.



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