This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

Sugar-Coated Prayers

I know prayers are answered. Sometimes they are not answered in the way you hope for, or expect -- but sometimes they are! 

On Sunday afternoon, Sammi brought a beautiful cupcake home from church. She offered it to me, I ate it, and it was deliciously yummy. One cupcake is lovely, and I was grateful, but the other kids wanted one too, and another delicious cupcake sounded great to me. Sunday is a cupcake kind of day at our house.

I was sitting at the dinner table, when the thought popped into my mind to pray for more cupcakes. I looked at Sammi and said, "I am going to pray that someone brings us more cupcakes today." I then said a quick and heartfelt prayer that someone would feel inspired to bring us cupcakes. I wasn't joking, either. My prayer was of a very earnest, and sincere nature. Right now, flowers, cupcakes, treats, etc., can really make our day around here!

After I finished my Mother-prayer, Sammi giggled and said, "Mom, if someone brings cupcakes, I will never doubt again." I know, in her teenage-girl heart, she greatly desired some sugary-joy to come to our front door. She added her faith to mine, and hoped with all her heart that my prayer would be answered.

I told Sammi that sometimes you have to let Heavenly Father know your heart's desire -- of course He already knows -- but sometimes He wants you to remember to ask. I knew cupcakes were pushing it as far as prayers are concerned... are they really a worthy or "good" thing to ask for?

YES! Yes, they are!

Do you not give your sick or injured child, extra popsicles, and ice-cream? Do you not coddle them with extra attention and love? My heart has been injured, and I have needed extra attention from my Heavenly Father. On Sunday I desired sugary cupcakes, but what I really needed was cupcakes for my soul.

Somehow, I knew Heavenly Father would provide -- even if I had to make the cupcakes myself, which I was willing and ready to do -- my prayer would be answered. It was not a question.

So, I went about my business of the Sabbath day. We ate dinner, we watched a great movie called, "The Other Side of Heaven," and then I got busy on some Family History work for a friend.  As I was in the middle of typing an email to request some genealogical information -- there was a knock at the door.

The kids peeked out the window, and shrieked with enthusiasm, "Mom, it's the cupcakes!" 

A wonderful lady from church, Sister Kempton, stood at the front door with a plate full of beautiful cupcakes. Her daughter had just had a wedding reception, and they had a bunch of cupcakes left over, and she thought we could use some. I probably scared her, because I kept freaking-out about how excited we were that she listened to the promptings of the Spirit.

God uses people to answer prayers.

I expressed my amazement and gratitude to Sister Kempton. After we shut the door, we all danced around the house with great joy at our clearly answered prayer. We then went to the kitchen and devoured the cupcakes in mere seconds -- they were so good! I was lucky to get a picture before they were gobbled-down!

I know my prayer was answered because of the power of The Holy Ghost. I made my simple faith-filled request with God, He heard me, He decided my petition was worthwhile to answer quickly, He used the Holy Ghost to communicate with Sister Kempton -- giving her a feeling, which prompted her to action -- and my prayer was answered.

I also know that my prayer was answered because I was not just twiddling my thumbs, doing nothing, expecting cupcakes -- I was anxiously engaged in God's great work of Family History. I was in the middle of helping Him, when He helped me.

Also, I would have made my own cupcakes if necessary, to be the answer to my own prayer. I would have done the work of stirring and baking -- but there was more at stake than just some flour and frosting. I knew I was supposed to pray for cupcakes. I knew they would come. I did not doubt. It was just one of those things. I could feel it. So I felt it was a chance to pray, ask in faith, and strengthen the faith of my family. The cupcakes were just a bonus in the faith-filled lesson… icing on the cake, if you will. Answered prayer was the real treat!

My family has been through the fire lately, and God has been especially gentle and kind to us in our time of great need. I have noticed, more than ever, that God works through people. He has placed people in our path that have lifted us to heights of joy, and strengthened our faith. My faith in God has always been strong, but now, I have faith in the goodness of people, too. I have never seen service in action like I have these last 5 months. It's been amazing. People are good. So very, very, good.

I know God lives. He answers our prayers. The answers to our prayers are not always in such a quick, precise, and timely way as we experienced with our cupcakes, but He does answer them! It may take days, months, years, or a lifetime to understand the answer to your prayers -- but He does answer. Sometimes you have to open your spiritual eyes to see the answers more clearly -- they might be right in front of your face! And also, be quiet and listen to the promptings of the Holy Ghost. He speaks through quiet whisperings, and deep feelings in your heart.

Oh, and just a word to the wise… be very careful what you pray for! I learned that lesson long ago when I prayed for humility. Yikes! 

The delicious cupcakes tasted amazing, but not as amazing as it felt to receive them as a direct answer to prayer. The cupcakes were gone in seconds, but our faith was strengthened forever.

Again, I can't really explain it, but I just knew it was OK to pray for cupcakes, and that God would hear me, and provide. I did not even question if I should pray out loud in front of the kids and ask, I just knew I should. That is not always the case in every situation -- but I knew it was the right thing to do, nothing doubting. So I did it.

I reminded Sammi what she had said, if the cupcakes came. She said she would, "never doubt again."

Looks like an eternity of believing for Sammi! (And me too!) 

Thank you, Heavenly Father, for granting my simple and sugary petition. Thank you for humoring me.

It was a very sweet answer to my prayer… with sugar sprinkles on top!

Hymn # 142

Sweet hour of prayer! Sweet hour of prayer!
That calls me from a world of care
And bids me at my Father's throne
Make all my wants and wishes known.
In seasons of distress and grief,
My soul has often found relief
And oft escaped the tempter's snare
By thy return, sweet hour of prayer!

Sweet hour of prayer! Sweet hour of prayer! 
Thy wings shall my petition bear
To him whose truth and faithfulness
Engage the waiting soul to bless
And since he bids me seek his face, 
Believe his word, and trust his grace, 
I'll cast on him my every care
And wait for thee, sweet hour of prayer! 


  1. Loves that you guys get to celebrate! ;) prayers do work (in their unique ways ;) )

  2. Often in the mornings I only have a little bit of time to myself before my children wake up. I know that if I choose to read one of your posts it will be full of uplifting light and gospel goodness. If that's all the time I get, it is time well-spent. I love this story of Sweet prayers of faith.

  3. Hahahaha great post. I can see you guys dancing around.
    Sister Kempton is one of the greats. Oh to be more like her.
    This post made me smile. Thanks.

  4. I love your blog!! You are an inspiration to me. Thank you!

  5. Sweet! (literally)...Wow! I don't know Sister Kempton, but I love her for following the Spirit. How often do we all get promptings from the Holy Ghost to call someone, write a note, take a plate of cookies (or cupcakes) to someone and we think we're too busy or it's just not convenient or it seems awkward? Just DO it! Look at this beautiful answer to prayer that Mari posted. I am in awe of this sweet , sweet experience your family had Mari. I love that your prayed in faith, nothing doubting, in front of your children. Now, they can really be like the Army of Helaman....they did not doubt for their mothers knew it! And, I know you KNOW it! You are courage to the max. God is a God of miracles...every day, mini miracles (you might call them) and then there's the big, more noticeable miracles. The only reason miracles cease is because of the unbelief of the children of men. Miracles are real! They still happen today. Many have happened for my sister Mari and her family. Why? Because of faith in the Lord, Jesus Christ. Thank you for being a believer Mari. More miracles are on their way.


  6. As always, I am stronger and happier after reading your blog. :)

  7. How amazing! Thanks for sharing!


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