This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

Packing His Side Of The Closet

The "right time" to pack up clothing is different for everyone. I decided -- a few days ago -- it was the right time for me. We are approaching the 4 month mark since Charles entered the Spirit realm, with me still hanging out here in mortality, doing silly things like hanging curtains, organizing the garage, and packing up boxes.  

I have been in the middle of a total house organization and cleansing -- including switching rooms, so that I am in the master bedroom with Sammi in my walk-in closet, and the 3 boys are in the smaller room, in a triple bunk bed. I just thought it would be better for Sammi to have more privacy from the boys, since she is a growing teenager. So far she loves being my "roommate" as she called it. For now it works great, since I certainly have nothing to hide (and neither does she!). She also has total access to my room (and me!), which she loves. 

So far, the new set-up is working great. No, we are not living normally. Yes, we beat to the sound of our own drums. Regardless of whatever is considered "normal" I have been pleasantly surprised by how much I love our crazy ways. Normal is an illusion. Everyone is a little crazy… some people just hide it better than others. 

While we were in the middle of organizing things, it felt like the right time to go through all of Charles' belongings, and finally pack them away. I do not know what other people have done, or how long you are "supposed" to wait -- or not wait -- but for me, I was not eager to remove his clothing from our closet and drawers. They are part of our life, our memories, our house, our routine, part of Charles -- I have not been eager to remove anything connected to him. His journals are on my nightstand, and I do everything I can to keep him close to me. The very best things to keep him close are pictures, video, blog posts, emails, journals, and just talking about him all the time with the kids, friends, and family. 

It has been 4 months, can you believe it?! At this point, his clothing has lost his smell. There is no more aroma of Charles, now his clothes just smell like the closet. During the first few days after he died, I did go through the closet and touch all of his clothes, and performed one of the "movie scenes" of life. (You go through these mourning-motions, and they feel so foreign and strange -- like watching yourself in a movie.) I was certain at that point, that I would never remove his clothes from our closet -- ever. 

But time is doing strange things to me. My heart still aches, but it also still beats. I can strongly sense the reality that I must carry on with life, and not just carry on -- but carry on happily! I have a very strong desire within me to be happy. I hate being sad. I have never considered myself a super bubbly, sugar-coated, dreamy-eyed, optimist -- that's not really my style. I am more of a realistic optimist. But I must say, my natural disposition of seeing things as they are -- facing the facts -- mixed with a hint of joy, happiness, and sugar-sprinkles, has done well for me through this most challenging situation. I have needed my realistic side, almost as much as my optimistic side. 

As I was packing up Charles' clothes, I did not shed one tear. Instead of sorrow, what I felt was gratitude. As I went through his white shirts, suits, ties, shoes, workout clothes, pajamas, and causal clothes, I thought about how many miles his clothing had traveled with him. How many people had he helped, counseled, loved? How many workouts, hikes, and journey's had he been on? I found that though his white shirts and suits were special to me, there were other items that were much more valuable to me -- like his casual clothing. It was the clothing he was 100% comfortable in, that made me smile the most. I loved it when he was wearing the clothes that allowed him to be playful, happy, and free -- his home clothes. His play clothes. 

I packed up most of his clothes in boxes, to be pulled out again when Daniel can fit into them. (That should only be a few years, at most!) I did keep out some T-shirts for Daniel, and all of his ties are for the boys as well. And I left all of his shoes in the hall closet for Dan to grow into. Charles was all about quality shoes. He believed in taking good care of your feet, since they have to take you on your journey of life. 

I did search through all of his pockets, to check for any notes, or special items. I found very few things. I found a few of his business cards, $5.00, movie ticket stubs from The Incredibles, and The Lord of the Rings, and some Family History work papers. Those items identify him perfectly.  

All of his clothes are special and meaningful to me, because they are his. There is a memory, and a moment, tied to each item -- even the unworn thick sweaters that were stacked at the top of the closet. There were some items that were more meaningful than others, especially shirts he had since before we started dating, and the sarong he got on his mission that he would wear at night. 

But for me, there was a clothing item that stood above all others…

The shirt. 

I kept only one shirt, and it is now a valued treasure of mine. 

He has a shirt he called his "vacation shirt" and he would wear it whenever we would travel. Sometimes he would wear it for many days of our traveling -- without changing it. He wore it on our very first trip together, from Arizona to Utah, before we were married. (We were chaperoned by my sister, Beth.) And he wore it on almost every trip we have taken since then. It is his special shirt. The shirt of all shirts. 

Whenever I dream of Charles now, he is wearing his vacation shirt. 

And he is happy. 

He is free. 


I will hold on to your traveling shirt for you, until you come and claim it for our next grand adventure together. 

Love, Mari 

Hanging out in Denali, Alaska
Making beef stew and dumplings in Denali
Our first trip together when we were dating. The Meteor crater in Arizona. 
Salt Lake City Temple 
The Hoyt building in Alaska 
The day we left Alaska for Law School in Spokane, Washington. 
Playing Scrabble on vacation with baby Sammi 
Just Engaged… notice the shirt under the jacket. 
Temple Square
Our first trip together when we were dating. Picture taken in front of the Salt Lake temple 
Traveling to Utah from Arizona while dating 
Vacation at a cabin
Hanging out at the Loganberry house 
Boise balloon spectacular 

Stadium of Fire on the Forth of July
Playing with Sammi
Traveling with baby William 
Dating at the bowling alley 
At a cabin with Sammi 
Church chili cook-off 
Leaving Alaska, sad Brudder John 
California Coast 
Down the mountain after proposing 
San Diego, California 

Trip to Alaska
Tabasco Store California 
I am so glad Charles was particular about some things -- like his vacation shirt. Those silly things have been the most meaningful to me.

Make a big deal out of the silly, fun, little things. Those little things mean a lot!

Thanks, Charles, for being awesome! And for looking awesome in your vacation shirt. Wow, I really love you!

Question: Do you have a special shirt/clothing item that stands out above all others? 


  1. That is one FINE shirt...one I will always love because when Charles was wearing that shirt, we were having fun. (Even when you were leaving for Spokane and we were all crying.) I knew which shirt you were talking about before you posted the pictures and I think it is wonderful to have that physical reminder of so many good times and how it represents the hope of so many more to come. I gave a talk recently on "heritage of hope" and I wish I had thought of that wonderful shirt. It will be included next time.


  2. I haven't cried lately while reading your posts but for some reason I couldn't hold back the tears for this one. Maybe it was all those pictures. I'm so glad you have that special shirt that is a reminder of all those memories and that represents who Charles was. Charles is awesome! We love that guy and we love you and the kids too. :)

  3. I love the vacation shirt and all of the fun times he had with you and the family in it. They all made me smile (and cry) but I especially like the one where Sammi and he are playing scrabble. :)

  4. I'm with Rachelle. I cried on this post and the last post I cried on was Sammy's.
    This post REALLY touched me Mari. I don't know how I'd do. All I wanted after my Dad (it's the only comparison I have) died was one of his tops that smelled like me. I just wanted his smell. His smell made me calm and feel warm and safe. It disappeared and it breaks my heart. I'm sorry Charles smell is gone from his clothes. That makes me sad. You look beautiful in that first picture. I think it's great that Sammy is your room mate for now. I like that move and change. I hope it continues to work out wonderfully for the both of you.
    "Normal is an illusion. Everyone is a little crazy… some people just hide it better than others. "
    Best quote of the post right there ^^^ Funny.
    Love you

    1. Sorry smelled like HIM, not smelled like me hahahaha, smelled like my dad. I'm sure you knew what I meant right?
      I love all those vacation shirt pictures. What a treasure. Charles is awesome.

    2. OK last comment I promise. I realized I didn't answer your question.
      I have this pair of jeans that are too big right now but they were just random jeans from NZ. The brand was 'peaches'. So Dru and I call them my peaches jeans. They were the first jeans Dru ever saw me in and he totally remembers my entire outfit from our first meeting over 14 years ago!! While going through my clothes to give away I've always held onto those cause Dru doesn't want me to throw them out and they mean something to us. Crazy I guess but that's the item of clothing that I can think of that means something to the both of us. For Dru he has this northface red and black vest that he's had since forever. It sums him up so well. I think I'd hold onto that. Whenever he's serious about outside stuff, he has that on hahahaha

  5. sammi has got to be the best roommate ever, you're a lucky momma. :) and i LOVE the vacation shirt!! i remember seeing him in this shirt but had no idea how much this shirt was a part of all your lives....what fun memories and traditions!! awesome. :)

  6. Im right there with Rachelle. I sat here at my work desk and cried. They were happy tears. I remember that shirt and like Erin I had no ideas the memories. Thank you Mari! Think of you often.


  7. ahhhh! Mari. i cannot believe how you have championed through this with so much faith, courage, and grace. Your little family is amazing! Sammi and Daniel look like twins in one of those pics as toddlers! xoxo susz

  8. Mari, Looking at all of those amazing pictures that represent such happy times and memories for you, I am struck by the constancy you are blessed with. What a great love you are blessed with, a great man to love you amd build a forever family with, so much happiness with him, such a great family that you were born into and are still around you, loving you and supporting you. What a blessing the Gospel is. It never fails us in this world that has very little that we can count on. You are an amazing woman. Thank you for your example.

    And yes, there is something very hearbreaking about this post. My prayers are with you and your sweet children.

  9. Wow! I am amazed at all the pictures you have of Charles in his 'vacation' shirt. That is so cool!
    I think I need a 'vacation' shirt...then, of course, that means I better plan a vacation. Disneyland, here I come!!

    It was fun to see the Denali pictures. Those were the best of memories w/ our family! Thanks Mom and Dad!
    Charles always made it more fun.

    So fun for Sammi to be your roomie. That will prepare her well for college, I'm sure.
    And, what a joyful young woman to have in your presence. I sure love her.

    As far as a favorite clothing item????? My "Classic" blue t-shirt that I received for running the Deseret News half marathon in UT last summer. It was my fastest race ever and the shirt rocks and reminds me that I can kick bootie when I need to or want to. It was a race down Immigration canyon...on Pioneer day and that's where the pioneers traveled and I could feel of their struggles and successes as I ran that race. It inspired me to press on in all that I encounter.
    thanks for making me think about my shirt. In fact, I'm wearing it right now. : ) How about you...do you have a favorite clothing item of your own?

    love you Mari!



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