This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

Starring Rapunzel!

Sammi is Rapunzel. She was properly cast in her junior high choir performance. Sammi is light, and joy, and strength. Every morning Sammi wakes up happy, and everyday she says is a great day. She came into the world with sunshine in her soul, and now she gets to share it with others. She has big dreams, and I just know she will make them come true. 

She has always wanted to be a Disney princess, but when Tangled came out, it was like seeing Sammi in cartoon form on the big screen. Even before the movie came out -- before Rapunzel was even a known Disney princess -- Sammi would wear this dress around the house... as if she were preparing for her future. 
Sammi had so much fun performing. There was all sorts of excitement around our house as we tried to prepare for her show. The excitement still lingers in the air, as the energy of performing often stays with you for awhile. It has been so fun. She has loved every minute of it. And I have enjoyed it too! It is nice to sit back and watch your children on the stage. It makes me super nervous, but Sammi put me at ease with her confidence and anticipation. It was just a joy to see her having such a good time, and fulfilling her little girl dream. She may be 13, but she will always be a little princess to me. 

Here are some pictures from the show... 

Rapunzel and Mother Gothel getting ready to go on... 

Sammi enjoying the spotlight... 
I've got a Dream! Sammi is living her dream! Yea! 
Flynn helping Rapunzel get her microphone on... 
Yeah, I had to watch this moment... Eek! She is in 8th grade, and he is in 9th... time to brush up on my karate. ;) 
Sammi got a standing ovation from the 30+ people there from church supporting her... she was so happy to see them! 
Flynn and Rapunzel... 

After the performance, a bunch of cute girls wanted their picture with Rapunzel. It was just like Disneyland! Sammi was in Heaven.
She stayed in character even after the show was over...

Dynamic Duo... I love that they both have braces. :)

A beautiful picture of Sammi captured by a friend...
Pictures with cute girls...

Thanks to everyone for their love and support. It meant the world to Sammi, and me!

Sammi had a dream, and it came true... now time to find another dream!

And, here it is... the performance.

I See the Light...

For mobile devices click: HERE

Mother Knows Best, and I've Got a Dream...

For mobile devices click: HERE


  1. Grandma couldn't be prouder. This is just the beginning, Sam. It is in the blood.

    I love you and and your were GREAT!!!!! (And you look more like Rapunzel than Rapunzel).

  2. Favorite song, favorite movie, favorite princess. I cried. Not sure why, but it happened. Great job!

  3. I'm glad I was there and Masaru loved it too. Plus half of my friends win prizes!!!!! All worth it. She was perfect.

  4. Oh my goodness, how beautiful and wonderful!!!

  5. Super performance Sammi! I got teary eyed watching her sing: I can see the light. She can see the LIGHT in this world. That's what makes her so remarkable. I'm grateful she finds joy in each day. I'm grateful she had this opportunity to fulfill one of her dreams. What a beautiful voice! So clear and bright! I loved the dress too.
    I'm glad Daniel is there to protect her from Flynn,,,,oh boy! I couldn't believe he put his hand through her hair and on her chin. I hear Daniel was going to deck him one. ; )
    Glad to hear it was so much fun! We need to make life fun and happy along the way. Well done vanOrmers!

    love you all!


  6. She really did a great job! We all enjoyed the show!!

  7. Mari,
    You don't know me but I've been reading your blog for a while. I felt I had to comment today because I was so touched by Sammi's performance. Not only is she a beautiful girl with a stunning voice, but I couldn't help but think what a tough year this has been for your girl. I am so impressed by you and Sammi, for your strength and testimonies and by your ability to move on through your personal Gethsemane's. I hope you know that you are a light to those around you. I am so glad you have a wonderful extended family who love and support you. I'm sure often you feel overwhelmed and like you can't measure up to the responsibilities and expectations that are on you. Well as one of your readers, I hope you know that you are loved, looked up to and that you are helping me want to be a better person. God bless you and your family Mari! You are doing wonderfully well!


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