This blog is where I record a limited depiction of my feelings, family, and faith. My blog was recently under intense scrutiny, and so I feel this disclaimer is necessary. I try to tell my story as openly as I can, but this blog represents a cropped and narrow-viewed version of my story -- like all social media -- it is NOT the full story. Many events happen behind the scenes that are not recorded or written about, due to the sensitive nature of others involved. Life has many layers. Many layers can be shared and many cannot, and this blog is simply a layer of my life that I allow others to view, but it is not an accurate depiction of all the layers of my life.

Rainy Days and Mondays

We have had stormy weather. And I love it! Despite all the crazy weather we have had during this 2017 year, for some reason, this rainy day was met with gladness. It was just right today: the coolness, the falling rain, and the fresh breeze coming through the window. Our family has needed a break, and time to just really relax, and this rainy day was so pleasant. We also know that crazy time is ahead for the summer, and so we will take any peaceful days we can get! 

Last night, we went for a midnight drive to chase a thunderstorm. It was the kind of storm where there were constant bolts that made the whole sky light up. We did not hear any thunder with the lightning, but it was still amazing. The kids were the ones who wanted to do the storm-chasing, and you know me, I am all for it, anytime, day or night! We had a great time together as a family, with enchanting jazz music playing, the darkness of the night, and the thrill of the chase. It was one of those moments -- those magic moments -- that I live for.

I went out for another run today. I am really starting to feel better! Hooray! It was pouring rain, and I wanted to go out and run anyway, and you know what that means? I am back! I have always run, rain or shine, but with the virus and the crud of the last year I lost that desire. I was so happy to be out running in the pouring rain. I felt awesome! It is like my body and soul are finding each other again, and making peace.

There was so much water out there though... I am really hoping the river areas are ok! We have had so much rain and snow this year, it has been nuts!
Zoie enjoyed the wet run too. It was a first for her, but she did great, and she seemed to love it. Goldendoodles are supposed to love the water, so far it seems legit. She is a really great running buddy. There are times during the day when she makes me bonkers; but when we go out running together, I feel very grateful for her all over again. 
 Such a wet and rainy day... but so good!
Our dog-trainer came for Zoie's last lesson. She was a great teacher. And Zoie did a really good job learning what she taught. It is funny because, let's face it, dog-training is only partly for the dog and mostly for the owner. I think I did a pretty good job learning new tricks too. I should get a treat. :) 
Sammi spent most of the day reading -- it was a reading kind of day -- and she has been sick with a cough. She could not take it anymore though, and in the evening she went out to play in the rain.
 And then all the kids, and friends, joined in the party.
There is nothing better than playing in the rain on a summer evening. 

 Trying to stay dry under a blanket.
 The kids were having so much fun.

 Jump for joy!
 It was a little cold.
Learning a new game. 
Ahhhh... summer days. They are the best! 



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